Imperial Decrees (Shireroth)/Of Much Mercy

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A Decree from Her Imperial Magnificence

Salome, through the intercessions of Divine Providence, Kaiseress of Shireroth,

Queen of Ransenar, Rani of Tas Neemia, Emira of Sathrati, Sardar of Talenore, Princess of Hurmu, Princess among the Lakes, Duchess of Brookshire, Duchess of Chestnut, Duchess of New Aquitane, Marchioness of Zy-Rodun, Khanum of Caer Lum'ruush, Countess of Upper Macon, Countess of Andiopolis, Countess of Dracoheim, Countess of Istvan, Baroness of Port Mills, Lady of Zauberförde/Senkyōwan, Lady in Jorvik, Progeny of the Once-Living God, Scion of the King of Kings, Thane of the Shirelands, Keeper of the Apollo Legacy, Grand Master of the Orders of the Dragon, of Griffin, of Phoenix, and of Chimera, Sovereign of the Golden Mango Throne, Lord Mayor of the City of Vladagrad,

announcing for the sake of all Shireroth that,

The Isenbury Circle has been made amenable to the rule of the Golden Mango Throne once more. The Lieutenant to the Golden Mango Throne for the Isenbury Circle has successfully established himself there, and shall bring Her Imperial Magnificence's Peace to the land. Rebellious elements no longer hold dominion here, for many have rededicated their loyalty to Us and many have received just reward for their refusal to accept Our mercy.

We praise the tenacity of the Ŝḥenĉeł'yhe, whose service to the Golden Mango Throne has been a key component to the restoration of Imperial authority in the Isenbury Circle, and whose fighting techniques and spirited lifestyle shall remain dear and important to Us.

And thus, with all these considerations in mind, for the rewarding of good service and for the eradication of those rebellious elements still at large...

The Following grants are made:

  1. The Ŝḥenĉeł'yhe shall have jurisdiction within all circles of the Duchy of Brookshire to find and quell any person or groups who continue to refuse the mercy of the Golden Mango Throne and maintain their rebellious nature.
  2. Any such Ŝḥenĉeł'y who has won prestige by capturing rebellious persons shall deliver them to the Lieutenant of the Golden Mango Throne for the circle they are in, so that said persons may receive Our justice.
  3. Said Ŝḥenĉeł'y shall, upon the confirmation by the law courts of the rebellious nature of said persons, receive said persons as property, or shall receive other compensation of commensurate value, for the glorification of their loyal work and the material benefit of their clan.
  4. The Lieutenants for the Golden Mango Throne are tasked with identifying abandoned agricultural land for loyal Laq clans to establish themselves. Land use grants shall be issued by Us in Our capacity as the Duchess of Brookshire, with each grant given for a duration of one year.

Given at Isenbury on the Tenth day of the Thirteenth month of the Year of Our Norton Sixteen-Hundred Eighty-One,

KaiserSeal Printed.png