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* The Saduc announced that [[Jarfejs Heximmatov|Sasos]] and twenty of their number, along with innumerable others in Bagegeniśort, had been claimed by the sudden appearance of the Red Death.
*For the first time, the meeting was called away from the site of the Dolmen as Bagegeniśort had been attacked by an unknown weapon of great power and lethality.
*The Saduc announced that [[Jarfejs Heximmatov|Sasos]] and twenty of their number, along with innumerable others in Bagegeniśort, had been claimed by the sudden appearance of the Red Death.
! Discussion
! Discussion

Latest revision as of 21:44, 1 November 2018

An abridged record of the discussions and decisions of the Dolmen of the Republic of Inner Benecia. The Dolmen regularly meets after the new moon, but may be summoned by the Saduc in times of emergency.

3rd month of Elior Ben Oni

Regular Meeting, third day after the sighting of the new Crescent
  • The Saduc announces that the mission to the Shirerithian border was successful, that the shipment of concrete will be arriving in Bagegeniśort by tomorrow, and that this one will include instructions on how to mix it.
  • Delegate from Товарищество Mолота stood to propose sending an envoy to Kalgachia to settle and secure the border.
  • Delegate from Palmati stood to agree. The delegate then recounted a story about a Tee-al the Kalgachi killed that was "this big". The delegate then held his hands up with a space of three cubits between them.
  • A vote on whether the Delegate from Palmati should sit if he knows what's coming to him passed.
  • Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood to declare that he would sooner cut his own hands off than vote for such a measure, and that his heart will not be at peace with the heathens on their mountain.
  • Delegate from Luinali rose to ask for a demonstration on how to cut one's own hands.
  • Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood firm and proposed throwing a spear over the border into Kalgachia so that the mountain heathens would know to tread carefully upon their land.
  • Sasos Elior stood.
  • A vote on the envoy to Kalgachia to settle the border passed.
  • A vote on throwing a spear into Kalgachia passed.
  • Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood to issue curses.
  • A vote on whether the Delegate from קוסט וואַך should refrain from issuing curses failed.
  • Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood to propose that funds be issued to extend the road from Bagegeniśort to Laviche.
  • Delegate from Teźśecaq°yhe rose to ask whether the extension would be pounded dirt or gravel, like the stretch of road from Bagegeniśort to Myieq°epe.
  • Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood firm and indicated that gravel was preferred.
  • Sasos Elior stood.
  • A vote on funds to extend the road to Laviche with a gravel surface failed.
  • Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood to propose a dirt road and to widen the existing part of the road.
  • Sasos Elior stood.
  • A vote on funds to extend the road to Laviche with pounded dirt and widen the existing portion failed.
  • Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood to propose extending the road by a portion.
  • Delegate from Teźśecaq°yhe rose to ask for five parasangs.
  • Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood firm and indicated a preference for 10 parasangs.
  • Delegate from Teźśecaq°yhe rose to ask for seven parasangs.
  • Sasos Elior stood.
  • A vote on funds to extend the road to Laviche with pounded dirt by seven parasangs passed.
  • Sasos Elior stood and asked for more matters for the Dolmen.
  • A vote to close the session and eat passed.
  • An envoy shall be sent to Kalgachia to negotiate a border agreement.
  • An envoy shall be sent to the Kalgachi border to throw a spear.
  • Funds shall be issued to extend the Laviche Road with pounded dirt by seven parasangs.

Special Meeting, the day after the waning quarter
  • The Saduc asks the Envoy of Peace to relate the words from Kalgachia.
  • The Saduc asks the retinue of the Envoy of Grief to bring forth the body of the Envoy of Grief.
  • The Saduc demands that only those dressed in white speak, due to the presence of the unburied dead.
  • Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood to issue curses.
  • Another Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood to issue curses.
  • The remainder of the delegation from קוסט וואַך stood to issue curses.

  • Delegate from Łe 'em Yśehe stood to present a head, identified as a spy.
  • Delegate from Ś°ecehe Yśehe rose to ask for the tale.
  • Another Delegate from Łe 'em Yśehe stood to recount the tale.
  • Delegate from Товарищество Mолота stood to offer his body's water to the dogs from the mountain.

  • Delegate from Łe 'em Yśehe stands again to offer to Sasos Elior sheets of dried wood pulp that the spy attempted to spread among the Ł'aġećyg° Clan.
  • Sasos Elior received the sheets and read out the words.
  • Delegate from Ś°ecehe Yśehe stood to tell the Dolmen to take heed.
  • Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood to issue more curses.

  • The Saduc stood.
  • The Saduc spoke of the Envoy of Grief. The Saduc spoke of the Envoy of Peace.
  • The Saduc sat.

  • Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood to propose that Yakhleel ben Yael, son of the Envoy of Grief, speak.
  • Sasos Elior stood.
  • A vote to allow the son of the Envoy of Grief to speak passed.

  • Yakhleel ben Yael entered the Dolmen.
  • Yakhleel ben Yael declared his intention to go to the border and throw a spear for the grief in his heart for his father.
  • Yakhleel ben Yael exited the Dolmen.

  • Delegate from Sorvolesi stood to propose that Yakhleel ben Yael's grief remain unspoken, due to the fear the Kalgachi have towards their grief.
  • Delegate from Łe 'em Yśehe stood to issue curses.
  • Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood to issue curses.

  • Sasos Elior stood.
  • A vote to prevent Yakhleel ben Yael from travelling to the Kalgachi border to throw a spear failed.
  • Sasos Elior stood and asked for proposals.
  • Delegate from Teźśecaq°yhe stood to propose where the Kalgachi ought be sent to.
  • Sasos Elior stood.
  • A vote to tell the Kalgachi whence they ought be sent passed.

  • The Saduc stood.
  • The Saduc spoke and Sasos Elior wrote.
  • The Saduc sat.

  • A vote on the content of the message to the Kalgachi passed.
  • Delegate from Teźśecaq°yhe stood to propose that Yakhleel ben Yael be named Envoy of Grief.
  • Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood to agree.

  • Sasos Elior stood.
  • Yakhleel ben Yael entered the Dolmen.
  • The Saduc stood.
  • The Saduc spoke instructions to Yakhleel ben Yael.
  • The Saduc sat.
  • Yakhleel ben Yael spoke his grief and agreed to the instructions.
  • A vote on naming Yakhleel ben Yael as Envoy of Grief passed.
  • The Envoy of Grief named his retinue.

  • Sasos Elior stood.
  • A vote to close the session and offer frankincense to The Name for Yael ben Gershon passed.
  • An envoy shall be sent to Kalgachia with the following:
    • the body of Yael ben Gershon
    • a message from the Dolmen:
אײַער באַרג האט געהרגעט אַ מענטש וואס איז גערופן צו רעדן טרויער

אײַער באַרג האט געחוזקט אַ מענטש וואס איז גערופן צו רעדן שלום

שאָד אויף אײַער באַרג

אויב אונדזער שפּיז

וואָרן מיט אַ האַרץ שווער אין טרויער און צאָרעס

איז אַ סאַקאָנע צו אײַך

דענצמאָל אײַער באַרג איז שוואַך

מיר זענען צופרידן אַז מיר סטייד אַוועק פון דיין שוואַך באַרג

אײַער שוואַך באַרג וואָלט אויך וויקאַנד אונדז

אַ ערלעך וועט מענטש באַגראָבט זיין שונאים

דאָ איז דער גוף

ווייַזן אַז אײַער באַרג איז נישט שוואַך

קומט און באַגראָבן אונדזער גוף פון ברודער מיט אונדז


4th month of Elior Ben Oni

Regular Meeting, second day after the sighting of the new Crescent
  • The Saduc announces that the Envoy of Grief's mission was a success, that an Envoy from Kalgachia has accompanied the Envoy of Grief and the body of Yael ben Gershon back to Bagegeniśort.
  • The Saduc asks the retinue of the Envoy of Grief to bring forth the body of Yael ben Gershon.
  • The Saduc demands that only those dressed in white speak, due to the presence of the unburied dead.
  • The Saduc asks for a vote to allow the Envoy from Kalgachia to enter the Dolmen.
  • Sasos Elior stood.
  • A vote to allow the Envoy from Kalgachia to speak passed.

  • Zakhar Slapagai, Envoy from Kalgachia, entered the Dolmen.
  • Envoy from Kalgachia reads the words of the Kalgachi Lords.

  • Delegate from Labeśx°e rose to ask the Envoy from Kalgachia why the Mountain sends whirlybirds and spies into these lands and skies when it is so fearful of its own lands being crossed into.
  • Envoy from Kalgachia stood firm and explained its actions as being a response.
  • Delegate from Sorvolesi rose to ask if the Mountain intends to continue making use of this air when it is not 'a response'.
  • Envoy from Kalgachia stood firm and explained that his masters will take necessary actions in response.
  • Delegate from Palmati rose to ask if the Mountain will assist these clans in preventing other groups from seizing these lands and using this air.
  • Envoy from Kalgachia stood firm and explained that he would need to speak with his masters on what the Mountain is willing to commit.
  • Envoy from Kalgachia left the Dolmen.

  • Delegate from Ś°ecehe Yśehe rose to declare that Envoy from Kalgachia is not fearful nor weak.
  • Delegate from Teźśecaq°yhe rose to ask whether his masters are weak, for they do not speak with respect, that they speak like an owner to a slave.
  • Another Delegate from Teźśecaq°yhe rose to declare that the Mountain do not own these clans and that these clans will not be slaves.
  • Delegate from Palmati rose to ask whether the people of the Mountain may be helpful.
  • Delegate from קוסט וואַך rose to declare that the people of the Mountain are unreliable.

  • Delegate from Ł'aġećyg°q°ehe stood to propose that the bodies of spies be given to Envoy from Kalgachia so that grief may be buried.
  • Sasos Elior stood.
  • A vote to give ownership of the bodies of spies to Envoy from Kalgachia passed.

  • Delegate from Ł'aġećyg°q°ehe stood again to propose that K°yrg°e Gyreim Ł'aġećyg°q°ehemće be sent to assist in the burying of grief.
  • Sasos Elior stood.
  • A vote to send K°yrg°e Gyreim Ł'aġećyg°q°ehemće with the bodies of spies passed.

  • Delegate from Teuycož stood to propose that Śnah Nat'h°adźem Teuycožemće be sent to assist in the burying of grief.
  • Sasos Elior stood.
  • A vote to send Śnah Nat'h°adźem Teuycožemće with the bodies of spies passed.

  • Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood to propose that the session end so that grief may be buried.
  • Sasos Elior stood.
  • A vote to end the session and to bury the body of Yael ben Gershon within the Dolmen passed.
  • Yael ben Gershon buried added to the heroes entombed within the Dolmen.
Witnessed by:
Saduc Pśymyde Tyiim Teźśecaq°yhemće
Sasos Elior ben Oni
Yakhleel ben Yael, son
Envoy from Kalgachia Zakhar Slapagai
  • Feast held in town, in which the family and friends of Yael ben Gershon shared tales.
  • Envoy from Kalgachia given ownership of bodies of spies.
  • K°yrg°e Gyreim Ł'aġećyg°q°ehemće and Śnah Nat'h°adźem Teuycožemće sent to accompany bodies of spies and assist in their burial in Kalgachia.

10th month of Elior Ben Oni

Regular Meeting, fifth day after the sighting of the new Crescent
  • The Saduc congratulates Hawl ben Oron Tzori and Nysyn Dźedypem Ḥek°yrynemće on the marriage of their son and daughter and hopes to the Name that they and fruitful and produce many masculine children.
  • The Saduc announces that the supply of concrete has run out and that further improvements to Bageginśort will have to wait, or, if they resort to returning to wattle and daub, that the clans will need to each supply an appropriate amount of dung and straw.
  • Delegate from Ḥek°yryne rose to ask when Ś°ecehe Yśehe will be distributing the weapons it had promised four months ago to Łe 'em Yśehe in exchange for membership into the Dolmen.
  • Delegate from Teźśecaq°yhe rose to state that the Teźśecaq°yhe clan had also not received the weapons.
  • Delegate from Товарищество Mолота rose to state that their fellowship has also failed to receive weapons in the agreed amount.

  • Delegate from Ś°ecehe Yśehe stood to accuse the questioning delegates of lying and whether the Łe 'em Yśehe intends to share the ammunition and supplies they obtained during their last raid across the imperial frontier.
  • Delegate from צורימ rose to state that the factions west of Begeginśort have already received their portions.
  • Delegate from K°ešḥeble rose to state that the Ś°ecehe Yśehe could supply them with additional pack animals if they are so eager.

  • Delegate from Sorvolesi rose to state that the Bandiere Onorate had received the promised weapons.
  • Delegate from Palmati rose to ask the Delegate from Sorvolesi to confirm, since not all factions of the Bandiere Onorate have received them.

  • The Saduc stood.
  • The Saduc told the delegates from Ś°ecehe Yśehe that there is too much consensus among the Dolmen for denial, that the agreement to membership upon which they swore oaths had required them to share their cache of recovered after the lifting of the Imperium's siege of Bagegeniśort, that their continued membership hinged on fulfilling their oaths, and that they should refrain from accusations of dishonour if they do not wish for the accused to respond in the honourable way.
  • The Saduc sat.

  • Delegate from צורימ rose to ask whether the reported cache of recovered weapons had been "overestimated" when the Ś°ecehe Yśehe appealed to the Dolmen for membership.
  • Delegate from Ś°ecehe Yśehe issued curses.
  • Another Delegate from Ś°ecehe Yśehe stood to say that they did not lie about the size of the cache and that not all factions have declared themselves unsatisfied by their gifts from Ś°ecehe Yśehe.

  • Delegate from קוסט וואַך rose to propose that the Defense League deploy fighting men to the leaders of Ś°ecehe Yśehe to inspect their remaining cache and see if its size fits what it should be if they had indeed distributed their share, and that the deploying group be the Mishalanskis' rifle corpus.

  • Sasos Elior stood.
  • Vote for the Defense League to deploy fighting men to Ś°ecehe Yśehe to confirm whether or not they have distributed the agreed shares of recovered weapons passed.
  • Vote for the rifle corpus to be the fighting force that is sent passed.

  • Delegate from Labeśx°e stood to propose that the members of the Dolmen take over the exchange of harvested Ŝ°aieśh°ebz with the Imperium so that the imperials can no longer obtain the material from whoever exchanges it for the least and so that all would benefit from the fruits.
  • Delegate from Teuycože rose to agree with the proposition and added that the imperials will dishonourably withdraw from an exchange agreement when they find someone whose price is cheaper, or from the unaffiliated clans.
  • Delegate from Luinali rose to ask whether the wealth is to be distributed according to Dolmen membership or according to who put the labor into stripping and rendering the beasts.
  • Delegate from Labeśx°e stood firm and replied that it would be according to which clans supplied how much and that affiliated clans be punished if they are found to have made separate agreements with the Imperium.

  • Sasos Elior stood.
  • Vote for clans to deliver all beastly material intended for sale with the Imperium to the Dolmen, for the Dolmen act as one when negotiating exchange prices, and for the Dolmen to distribute the negotiated wealth back according to the distribution of material delivered, and for the punishment of those clans that make separate sales passed.

  • A vote to close the session and eat passed.
  • The 4th Rifle Corps of the Defense League shall send riflemen to the leaders of the Black Brothers to confirm that they have shared the correct portion of weapons in accordance with their agreement to join the Dolmen.
  • The Dolmen shall control sales of Tee-al products to other countries in order to improve the clans' bargaining power, and to distribute the wealth back in proportion to which clans provided how much for sale.
  • Prescribed punishments to whoever attempts to make separate sales of Tee-al products.

11th month of Elior Ben Oni

Special Meeting, five days after the waning quarter
  • The Saduc announces that the special meeting has been called by the Delegates from the Bandiere Onorate.
  • Delegate from Sorvolesi stood to tell the tale of brave men who had travelled behind the curtain of the Imperium to visit the Mamblini to increase the number of men of the Bandiere Onorate in the city. Brave men who honorably contracted killings and conveyed cargo in service of the people of the city. Brave men who were ambushed by dishonorable men while they completed a contract, dishonorable men of the local Mildura Clan. The Mildura Clan, who is threatened by the strong work and reliability of the Bandiere Onorate among the people of the city to perform their necessary deeds.
  • Delegate from Palmati rose to call upon the Dolmen for material and fighting support in the Mamblini Venture.
  • A second delegate from Palmati rose to warn the Dolmen that the Mildura Clan wishes to close the Mamblini Venture and cut the Republic of Inner Benacia from a necessary and lucrative pathway for funds and supplies.
  • Delegate from Luinali rose to warn the Dolmen that the Mildura Clan wishes to profit off of these clans and control them through leverage.

  • Delegate from Teuycože rose to ask that the Bandiere Onorate elaborate on the materials and fighters that they need in order to secure the Mamblini Venture.
  • Delegate from Sorvolesi stood firm and asked the Dolmen for fighting men trained and equipped for close combat, like those fights among the Eastern Tent City alliance, like those fights with the Imperium in the ruined cities, for fighting men skilled in subterfuge and the bending of wills, and for women of lethal skill.

  • Sasos Elior stood.
  • A vote for these clans to provide their best concealed movement fighters, their best in clandestine works, and their best lethal women passed.

  • Delegate from Palmati rose to thank the Dolmen and indicated that the next Mamblini convoy across the curtain of the Imperium will be held on the day after the new moon and will need the clans' fighters to report to the Laviche so that they can craft papers for everyone.

  • A vote to close the session and offer incense to the Name for the honorable dead.
  • The clans shall send picked fighters to join the next convoy across the border to Mamehblinij so that the Mamblini Venture can force the Mildura Clan to submit.

13th month of Heid ben M'rori

Special Meeting, nine days before the waning quarter
  • The Saduc announces that the special meeting has been called by the Jarfejs Heximmatov of the Labeśx°e clan.
  • Marshal Heximmatov stood to explain that death from the skies had followed the ritual of throwing the spear against the KDF for their violations of the common frontier. Four encampments had been struck and many had perished in consequence.
  • The delegate from the Ḥek°yryne rose to observe that the Batavians have a new steel beast that soars high in the skies unlike those possessed by the Kalgachi whom any worthy man may shoot at for sport.
  • Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood to issue curses against the Batavians.
  • Sasos Heid stood.
  • Marshal Heximmatov explained the Batavians had crossed the frontier unprovoked, that the spear-throwing in retaliation had been accompanied by projectiles loosed by the Ś°ecehe Yśehe, and that any weakness shown against the Batavian invaders would be an encouragement to those clans who reject the Pact made before the Dolman.
  • Delegate from Ś°ecehe Yśehe stood to issue curses against the Batavians.
  • Sasos Heid invited the Saduc to stand.

1st Month of the Anarchy

Special Meeting, one day after the Red Death appeared in Bagegeniśort
  • For the first time, the meeting was called away from the site of the Dolmen as Bagegeniśort had been attacked by an unknown weapon of great power and lethality.
  • The Saduc announced that Sasos and twenty of their number, along with innumerable others in Bagegeniśort, had been claimed by the sudden appearance of the Red Death.
  • Delegate from Ś°ecehe Yśehe stood to issue curses against the Imperium.
  • The Saduc invited those present to debate whether it was appropriate to elect a new Sasos and formulate a plan for resistance.
  • Delegate from Ś°ecehe Yśehe stood to declare that it was improper to conduct business away from the Dolmen.
  • The Saduc stood to remind those present that the Dolmen was now a place of death.
  • Delegates stood and made ready to depart to places of greater safety.
  • The Saduc declared the meeting adjourned.
  • No business to be transacted unless before the Dolmen.
  • The Dolmen is not to be approached until it is cleansed of the Red Death.