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# That all persons shall have the right to basic sustenance.
# That all persons shall have the right to basic sustenance.
# That all persons shall have the right to form an independent union of workers.
# That all persons shall have the right to form an independent union of workers.
# That all workers shall have the right to collectively bargain.
# That all workers shall have the right to collectively bargain.''
Power Corrupts,  
'''''Power Corrupts,
Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely,  
Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely,  
Signed July 17th, 1998   
Signed July 17th, 1998   
Founding Day.''
Founding Day.
Original UPEC Website:  
Original UPEC Website:  

Revision as of 04:29, 17 September 2010

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Map of the United Provinces of East Cyberia

United Provinces of East Cyberia


U.P.E.C., the United Provinces of East Cyberia, the first of many alternate Cyberias, was founded as a result of the First War of Cyberian Liberation. Lead by Michael Rosario, the leftist governor of Menet Province, U.P.E.C. evolved from an alter-ego of the Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia into the United Radical Communities and later into the discussion group Eudaimonia.

The stresses on the Commonwealth and the different philosophies espoused by its large membership were not ended by the departure of U.P.E.C. and of Rosario's faction.

The illustrious Mike Phyle attempted to revive U.P.E.C. in 2002. (The author believes this map to be Mr. Phyle's revision of an original by Mr. Rosario.)

The Constitution of U.P.E.C. may be seen here:

http://upec0.tripod.com/constitution.htm (Now a dead link)

and here: UPEC Constitution

Original Website

The following history is taken from the original UPEC website:

On July 17th, 1998, political prisoners from the Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia (West Cyberia) fled Lasteria Penitentiary, where they were put by the Cyberian Government for several charges, all politically motivated, and for insulting the Chief Justice. The jury in that case was forced to come to a guilty verdict on the most severe charges, despite its protests, by that same Chief Justice. There was no right to appeal. This was the culmination of months of fighting with Peter Hickey, the most influential man in the nation, with contacts in the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of the nation, and control of the Executive and Judicial Branches, as well as the passwords to all of the forums of the nation and the password to its website as of August 8th, 1998. The prisoners fled their homeland and birthplace at night, along with, and with the help of, several hundred thousand dissidents, they landed here. Only months later after the purging of representatives of the Communist Workers Party of Cyberia, anti-Government news papers were censored and banned, and Windsor Islands threatened with annexation by an ultra Conservative province. During protests against the Government the Governors of Mala and Windsor were purged, sparking an all out revolt. These refugees founded a nation with the sole desire for a place where they could live peacefully with free speech and liberty.

Welcome to the People's Democratic Republic of the United Provinces of East Cyberia. This is a Democratic Communist nation built on the ideals of freedom, fairness, Democracy and equality in both social and economical arenas. Our economy is run by its workers, our nation by its citizens. If you believe in these tenets join up and participate in this great micronation! We are a Communist Democracy, made up of three Branches of Government --Executive, Legislative, and Judicial-- and 5 Provinces. For more information on what a micronation is, go to MicroWorld. For more information on the UPEC, explore the links to the left (sic.). This nation was founded on the following in-alienable rights:

  1. That no person shall be denied the right to freedom of expression.
  2. That no person shall be denied the right to peacefully assemble.
  3. That no person shall be denied the right to peacefully protest.
  4. That no person shall be denied the right to freedom of thought.
  5. That no person shall be forced to incriminate themself.
  6. That no person shall be convicted by a jury based on the direction of a Judge.
  7. That all accused people shall have the right to a trial by a jury of fellow citizens.
  8. That all persons shall be guaranteed due process of law in all criminal and administrative procedures.
  9. That excessive bail and fines shall not be imposed.
  10. That there shall be an absolute prohibition on cruel and unusual punishments.
  11. That all accused people shall have the right to legal counseling.
  12. That all convicted people shall have the right to appeal their conviction.
  13. That all people be treated equally regardless of race, national origin, religion or lack thereof, gender, sexual orientation, disability or handicap, age, economic status, previous condition of servitude or any other irrelevant circumstance of the life of that person.
  14. That the Official Website of this nation is the property of no one person or group, but all of the citizens of this nation.
  15. That all Public Property, is the property of no one person or group, but all of the citizens of this nation.
  16. That our Foreign Policy shall always be one of friendship, openness, and defense, never aggression

  1. That all people shall have the right to vote, and to self determination through an elected Government.
  2. That all people shall have the right to abstain from voting without reprecussion.
  3. That all people shall be free from search and seizure without a warrant issued first by a neutral and disinterested Judge in cases of suspected danger.
  4. That all people shall be considered innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
  5. That the representatives of the people shall never be purged nor impeached without due process of the law.
  6. That all people in this nation shall have the rights outlined in the Constitution, no one person shall have more or less than another.
  7. That a citizen of this nation shall always remain a citizen unless they voluntarily renounce their citizenship, and no person or group public or private shall be able to restrict or revoke their citizenship.
  8. That all persons shall have a right to basic nutrients necessary for life.
  9. That all persons shall have a right to a clean and free supply of water.
  10. That all persons shall have the right to safe and standard shelter.
  11. That all persons shall have the right to a job based on the ability of that person.
  12. That all persons shall have the right to basic sustenance.
  13. That all persons shall have the right to form an independent union of workers.
  14. That all workers shall have the right to collectively bargain.

Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely, Signed July 17th, 1998 Founding Day.

Original UPEC Website: http://web.archive.org/web/19990219171712/http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/9037/

The Flag of the United Provinces of East Cyberia