United Empire

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The United Empire of Landingberg-Schoninreich
Official language English, German, and Landish
Capital Reichdorf
Largest cities Asheriana, Gottenburg, Scheon, New Yekaterinburg
Forum http://s10.invisionfree.com/The_United_Empire (dead link)
Number of active citizens No
Date founded 2006
Government Federal Constitutional Monarchy
Current leader Kaiser Aleksander Wilhelm III
Currency Imperial Dautzen
Map versions 8.0.2 - ???
United Empire flag.png

The United Empire of Landingberg-Schoninreich, later known as The United Empire of Ländersreich, was the successor state to Landingberg. At its height, the United Empire composed of the lands of Northwest Apollonia that lay west of the River Camoleo, went south past Lake Lamantia towards the border with Shireroth but never extending to Lake Christoph, and northwards following the coastline with the Northern Sea and Floyd Island. Its western border was composed of a hundreds of mile long border with the Holzer Empire with which the United Empire shared many cultural similarities. The two countries were rivals, culminating in the War of the Broken Pottery, or as it was known in the United Empire "The Lando-Holzer War".



See also