Treaty of Victoria
The Treaty of Victoria, officially known as the Treaty of Friendship and Economic Cooperation Between the Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie and the Kingdom of Byalia is a treaty between the Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie and the Kingdom of Meckelnburgh.
The Treaty was the result of several rounds of diplomatic talks and negotiations as trade between both nations began to increase over the late 1690 ANs. The Treaty was signed by diplomatic delegations of both nations in the city of Victoria, Meckelnburgh on 10.XIII.1698 AN. The New Alexandrian delegation was led by Secretary of State Maximinus Kerularios, while the Meckelnburghish delegation was led by its Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dame Sietske van Wieren, Btss.
The Treaty is set to start its ratification process in both nations soon after signing. The second Cortes Federales in Nouvelle Alexandrie is set to take the ratification soon after the 1698 general elections have concluded.
Text of the Treaty
THE KINGDOM OF MECKELNBURGHThe Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie and the Kingdom of Meckelnburgh, desirous of emphasizing the friendly relations which have prevailed between their peoples, and manifesting their common desire to encourage mutually beneficial investments and closer economic relations, have resolved to conclude this TREATY OF FRIENDSHIP AND ECONOMIC COOPERATION: -
Article I
- There shall be constant peace and firm and lasting friendship between the Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie and the Kingdom of Meckelnburgh, hereafter referred individually as “the Contracting Party” and jointly as the “Contracting Parties”.
- There shall be established in the City of Cárdenas an embassy of the Kingdom of Meckelnburgh, afforded the protection to its grounds, ambassador and staff as are consistent with the norms of international law.
- There shall be established in the Royal City of Alexandretta an embassy of the Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie, afforded the protection to its grounds, ambassador and staff as are consistent with the norms of international law.
- Between the territories of the two Contracting Parties there shall be freedom of commerce and navigation, subject to their laws and customs.
Article II
- Nationals of either Contracting Party shall be permitted, subject to immigration laws and regulations, to enter the territories of the other Contracting Party and to reside therein for the purpose of engaging in industry, carrying on international trade, or pursuing studies, upon terms no less favorable than those accorded to nationals of any third country.
- Nationals of either High Contracting Party shall receive the most constant protection and security within the territories of the other High Contracting Party. When any such national is in custody, they shall in every respect receive reasonable and humane treatment; and, on their demand, the diplomatic or consular representative of their country shall be immediately notified and accorded full opportunity to safeguard their interests. They shall be promptly informed of the accusations against them, allowed ample facilities to defend themselves and given a prompt and impartial disposition of their case, in accord with modern standards of justice.
- Nationals of either High Contracting Party within the territories of the other High Contracting Party shall enjoy freedom of conscience and worship provided their religious practices are not contrary to public order, safety or morals, notwithstanding the laws of exclusion for any autonomous ecclesiastical territories.
- Nationals of either High Contracting Party within the territories of the other High Contracting Party shall have the right to communicate with other persons inside and outside such territories; and shall be accorded most-favored-nation treatment with respect to engaging in religious, philanthropic, educational and scientific activities. They shall also be permitted to engage in the practice of professions for which they are qualified.
- The present Treaty does not accord any rights of nationals of either High Contracting Party to engage in political activities or participate in electoral processes in the other.
Article III
- Each Contracting Party shall at all times accord fair and equitable treatment to nationals and companies of the other, and to their property and enterprises; shall refrain from applying unreasonable or discriminatory measures that would impair their legally acquired rights and interests; and shall assure that their lawful contractual rights are afforded effective means of enforcement, in conformity with the applicable laws.
- Companies constituted under the applicable laws and regulations of either Contracting Party shall have their juridical status recognized within the territories of the other. As used in the present Treaty, "companies" means corporations, partnerships, companies and other associations, whether or not with limited liability and whether or not for pecuniary profit.
- Nationals and companies of either Contracting Party shall have free access to the courts of justice and administrative agencies within the territories of the other, in all degrees of jurisdiction, both in defense and pursuit of their rights, to the end that prompt and impartial justice be done.
- Neither Contracting Party shall be obligated:
- to accord the advantages of the succeeding Articles of the present Treaty to any company the ownership or direction of which nationals of third countries have directly or indirectly a controlling interest;
- to permit religious philanthropic and cultural organizations to engage in commercial or other activities for profit.
- Nationals and companies of each Contracting Party shall enjoy reasonable opportunities for the investment of capital, and for the establishment of appropriate commercial, industrial and other enterprises within the territories of the other. Neither Contracting Party shall unreasonably impede nationals and companies of the other from obtaining on equitable terms the capital, skills, modern techniques and equipment needed for economic development and expansion.
- Each Contracting Party shall accord to products of the other, from whatever place and by whatever type of carrier arriving, and to products destined for exportation to the territories of such other, by whatever route and by whatever type of carrier treatment no less favorable than that accorded like products of or destined for exportation to any third country, in all matters relating to:
- duties, other charges, regulations and formalities, on or in connection with importation and exportation; and
- internal taxation, sale distribution, storage and use.
Article IV
- The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratification thereof shall be exchanged at the Royal City of Alexandretta as soon as possible.
- The present Treaty shall enter into force after the exchange of ratifications. It shall remain in force until terminated as provided in this Treaty.
- Either Contracting Party may by giving public written notice to the other Contracting Party, terminate the present Treaty at any time.
In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty and have affixed hereunto their signatures: - FEDERATION OF NOUVELLE ALEXANDRIE
Maximinus Kerularios
Secretary of State of Nouvelle Alexandrie
Dame Sietske van Wieren, Btss.
Minister for Foreign Affairs