Elw language/OOC considerations
Because I'm too lazy to actually create a conlang, we're using Greenlandic for Elw, but with regular sound changes (see below), and added loanwords from various languages that are adapted to the phonology and orthography of Elw (see main article).
Adapting Greenlandic to Elw
We're using the following text to show you the example of processing a text from Greenlandic to Elw:
- Inuit tamarmik inunngorput nammineersinnaassuseqarlutik assigiimmillu ataqqinassuseqarlutillu pisinnaatitaaffeqarlutik. Silaqassusermik tarnillu nalunngissusianik pilersugaapput, imminnullu iliorfigeqatigiittariaqaraluarput qatanngutigiittut peqatigiinnerup anersaavani.
- "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."
Step 1: e/o > i/u
In step 1, adapt the Greenlandic orthography to an etymological orthography. Modern Greenlandic uses e/ee and o/oo as allophones of i and u before guttural consonsants (q, r).
As such, we begin simply by changing all e to i, and all o to u.
- Inuit tamarmik inunngurput namminiirsinnaassusiqarlutik assigiimmillu ataqqinassusiqarlutillu pisinnaatitaaffiqarlutik. Silaqassusirmik tarnillu nalunngissusianik pilirsugaapput, imminnullu iliurfigiqatigiittariaqaraluarput qatanngutigiittut piqatigiinnirup anirsaavani.
Step 2: Deal with the suffixes
In step 2, we deal with the suffixes by beginning to adapt them to the Elw language. Begin with the longer suffixes, and end the adaption with the shorter ones.
Greenlandic | Elw |
unga | on |
utit | u |
oq | or |
ugut | uruh |
usi | us |
ut | uh |
aq | ar |
p | h |
mik | meq |
nik | neq |
mut | muh |
mit | myh |
mi | ym |
kkut | kuh |
tut | duh |
tigut | dyruh |
ni | yn |
nit | nyh |
nut | nuh |
p | h |
t | h |
k | q |
q | r |
Our text now looks like this