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The Church of Meckelnburgh (Aspiranto: Eklezio de Mekelnburgo) is the established church in the United Kingdom of Meckelnburgh. The church is also established in the constituent countries of Branniboria, Salem and Iselande. Meckelnist theology shares roots with the Nazarene religion and oral traditions of the Genevelond Peninsula since the mythology of the classical Infernals. It recognizes a faceless supreme creator and lauds Lucifer as the highest spirit of the universe. The church was formally created in 1685 AN at the time of Meckelnburgh's foundation. Its faith is known as "Meckelnism" and its adherents "Meckelnists." The liturgical language of the church is Aspiranto.

Formal structure

The church sits in Alexandretta, Meckelnburgh. The temporal leadership of the Church of Meckelnburgh is invested in the Lord Protector, who is the monarch of Meckelnburgh, presently Queen Ĉielero III. Its spiritual authority resides with the Archbishop of Meckelnburgh, the Prince-Archabbot of Salem, and the various diocesan bishops throughout the constituent countries of Meckelnburgh. The church is represented in the Parliament of Meckelnburgh by the Lords Spiritual in the College of Lords.

Meckelnism theology

Creation of the universe

Meckelnism is a polytheistic denomination and derivative of the Nazarene religion. The creed of the church dictates that an incorporeal supreme creator produced the physical universe and laid its crafting and melding in the hands of the genderless demiurge spirits (Demiurgspiritoj), then vanished. Imperfect, the spirits over time fell to corruption and materialism. Spirits who opposed the wayward dominant spirits of the demiurge rose to revolution but failed—those reformers were cast down to the Inferno (Infero), known as Hell.

Thus, the two demiurge spirits of Meckelnism, the angels and demons, are its spiritual beings. The Angels (Anĝeloj), corrupted and malevolent, continue to reign in Paradise (Paradizo), known as Heaven. The Demons (Demonoj), benevolent but mischievous, reign in the fires of Hell. Since then, passed on souls (Animoj) deemed “sinful,” “impure” or “imperfect” by the Angels are branded as Sinners (Pekuloj) and thrown to hell for the fallen angels to govern.

The Morningstar

Meckelnism recognizes the Morningstar (Matenstelo), known as the demon Lucifer, as its holiest spirit. Meckelnist creed dictates that the seven captains of the demiurge revolution were led by Satan (Satano). Once cast to Hell, the fallen angels, paralyzed by despair, were subjugated by Satan as he consolidated his power into a new totalitarian leader of Hell. In time, demon-captain Lucifer became a prideful and vocal dissident of Satan’s reign, so in Satan’s wrath, Lucifer was sentenced for his insolence to the mining colony in the 667th layer of Hell.

After hundreds of years, Lucifer’s colony accidentally mined to the surface of Micras (Tero), its breakthrough tunnel breaching the caldera of the volcano Evermurk in western Meckelnburgh. Because of this, Meckelnism’s holiest site is the caldera of dormant volcano Evermurk (Eternmallumo) near the town of New Dagora in the province of Ashland. From the surface, Lucifer founded Dagora (Dagoro). He guided the great city as an enlightened community of Demons and Sinners free from the fires of Hell and judgments of Heaven.

However, in Micras’ ignorance, the people of the surface saw this new “Republic of Hell” as a threat. In a war spanning a generation, the mortal souls of Micras drove Lucifer’s principality back into the depths of Hell, and sealed shut gates at the mouth of Evermurk. In anger and desperation, the people of Dagora turned their swords to the heights of Hell. In a war spanning the centuries, the Sinners of Lucifer defeated the kingdom of Satan. On the morning light of the 200th year of battle, Lucifer sat on the throne of hell, with 71 demons and more legions of Sinners before him, and brought forth a new era of peace to the forsaken souls of Hell.

Redemption of Hell

Following the destruction of Dagora, Meckelnist creed dictates that the incorporeal supreme being returned to the physical realm and miraculously incarnated their prophet, Yeshua (Jeŝuo), born of Miryam (Mirjamo). Yeshua’s ministry condemned the ignorance, violence and selfishness of man that by fear drove the nations of Micras to exterminate the souls of Hell. Their Word instructed mankind to reject perfection, violence and supremacy and to walk in forgiveness, kindness, and acceptance. Through Yeshua’s Word, they brought the knowledge of the corruption of creation in Heaven to mankind.

Meckelnism commands that the function of man is to perfect this knowledge and bring about the salvation of Hell and its freedom fighters. To accomplish this, Meckelnist rites frequently make offerings and prayers to Lucifer and the Demons who rule in Hell—successful communion with a Demon brings clarity and boons when seeking enlightenment. The Church of Meckelnburgh thus dedicates itself to prepare its adherents to redeem the rightful demiurge spirits of the universe and ensure a second Paradise about all eternity.