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Faith of Inti

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A visual representation of The God Inti.

The Faith of Inti is a polytheistic religion practiced in the Wechua Nation. Many deities such as Inti, Pachamama, and Viracocha are known across all Wechuans, whole others are more localized.

Its followers are called the Intians. The Faith of Inti is led by the High Priest of the Sun, has total oversight and control over the large swathes of land the religious patrimony has in the Wechua Nation. For many years, the High Priest of the Sun served as the second in command in the entire country until the reforms of Manco Cápac.

Basic beliefs

Important beliefs

Important places



The Faith of Inti has many deities. The principal deity is Inti, known as the sun god. He is typically viewed as a boy from Wechua society and was also known as a golden disk with fire like rays coming and a face in the middle. The Faith of Inti believes the sun is a key element for agriculture by protecting and helping with the growth of crops. The Coricancha (The Golden Enclosure) in the city of Huichajanca is the holiest temple of the Faith and is dedicated to Inti.

Deities in the Faith of Inti occupy the Three Realms:

  • Hanan Pacha: the realm of the celestial Gods in the sky. The upper realm that included the sky, the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets, and the constellations. The hanan pacha was inhabited by both Inti, the masculine sun god, and Mama Killa, the feminine and moon goddess. The Illapa, the god of thunder and lightning, also existed in the hanan pacha realm. After Alexandrian missionary activity the hanan pacha was interpreted as akin to Heaven;
  • Ukhu Pacha: Ukhu pacha is associated with the dead as well as with new life. As the realm of new life, the realm is associated with harvesting and Pachamama, the fertility goddess. As the realm associated with the dead, ukhu pacha is inhabited by Supay and his group of demons which torments the living.
  • Hay Pacha, the outer Micran realm, the perceptible world where people, animals, and plants all inhabit, often impacted by the struggle between hanan pacha and ukhu pacha.

Meaning of pacha

Pacha means "world-moment" in Wechua, including a temporal context of meaning. Pachas overlap and interact in Wechuan cosmology presenting both a material order and a moral order.

Other deities

  • Viracocha: Seen as a human man of extremely dark skin, known as the creator of humanity and everything else on the planet of Micras. He taught early humans how to live and taught them kindness and love. After Viracocha taught early humans the "basics" of the world and how to live, he left Micras in the control of the lower Gods, climbed up Mount Lacara and jumped from the summit to the bottom steps of the entrance to the Heavenly Realms. Considered as Inti's eldest son.
  • Illapa: Illapa is the god of thunder and controls weather, rain, snow, and lightning. He was a valued God because Illapa controlled the weather and growth of the crops. Inti's youngest son.
  • Mamaquilla: Mamaquilla is the Goddess of the Night, the Mother Moon. She is usually seen as a silver disk with a face in the middle. She is Inti's wife and controls the passing of time. All the temples that worshiped Mamaquilla were worked on by priestesses.
  • Pachamama: Pachamama is the Earth Mother. She is seen as a god of fertility, agriculture, cooking, and domestic bliss.
  • Mamacocha: Mamachocha is the Mother of all Lakes, she is the God of all waters, rivers, and mists. Mamachocha is important because she is seen as keeping the world strong and providing sources of water for her people.
  • Urcuchillay: The God Protector of llamas and alpacas, the God of all Animals.
  • Mama Sara ("maize mother", a.k.a. Saramama): The Goddess of grain, youngest sister of Pachamama. She is associated with maize, potatoes, and grain, the staples of the Wechuan diet. She is also associated with willow trees.
  • Supay: God of death and ruler of the Ukhu Pacha as well as a race of demons.
  • Urcaguary was the god of metals, jewels, and other underground items of great value.
  • Huacas: Anything, including people, places, and objects, in the world that the faithful consider a supernatural spirit. Each region had a regional patron deity that they prayed to for luck, good health, and prosperity.

See also