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(Created page with "Slobovish is the language of the Slobovians. == Dictionary == Phonetics: <br> The vowels are primarily German in pronounciation, with three that need special notice: <br> æ- like a in cat, when long extend the sound. <br> ø- Say a German short e with your lips rounded for u when short, a long e with the lips rounded for u when long. <br> y- Say a German short i with your lips rounded for u for the short, a long i with the lips rounded for u when long. <br> Vowels are...")
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Slobovish is the language of the Slobovians.
Slobovish is the language of the Slobovians.

== Dictionary ==
== Dictionary ==

Revision as of 22:06, 12 April 2023

Slobovish is the language of the Slobovians.


The vowels are primarily German in pronounciation, with three that need special notice:
æ- like a in cat, when long extend the sound.
ø- Say a German short e with your lips rounded for u when short, a long e with the lips rounded for u when long.
y- Say a German short i with your lips rounded for u for the short, a long i with the lips rounded for u when long.
Vowels are typically made long by being followed by a single consonant or a silent h, which makes them long.
ou- Like oo in cool.
au- Like ou in cloud.
ie- like ee in green.
ei- like ay in way
ai- like i in high.
eu- like oy in boy
Consonants: (those that sound differently only covered here)
Ch- Like a soft German ch.
Ð- Th in the
G- Always like G in gap
Gh- Like a hard German ch.
H- Used to make vowels long in some occasions, otherwise like h in harbor.
J- Like y in yes
L- Like l in laugh, never like l in bell.
R- Said as in German
S- Like a z at the beginning of a word of when single and between two vowels.
ß- Like s in yes.
Þ- Like th in thin.
V- Like f in fall.
X- Like k in king.
Z- Like ts in cats.
Hw- A mixture of h and w, as some dialects pronounce wh in English.
Wr- A French r (mix of h and r)

Word Order: The verbs go in the second position of a normal statement. After a subordinating conjunction the verbs move to the end of the phrase, in a question the conjugated verb moves to first position. Subject goes first or second, if in order dative will go before accusative, and instrumental will go before dative, then any prepositional phrases, in the order of time, manner, place.
Nominative- Used for subjects (IE the thing performing the action) and nouns connected by linking verbs (IE to become and to be).
Accusative- Used for the direct objects (IE the thing that the action is being performed on) of a sentence, the objects of accusative prepositions, or a phrase of specific time (every night).
Dative- Used for the indirect objects (IE the thing that is receiving the action) of a sentence, the objects of dative prepositions, or a phrase of general time (some night).
Genetive- Used to show possession, in the phrase Jon's book, Jon's is in the genitive case.
Instrumental- Used to show the means by which the action is being performed. The phrase "by car" would, in slobovian, lose the preposition, and be put into the instrumental case.
Now, here's a chart of the endings given to nouns.
One Syllable Masculine Nouns: (plurals add umlauts if possible)
Singular: Plural:
Nominative: - -e
accusative: -en -e
dative: -en -en
genitive: -es -es
instrumental: -u -eu
Multi-Syllable Masculine Nouns (includes those ending –r, -n):
Singular: Plural:
Nominative: - -er
accusative: - -er
dative: - -ern
genitive: -s -ers
instrumental: -u -eru
Multi-Syllable Masculine Nouns Ending in –el
Singular: Plural:
Nominative: - -n
accusative: - -n
dative: - -n
genitive: - -ns
instrumental: -u -nu
One Syllable Neuter Nouns: (plurals add umlauts if possible)
Singular: Plural:
Nominative: - -i
Accusative: - -i
Dative: -e -in
genitive: -es -is
instrumental: -u -iu
Multi-Syllable Neuter Nouns:
Singular: Plural:
nominative: - -er
accusative: - -er
dative: - -ern
genitive: -s -ers
insturmental: -u -eru
Single-Syllable Feminine Nouns ending in e:
Singular: Plural:
nominative: - -n
accusative: - -n
dative: - -n
genitive: - -n
instrumental: -o -no
Single Syllable Feminine Nouns:
Singular: Plural:
nominative: - -e
accusative: - -e
dative: - -en
genitive: - -e
instumental: -o -eo
Multi-Syllable Feminine Nouns:
Singular: Plural:
nominative: - -en
accusative: - -en
dative: - -en
genitive: - -en
instrumental: -o –eno

English-Old Slobovian
a certain adj. soum
a little adv. anlien
a. det. an
abandon v. fralæzen
abasement n.f. bouße
abduct s.v. nauðezæken
abduction n.f. nauðezækung
abide v. arbieðen
abide v. wonen
ability n.f. taugunþ
abjure s.v. fraswæren
able adj. taugun
abode n.f. pu
abode n.f. selide
abode n.n. galar
abound v. zaumen
about prep. acc. umbi
about prep. dat. nagh
above prep. auven
absurdity n.f. unredine
abundance n.f. ganeuge
abundance n.f. ganughtsame
abuse v. scheldten
abuse v. tschamfen
accomplish v. gaenten
accomplish v. gapfullen
accomplish v. outzleiþen
accomplish v. þrughfremen
accord n.n. lovf
accord v. lovfen
according to prep. apfzer
accost v. nægen
account n.f. raghe
account n.f. reide
accusation n.f. sake
accusation n.m. reugtschab
accusation n.n. ðing
accuse v. reugen
accuse v. ziechen
accused n.n. gareugðe
accuser n.m. ziechær
accustom v. wanen
accustumed adj. gawond
ache n.f. ake
achieve v. outzleiþen
acorn n.n. akrond
acquaint with v. gareghten
acre n.m. ackr
active adj. vroum
activeness n.f. vroumhaið
activity n.f. vroumhaið
add v. auchen
adder n.m. natr
addition n.f. veuge
address (home) n.f. houßtschadt
administer justice v. seunen
adorn v. bitschellen
adorn v. rutschen
adorn v. zieren
adulterous adj. fraligen
adultery n.f. horung
advance n.n. ðigh
advance v. ðighen
advantage n.f. vroume
adventure s.v. bifaren
adventurer n.m. bifarær
advice n.n. garaþ
advise n.m. raþ
advise s.v. raþen
advisory body n.f. raþsake
aerobics n.f. ærobik
affair n.f. gamake
affair of this world n.f. wereldtsake
affectionate adj. herzelik
affiliation n.f. veuge
affirm v. bisagen
affirm v. bisagen
affirmation n.f. bisagung
affront v. bischelten
after adj, prep. apfzer
after adj. galik
after adv. apfzer
after adv. sið
after prep. sið
again adv. geg
again adv. wiedr
again conj., afar
against prep. angeg
against prep. dat. for
age n.f. yldt
age n.n. toumd (old) n.n. alttoumd
agree v. lovfen
agreeable adj. bilikðe
agreement n.n. lovf
ah! interj. ai
ah! interj. wagh
ah! interj. wolig
ahead adv. for
aid n.f. folliß
aid n.f. zohelfe
aim n.f. traghte
aim n.n. kal
air n.f. louft
akin adj. sevjo
alabastrum n.n. salbfaß
alas intj. liedr
alas! interj. ai
ale n.n. aluþ
alive adj. kwick
alive adj. lievfant
alive adj. snell
all adj. all
all pron.
all pron. gawliegh
alliance n.f. schrangpfriþe
allot v. scherren
allowing adj. læzant
all-powerful adj. allmaghtig allwalt
almighty adj. allmaghtig, allwalt
alms n.n. alamun
alone adj. alæn
already adv. jou
also conj. þo
altar n.n. altar
altered adj. þwergh
although conj. þo
always adv. au
always adv. heu
always adv. simbulum
ambassador n.m. anþrðeutschalk
amber n.n. gabrannt
ambigious praise n.n. zwivellob
ambush n.f. saße
amend v. batzren
amendment n.f. batzrung
ancestor n.m. altmag
ancestor n.m. yldtr
ancient adj. ferrn
ancient days n.p. ferrntäge
ancient decree n.n. ferrngasatz
ancient work n.m. ferrnwerkn
ancient years n.p. ferrnjæri
and adv. afar
and adv. þan
and conj. unð
angel n.m. engel
anger n.f. yrre
anger n.m. nied
anger n.n. hazzis, n.f. haitzmeute
angry adj. wraiþig (become angry) v. arbelgen
angry adj. yrrig
animal n.n. teutz
anise n.m. till
announce v. kunden
announce v. mælten
annoy v. reitzen
anoint v. salben
answer n.m. antswær, v. antswæren
ant n.n. aigh
anti-Christ n.m. antixrist
anxiety n.f. angetsch
anxious adj. angetschlik
anxiously adv. ang
any adj. þeighand
any det. anagis
anyone at all pron. soum
anyone pron. heuman
anyone pron. þeighand
anyone pron. wliegh
anything pron. heuwicht
anywhere pron. wergn
apart from prep. aba
appeal (legal) v. wiedren
appeal case n.n. wiedrðing
appear s.v. schienen
appear v. refl. arougen
appear v. þunken
appearance n.n. heuw
apple n.m. apfel
appoint v. gamarken
appoint v. marken
appointment n.f. gamarkung
appointment n.f. markung
approach v. naghen
approval n.f. bisagung
apron n.n. schourz
arch- suffix. ærk-
archangel n.m. ærkengel
archbishop n.m. ærkbischof
archive n.n. marbokhouß
ardently adv. haitz
argue v. oren
argument n.f. orung
arise s.v. artschanten
arising n.m. oufgang
arm n.m. armd
arm v. wævfnen
armor n.f. harrgawæð
army n.m. harr
around adv. umbi
arraign v. reugen
arrange v. ordinnen
arrangement n.n. garutsch
arrive s.v. bikwemmen
arrow n.m. arghwo
art n.f. kleine
art n.m. litsch
article n.m. kæpitel
as adj. galik, adv (while) hwiel
as conj. samnso
as far as prep. acc. zunzn
as well as conj. unð
ascend s.v. ouftschiegen
ascend v. tschiegen
ascend v. tschiegen
ash n.n. atsch
ash tree n.f. asch
ashes n.f. ysle
ask v. fragen, bitten, eischen
asking n.f. bohnd
aspen n.f. aspf
asphalt n.m. wegkrøn
assembly n.f. samnung
at adp-loc. az
at any rate adv. soumweg
at heart adv. inwarð
at home adv. haimde
at last adv. entlik
at once adv. sar
at the same time adv. sam
athlete n.m. gagamnær
athletic adj. gagamnig
atmosphere n.n. ofrgavehl
atone for v. boußen
atone for v. tscheuen
atonement n.f. seune
attack v. bisatzen
attain s.v. gawennen
attentively adv. gawar
attribute n.n. arðing
audacity n.m. vreivfel
auger n.m. naivog
aught pron. heuwicht
aught pron. wight
author n.m. vroumær
authoritative adj. ambachtlik
auven adv. about, around, approximately
avenge v. arreghen
avenge v. wrecken
avoid v. bimieðen, wenken
avoid v. biwanken
avoid v. mieðen
awake s.v. arwaken
awakening n.f. arwakung
away adv. aba, annewert
away adv. hinne
away from hence conj. þan
away from home adv. haimdne
awe n. ag
axe v. hawwen –n.f. akwe
axle n.m. achs
back adv. apfzer
back adv. wiedr
back n.n. bach
back of the head n.m. nack
back v. førden
bacon n.n. bakond
bad adj. abou
bad adj. swagh
bad woman n.f. unwivf
badness n.n. akutsch
bag n.m. seghel
bag n.n. balg
bait n.n. leud
bait v. baitzen
bake v. backen
balance n.f. wage
balcony n.f. liene
bald adj. kæl
ball n.f. balle
ban v. banen
banana n.f. banane
band (music) n.f. gaklengung
band, strip n. bandt
bane n. bane
banish v. banen
bank (money)n.n. wechselhouß
bank (river) n.m. oufr
baptize v. toufen
barbaric adj. køn
bare adj. batzig
bargain v. ðingen
bark v. berken
bark v. gelpfen
barley n.n. baratz
barren adj. unberendt
barrow n.n. barwond
basic adj. sleght
basin n.m. napf
basket n.f. zeine
basket n.m. korb
basket of twigs n.f. zeine
basketball n.f. korbballe
bastard n.m. bantschitz
bath n.f. baðe
bathe v. baþen
battered adj. scharðe
battle n.m. kampf
battle n.m. wieg
battlefield n.f. wiegtschadt
battlefield n.n. walfelþ
battlement n.m. wall
be afraid v. arforghten
be afraid v. forghten
be against v. gawidaren
be amazed v. woundtren
be awful v. liedelen
be eager for v. nieten
be extinguished v. arlischen
be faithful v. (reflex.) galauven
be fitting v. zemen
be frightened s.v. hintrkwemmen
be glad v. vrawen
be gracious v. ganaden
be heritary v. arben
be hostile to v. gawidaren
be ill v. seuken
be in fear v. forghten
be joyful v. maien
be located s.v. legen
be meet v. galimfen
be meet v. zemen
be merry v. maien
be noisy v. schallen
be obnoxious v.
be odious v. liedelen
be of good cheer v. paldten
be offensive v. liedelen
be opposed to s.v. wiedrtschanten
be pleased v. gawerden
be- pref. bi-
be reasonable s.v. fraweßen
be religious v. (reflex.) galauven
be repugnant v. liedelen
be rid of v. løsen
be ruined s.v. galegen
be s.v. seßen
be saved v. ganeißen
be sensible s.v. fraweßen
be sick v. seuken
be silent v. swiegen
be situated s.v. legen
be surprised v. bregten
be thirsty v. þourtschen
be uneasy about s.v. biþinken
be uneasy about v. sourgen
be wanting v. wenken
be well disposed v. wolþenken
be zealous for v. nieten
beach n.m. setzel
beacon n.f. bauke
bead n.n. beið
beak n.f. nave
beam n.n. balch
bean n.n. baun
bear n.m. beir –s.v. bæren, v. fraþolen, s.v. fratragen
bearable adj. bærlik
bearing n.m. siedt
beast n.n. noß
beat n.n. bautz
beat one soundly v. þrughslaghen
beat v. bautzen
beat v. bliewen
beautiful adj. schaunig, fagrig, vronisch
beautiful adj. wach
beauty n.f. reine
beaver n.m. bevr
because conj. sið
because conj. þandte
because conj. want
become (look good on) v. dat. schicken
become cold v. arkalðen
become cool v. keulen
become day v. tagen
become May v. maien
become strong v. schrangisen
become v. werðen
becoming adj. gasamn
bed for a corpse n.n. nosbeð
bed n.n. beð
bed of slaugher n.f. walretsche
bedroom n.m. kamr
beech n.m. boch
beer n.n. beur
befall s.v. bifallen
befitting adj. galumfen
before prep. airitz
before prep. dat. er adv. er, conj. er
before prep. dat. for
befriend v. vriegen
beg v. ðicken
beggar n.m. ðarbær
beggar n.m. þurftigær
begin s.v. biginnen
begin to shine s.v. arschienen
beginning n.n. anaginn
behavior n.m. siedt
behind adv., apfzer
behind prep. hinðr
behold conj. seino
being n.n. wight
belief n.n. galauv
believe v. galauven
believe v. wannen
bell n.f. gløcke
belly n.f. wambe
belly n.n. revv
below adj. niþr
below adv. unðn
belt n.m. gyrtel
belt n.n. gerdt
bench n.n. ratsch
bend n.n. hangh
bend v. biougen
bend v. helden
bend v. wendten
beneath adv. unðn
benefit n.m. wachsm
bent forward adj. framhaldt
bequeath v. laiven
bereft adj. ænig
berry n.n. bas
beseech v. ðicken
besom n.m. besmn
betoken v. zeknen
betray v. melden
betrayal n.f. meldung
betroth v. maghelen
better adj. batzr
between prep, adv. bizwisch
beuß n.m. reperation
bewail v. reußen
beware v. waren
beyond expression adj. ungawrießen
beyond measure adj. ofrmeßlik
bid v. gabeuten
bide v. bieðen
bier n.f. bare
big adj. grøß
bind s.v. bindten
bird n.m. vougel
bird-song n.f. vougelsang
birth n.f. gaburðe
birth n.f. gavourðe
birthday n.m. gaburðtag
bishop n.m. bischof
bitch n.f. bicke
bite v. bietzen –n.n. bietz
bitter adj. bitzr
black adj. blakig
blacken v. smoutzen
blade n.f. blaðe
blade n.m. halm
blame n.m. latschr
blame v. væjen
blasphemy n.f. bismarung
blaze n.f. blaze
bleed v. bloðen
bless n.f. bloðise
bless v. segnen
bless v. þeuðen
bless v. wieghen
blessed adj. salig
blessedness n.n. mammendt
blessing n.m. segn
blessing n.n. þeuð
blind adj. blindt
bliss n.n. bliþ
blithe adj. bliþig
block n.n. tschuck
blood n.n. bloð
bloom n.f. blome
blot n.f. missdræje
blow n.m. slagh
blow n.n. schraik
blow up v. ragen
blow v. wæjen
blue adj. blæv
blunt adj. tull
blush v. bluschen
boar n.m. bair
board n.m. bourð
boast v. hwovfen
boat n.n. baitz
bode n.n. bouð
body (public, government) n.f. sake
body n.m. liegh, n.n. lievf
body of the slain n.n. wal
bog n.f. mouðe
boil v. boulen
boil v. seuþen
boiling n.m. wylm
bold adj. balþ
bold adj. paldt
bold adj. watzig
boldly adv. balþ
boldness n. balþniss
boldness n.f. keunhaið
boldness n.m. arheiß
bolster n.m. boltschr
bolt n.f. koulbe
bond n.n. bundt
bone n.f. baine
bones n.f. gabaine
book n.n. bok
bookbag n.m. bokseghel
bookmark n.m. ætschel
bookshelf n.m. bokschelpf
boom v. bomen
border land n.m. mark
border n.f. gamarkðe
bore v. bouren
bosom n.f. breutsch
both adj. adv. zwa
both adj. beiþ
both pron. gahwaþr
both the one and the other pron.
bother v. reitzen
bottom n.m. bouþm
bough n.m. bogn
bound adj. haft
boundary circle n.m. gardt
boundary n.m. mark
boundary n.m. oufr
boundless adj. oufrlaus
bow n.m. bougn
bower n.f. boure
boy n.m. knaf
boy n.m. þeign
braid v. bregðen
brain n.m. bragn
branch n.f. zwelge
branch n.m. zein
brand n.f. branð
brass n.m. er
brave adj. elnlik, toughzig
brave adj. keun
brave adj. snell
brave adj. vroum
bravely adv. balþ
bravely adv. keun
bravery n.f. keunhaið
bravery n.f. snelle
bravery n.f. þeignhaið, n.f. toughz, n.m. eln n.f. þeignhaið
bread n.n. brauð
break into pieces s.v. zobreghen
break v. breghen
break v. breuþen
break v. framullen
breakable adj. bøde
breast n.f. breutsch
breath n.n. bræþ
breathe v. bræðen
brevity n.f. kourte
brick n.n. tschucktschain
bridal adj. brouðnlouftlik
bride n.f. brouðn
bridge n.n. broug
bright adj. berghzig
bright adj. schaunig
bright adj. schien
bright adj. schien
brightness n.f. braghniss
bring about v. werknen
bring forward v. frambrengen
bring into confusion v. werren
bring land into cultivation v. reuten
bring s.v. brengen
bring to an end s.v. bibrengen
bring to silence v. gaswiegen
bringing forth from a virgin n.f. magiðinburð
Britain n.n. Brytn
British adj. bryttisch
Briton n.m. Brytnær
brittle adj. broutzel
broad adj. braiðig
broad adj. breit
brood n.f. broðe
brook n.f. broke
broom n.f. bræme
broth n.n. brouþ
brother n.m. broþr
brow n.f. bru
brown adj. bround
bruise v. brousen
buck n.m. buck
build v. bouþlen
build v. zimbren
builder n.m. þaghsutz
building n.m. zemratz
building n.m. zemratz
bull n.m. bull
bundle n.f. schauve
bundle n.m. buntel
burden n.f. vaße
bureaucracy n.f. vrodte
burial n.m. bourgisel
burn away slowly v. swillijen
burn s.v. brennen
burn up s.v. bibrennen
burn up s.v. frabrennen
burst v. bretschen
bury v. bifelghen
bury v. bourgen
business n.m. kouvf
but conj. afar
but conj. gaweß
but conj. ogh
but conj. prep, adv. outz
buxom adj. buchsam
buy v. bugan
by (passive voice) prep. inst. bi
by any means adv. elles
by name adv. namlik
by no means adv. nelles
by prep. dat. nagh
bystander n.m. unteilær
cabinet (government) n.n. kæbint
cake n.m. kok
calf n.n. kalv
call n.n. kall
call out v. arroufen
call out v. roufen
call v. heren
call v. kallen, roufen
called, named adj. gahaißen (to be called, named) s.v. haißen
camaraderie n.f. trudtschaff
camel n.f. olbente
camp n.m. kamf
can aux. kunen
candle n.f. kerse
capable adj. taugun
capacity n.f. taugunþ
cape n.m. gougel
capital n.n. hauðburg
captivity n.f. gafangðe
card n.m. pæprbourð
care for v. pflegen
care n.f. kare, v. karen
care n.f. sourge
care v. sourgen
carefully adv. ang
carefully adv. gawar
carefully adv. kernlik
caress v. treuten
caretaker n.m. pflegær
caring n.f. pflege
carnage n.n. wal
carpet n.m. pfellr
carry out s.v. follbrengen
carry s.v. bæren
carve v. graven
case (legal) n.n. ðing
cassette deck n.n. sounðhaldtærdeck
cassette n.m. sounðhaldtær
cast lots v. leußen
cast out v. arwerpfen
Castilian horse n.m. katscheln
castle n.n. burg
cat n.m. kaß
catch v. faghen
catch v. lacken
cathedral n.m. myntschr
cattle n.f. fighe
cattle n.n. noß
cattleherd n.m. enk
cause to err v. leiþenjirren
cause to forget s.v. argaißen
cause to run v. ærnen
cause to sink v. sægen
CD n.n. sounðreng
CD-player n.m. sounðrenglaikær
cease v. bilinnen
ceiling n.m. rasn
celestial adj. hemindisch
cell (molecule) n.n. zell
censure v. refsen
census n.n. gaschrieb
central committee n.m. hauðgaharr
certain pron. sighwigh
certainly adv. gaweß
certainty n.f. gaweße
chain n. zeuðr
chained adj. haft
chair (a committee) v. ofrwaldten
chair n.f. tschole
chair n.m. tscheul
chairman n.m. tscheulmand
chamber n.m. kamr
chamberlain n.m. kamrær
change n.f. wankung
change n.m. wechsel
change v. wanken
changeableness n.m. wank
changing adj. wankant
chapter n.m. kæpitel
characteristic n.n. arðing
characterize v. arðingen
charge (military) v. tschourmen
charge n.m. reugtschab
charge n.n. ðing
charge v. hwoßen
charity n.m. tail
chase v. jagen
chaste adj. keusch
chastisement n.f. harmeschare
cheap adj. veil
cheek n.f. wange
cheerful adj. heilig
chess n.n. schach
chest n.f. breutsch
chest n.n. bosme
chew v. keuwen
chick n.f. tagwe
chicken n.m. kiouckn
chide v. refsen
chief adj. harritsch
chief justice n.m. hauðseunær
chief n.m. ðeutær
chief n.m. harrzogh
chilbain n.f. Hornung
child n.n. barnd
chin n.f. kinn
chip n.m. span
chivalrous adj. hovfisch
chocolate n.f. schokolade
choice n.n. kutz
choir n.m. kor
choke v. uscheucken
choke v. wyrgen
choose s.v. arkoußen
choose s.v. arwillen
choose s.v. koußen
chore n.n. ærendt
chore n.n. kartz
chosen adj. gakoßen
Christ n.m. Xrist
church n.f. kirke
churchyard n.m. kirkehovf
churn v. kernen
cinamon n.n. kumind
cinder n.m. sintr
circle n.m. umbiwerpft
circle n.n. reng
circle of the world n.n. wereldtreng
circumcise v. bisnieðen
circumstances n.f. bifallung
citizen (of a city) n.m. burgær
citizens (of a nation) n.f. ðeute
citizenship application n.f. ðeuthaiðbohnd
citizenship n.f. ðeuthaið
citizenship paper n.m. ðeuthaiðpæpr
city n.n. burg, n.n. burgzun
claim v. velgen (dat.)
clam n.f. klamme
clasp n.f. spang
claw n.f. klawe
clay n.f. klaije
clay n.f. þaghe
clean adj. klainig
clean adj. kleind
clean adj. rein
clean adj. reind
clean v. vourben
cleanness n.f. reine
clear adj. schaunig
clear land v. reuten
clearing n.f. swaþe
clense v. arrienden
cliff n.m. brenk
climate n.m. mark
climb v. klimben
climb v. tschiegen
clime n.m. mark
cling v. klivfen
cloak n.m. laghn
clock n.f. tschunde
cloister n.m. klotschr
close by prep. dat. nagh
cloth n.f. klaiþ
cloth n.m. laghn
cloth n.n. teugh
clothing n.f. gawæð
clothing n.n. gafang
cloud n.m. wolkn
clove n.n. klov
clover n.m. kleiw
club n.m. kloumb
club n.m. sagel
clue n.f. kleuwe
clutch v. kloucken
coal n.m. kuln
coast n.f. kytsche
cock n.m. han
coffin n.m. sark
cohort n.f. hanse
cold adj. kalð
coldness n.f. kalðniss
collect s.v. arwrießen
collect v. samnen
college n.n. hauðlisnunghouß
collide v. tschenken
color n.n. pfærg
colt n.n. kultz
comb n.f. kamb, -v kamben
combine v. veugen
come down v. niþrtschiggen
come near v. naghen
come s.v. bikwemmen
come s.v. kwemmen
comfortable adj. samþig
command v. bihaißen
command v. gabeuten
commander n.m. gabeutær
commander-in-chief n.m. hauðgabeutær
commit adultery s.v. fralegen
commit treason v. melden
committed adj. bihaißen
common adj. gamain
commoner n.m. pfolk
community n.m. hirat
compact disk n.n. sounðreng
companion in adversity n.m. nauðetchall
companion n.m. gahoußær
comparable adj. ganotzig
compare v. ganotzen
compare with v. ganotzen
compatible adj. bærlik
compel by threats v. arðreiwen
compel v. beiten, s.v. þwingen
compensate s.v. argaißen
compensation n.m.
complain v. klagen
complaint n.f. klage
complaint n.m. latschr
complaint n.m. reugtschab
complete adj. pfullig, þrughfremen
completely adv. follen
completely adv. garo
completion n.f. follung
compliance n.f. ðientsch
compose v. tighten
comprehend v. bigrievfen
computer game n.m. garecknærgamn
computer n.m. garecknær
computer v. garecknen
comrade n.m. trudt
conceal v. bergen
conceal v. tarnen
conceal v. tougelen
conceive v. infaghen
concern of this world n.f. wereldtsake
concerning prep. dat. fone
conciousness n.f. senne
conclude v. enten
conclusion n.n. garaþ
condemn v. arteilen
condemn v. fradamnen
condemn v. franidaren
condemnation n.f. niþrung
condemned adj. fralousðe
conference n.f. setzung
confess v. bigichten
confess v. geighen
confessing adj. bigichtig
confide in v. gatrouwen
confirm v. bisagen
confront v. nægen
congregate v. samnen
connected adj. gaveugðe
connection n.f. veuge
conquer s.v. gawennen
conquer s.v. ofrwennen
conquer v. ofrschridten
consecrate v. wieghen
consider s.v. þinken
consider v. ræðen, aghten
consider v. smeugen
consider v.s. weigen
console one about v. trohtschen
constant adj. ellik
constellation n.m. gatschern
constitution n.n. landtsreghtbok
consultation n.n. gaðing
consulting house n.n. sprækhouß
contact v. kyðen
contain v. bioufren
contain v. oufren
contained adj. oufrig
contemptable adj. høn
contend v. jeuken
contradict v. wiedrsagen
convert s.v. gawindten
cool adj. keul
copiousness n.f. þrymmþ
corn n.m. hwaitz
corn n.n. kornd
corner n.f. ecke
corpse n.m. liegh
corpse of a warrior n.m. nos
costliness n.f. teuriþ
cottage n.m. koutzn
couch n.f. nichtretsche
counrtyman n.m. landtmand
count n.m. eurl
count v. brievfen
count v. garecknen
country folk n.n. landtðeut
country n.f. landtschaff
county n.f. schir
courage n.m. arheiß
courage n.m. eln
courage n.n. meudt
courageous adj. balþ
courageous adj. elnlik
course adj. groutzig
course n.f. farung
course n.m. wechsel
court (law) n.n. gareght
court n.m. hovf
court proceeding n.f. gareghtsake
courthouse n.f. magheltschadt
courtlike adj. hovflik
courtly adj. hovfisch
courtly adj. hovflik
courtly adv. hovflik
covenant n.f. gaweßniss
cover of night n.f. nichthelme
cover v. biþecken
cover v. huðen
cover with gold v. ofrgulþen
covering for the upper thigh n.f. breugh
covering n.n. þach
cowardice n.f. yrchðe
cowardly adj. yrchðig
cowl n.m. gougel
cradle n.f. kribbe
cradle n.m. kraðel
craft n.f. kraft
cramp n.f. gighte
cramp n.m. kramf
crawl v. krieghen
creaking n.f. schridtung
create v. schepfen
creation n.f. schepfung
creator n.m. vroumær
creature n.f. gaschaff
creature pron. wight
creep v. kreuven
creep v. krieghen
crib n.f. kribbe
crime n.n. ungareght
criminal lust n.f. virinloutschung
cripple n.m. kruppel
critical adj. abousagant
criticize v. abousagen
crooked adj. schankig
cross n.n. krus
crow n.m. kragh
crowd n.f. manige
crowd n.f. schar
crowd n.n. þreng
crowd v. þrenghen
crown n.f. korone
crown v. krønen
crown with thorns v. biþournen
crowning joy n.f. wynn
crucifix n.n. krus
crucify v. haghen
crucify v. krusen
crumble v. brosnen
cry of woe n.m. weuvf
cry out v. arroufen
cry out v. roufen
cry v. (call) heren
cry v. roufen
culminate v. hønen
cultivate v. bipuen
cultivate v. vlaigen
cultivated land n.n. pulandt
culture minister n.m. gafolkðeutschalk
culture n.n. gafolk
cumin n.n. kumind
cunning adj. litschig
cunning n.f. fizhaið
curdle v. rannen
curse v. fratoen
curve v. swaifen
custom n.f. gawondhaið
custom n.f. gawone
custom n.m. siedt
cut v. sweren, sleitzen
daily adj. taglik
dale n.n. tal
dam n.m. tamd
damp adj. tamfig
dance n.f. wiese
dance v. wiesen
dancing music n.n. wieseleuþ
danger n.f. nauðe
danger n.f. vlege, n.f. fare
danger n.f. zæle
dangerous adj. angetschlik
dare s.v. teren
dark adj. fintschr
dark adj. tunkel
darkness n.f. fintschrniss
dart n.n. gabylodt
daughter n.f. taghtr
dawn v. tagen
day n.m. tag
day of punishment n.m. tscheutag
days of long ago n.p. ferrntäge
daytime n.f. tagzieðe
dead adj. tauð
deaf adj. tauvig
deal with v. handtelen
dear adj. herzelik
dear adj. minnelik
dear adj. teur
dear father (expresses affection) n.n. faðrlien
death n.f. tauþ
debate n.f. orung
debate v. oren
debt n.f. schould
debtor n.m. schol
decay n.f. brosnung
decay v. brosnen
deceit n.f. unkoutsch
deceit n.n. breigt
deceive v. missagen
deceive v. triegen
decend from generation to generation v. arben
decent adj. arbær
decide v. gascheiden
decision n.n. gascheid
declaration of war n.f. wiedrsagung
declare innocent v. unschouldigen
declare war v. wiedrsagen
declivity n.f. halde
decree n.n. gasatz
deed n.f. tæðe
deed n.m. werkn
deep n. teuf
defeat v. slaghen
defect n.n. gabretsch
defend v. biwerien
defend v. werien
defendant n.n. gareugðe
defense minister n.m. werungðeutschalk
defense n.f. werung
defensive wall n.m. wall
defile v. biwellen
degree (temperature) n.m. span
deign v. gawerden
dejected adj. maht
dejected adj. zwivellik
delay n.f. yldtung
delay v. artwellen
deliberate s.v. þinken
delight n.f. wynn
delight of the eyes n.f. ougenwynn
delightful adj. wynnsam
deliver v. arloßen
deliver v. loßen
deliverance n.f. ganitsch
deliverance n.f. loßung
delve v. bitelven
demand v. bitten, eischen
demeanor n.m. siedt
democracy n.f. folkischniss
democratic adj. folkisch
dense adj. þeck
deny by an oath s.v. fraswæren
deny v. frasagen
department n.f. ambacht
departure n.f. hinwarð
departure to war n.f. outzreiße
depend on s.v. biþurfen
deprived adj. ænig
depth n.f. teufþ
deputy minister n.m. unðrðeutschalk
deputy prime minister n.m. unðrhauððeutschalk
deride v. bismaren
derision n.f. houne
derision n.m. bismer
descend v. niþrtschiggen
descendent n.f. schreune
desert n.f. watsche
desert n.f. weutschinne
desire n. virinlouszung
desire n.f. girðe
desire n.n. galoutsch
desire v. loutschen
despite prep. gen. troß
destory s.v. zowerpfen
destroy v. arjagen, þwesben
destruction of the world n.n. muspill
destructive adj. palwig
determine v. scherren
determined adj. gakoßen
develop v. wachsen
development n.f. wachsþ
devil n.m. altfient
devil n.m. teuvel
devise s.v. arþinken
devise v. arleugen
dew n.f. taw
diamond n.n. adamas
die s.v. artscherfen
die v. frawerdem
die v. touwen
different adj. misslik
difficulty n.f. enge
dig v. grouven
digest v. douwen
dignity n.f. zounft
dike n.f. tike
diligence n.f. fliß
diligence n.n. ageiß
diligent adj. flißig
diligently adj. ageißig
diligently adv. kernlik
dim adj. timbig
dimple n.m. toumfel
dinner n.f. goume
dinner n.n. tagmeus
dip v. touven
direct adj. unmeðel
direct decision making n.n. unmeðelgascheidmakung
direct v. gareghten
direct v. ofrwaldten
direct v. wisen
direction n.f. reghte
direction n.m. sinþ
dirt n.f. molte
dirty adj. salwig
disagreeable adj. unbilikðe
disappear s.v. swindten
disciple n.m. jungær
disciplined adj. schreng
discourse n.f. spræke
discuss v. ðingen
diseased adj. seukig
diseased with leprosy adj. þroußfoll
disgrace n.n. latsch
disgraceful adj. latschlik
dishonor n.f. unere
dishonor v. hønen
disloyalty n.m. wank
dismiss v. fraloßen
disperse v. zosprieðen
disregard v. frageumloßen
dissoluteness n.n. loß
distant adj. ferrn
distinct adj. heuwig
distort v. biþwerghen
distortion n.f. biþwerghung
distressed adj. biþwungen
distressed adj. nauðig
distribute v. tailen
district n.f. landtschaff
district n.f. schir
disturb domestic peace s.v. haimdsoken
disturb v. merren
disturb v. tschauren
disturbance of domestic peace and tranquility n.f. haimdsokung
ditch n.f. tike
ditch n.m. schlogh
ditch n.n. tal
dive v. tohken
dive v. touven
divide v. kleuven
divide v. tailen
divided adj. ungasamðe
divine adj. gouðlik
divine adj. vronisch
divisable adj. taillik
do aerobics v. ærobiken
do amiss s.v. misstoen
do v. maken
do v.s. toen
do without v. mieðen
dock n.f. tocke
doctor n.m. arzær
doctrine n.f. lere
document n.m. pæpr
doe n.f. hinte
dog n.m. hundt
domestic animal n.n. noß
doom n.m. maghel
doom n.m. tomd
doom n.m. tomd
doomsday n.m. tscheutag
door n.f. tour
doubt n.m. zwivel
doubt v. zweghen
doubtful adj. zwivellik
doubtful praise n.n. zwivellob
dough n.f. taige
dove n.f. tuvfe
down prep. toun
downcast adj. maht
draft n.f. traght
drag s.v. tragen
dragon n.m. anidt
drake n.m. anidt
draw lots v. leußen
draw near s.v. bikwemmen
draw out s.v. scheffen
draw up s.v scheffen
draw v. ðinsen
dream bad dreams s.v. trecken
dream n.m. ðraugm
dream s.v. dat. møtzen
dream v. ðraugmen
dreary adj. tafrig
dress n.f. gawæð
dress n.n. gafang
dress v. analagen
drill v. þrellen
drink s.v. trinken
drive s.v. trievfen
drive v. lieden
drone n.f. trane
drop n.m. troufn, -v. troufnen
dross n.n. trochs
drought n.f. trougþ
drown v. bisauvfen
drum n.m. zromel
drunk adj. gasouvfeðe
drunk n.m. souvfær
drunkard n.m. souvfær
dry adj. þourig
dry up s.v. artrinken
dry v. swerben
duck n.m. tohk
dumb adj. tschoum
dumb adj. tumb
dung n.m. mitsch
dust n.f. molte
dust n.f. toutsche
dwarf n.m. twerg
dwell v. twallen, puen
dwell v. wonen
dwelling n.f. pu
dwelling n.f. selide
dye n.f. tauge
each adj. all
each pron. heugalik
each pron. heugawliegh
eagle n.m. ar
ear n.f. autze
ear of corn n.m. æchr
earl n.m. eurl
earn v. atzogen
earnestly adj. ageißig
earnestly adv. kernlik
earnestness n.n. ageiß
earth n.f. erþe
earth n.m. meðelgardt
earth’s orbit n.n. erþereng
earthly adj. erþig
earthquake n.f. erþegarourniss
east n.m. ohtschr, adj. ohtschrig
Easter n.p. ohtschrer
easy adj. gazolðe
eat s.v. eißen
eaves n.f. ouve
ebb n.f. auv
echo v. dießen
echoing adj. hell
economic adj. werþunglik
economic growth n.f. werþungwachsþ
economically adj. werþunglik
economy n.f. werþung
-ed suf -ðe
edict n.n. gabot
education n.f. zaikung
educator n.m. magezaikær
eel n.m. æl
effect v. ðighen
egg n.f. ahje
eight n. aght
either adj. gahwilker
either adv. gahwilk
elbow n.m. ellebougn
elder adj. eltr
elderly adj. eltrlik
elect v. frakoußen
election ballot n.m. frakoußungbourð
election n.f. frakoußung
electricity n.f. gabrennung
elephant n.m. elefant
eleven n.n. anlif
elk n.m. elch, n.n. alg
else adv. elles
elsewhere adv. elleswær
embassy n.n. anþrðeutschalkhouß
embrace v. halsen
emperor n.m. kæsr
empress n.f. kæsrin
empty adj. jetel
empty adj. zeumig
encompass v. bifaghen
encourage v. førden
end n.n. ent, n.f. follung, v. enten
end n.n. gascheid
end n.n. gawundt
end v. gaenten
endeavor v. zillen
endure v. fraþolen, s.v. fratragen, v. þolen, þulten
enemy n.m. fient (old) n.m. altfient
enjoy v. neußen
enmity n.n. hazzis
ennoble v. eddelen
enough adj, adv. ganeug
enough adj. ganeugig
ensure v. bisichren
enter s.v. ingangen
entire adj. hail
entirely adv. garo
entrust v. bifelghen
envy n.m. nied
equal adj. gameßeðe
equal v. gameßen
equality n.n. gameß
-er (comp) suf –r
-er (one who does) suf. –ær
ere adv. er
erect v. arrighten
err v. jirren
errend n.n. ærendt
error n.f. missdræje
escape n.f. flughtsal
escape s.v. ingangen
especially adv. ofrall
especially adv. sundtr
-est suf. -itsch
establish v. fundten
esteemed adj. gahaldten
etch s.v. wrießen
eternal adj. eiwig
eternity n.f. eiwe, n.f. eiwung
even adj. eivfn
evening n.m. aband
evenly adv.
evenness n.f. sleghte
ever adv. heu
ever adv. heumr
everlasting adj. eiwig
every adj. all
every pron. heugawliegh
everyone pron. gawliegh
everything pron. all
everywhere adv. ofrall
evidence n.f. bischauwung
evil adj. ouvel
evil dead n.f. maintæðe
evil-doer n.m. warg
evolution n.f. wankung
exactly adv. ang
exactly adv. ganot
exactness n.f. kleinde
exalt v. haughen
examination n.f. scheuwung
examine v. scheuwen
example n.f. bilieðe
example n.m. bispeln
excellent adj. vroum
except (after negative clauses) conj. ano
except prep. acc. ano
except prep. conj. acc. outzn
exchange n.m. wechsel
exclusive adj. unlæzant
excuse v. æren
execute v. haghen
executive branch n.f. leiþærung
exercise n.f. schrangþmakung
exercise v. hourschen
exercise v. schrangþmaken
exert oneself v. schrivfen
exertion n.f. fliß
exhale v. blingen
exhibiting n.f. arougniss
exhibt v. gamainen
exhort v. manen
exhortation n.f. manung
exit n.m. outzgang
expansion n.f. wachsþ
expect v. arbieðen
expect v. wænen
expect v. wannen
expectation n.m. wann
expel v. banen
expend v. spendten
experience s.v. arfindten
expiate v. seunen
explain s.v. raþen
explain v. arrecken
explode v. ragen
extend v. schraken
extinguish v. arlischen
extinguish v. lischen
extinguish v. þwesben
eye n.f. ouge
eye of a needle n.n. neiþelðark
fabricate v. arleugen
face n.f. annoutz
fact n.f. tæðeþ
faded adj. falwig
fainting fit n.f. unschrangþ
fair adj. fagrig, schaunig
fairly adv. raþr
faith n.f. troue
faith n.n. galauv
faithful adj. gatrou
fall between s.v. unðrfallen
fall s.v. fallen
fall upon s.v. anafallen
falling n.m. slipf
fallow adj. bragh
false oath n.m. mainswardt
familiar adj. haimdlik
family n.n. houische
family n.n. ingasind
family n.n. koun
famous adj. arknanðlik
far adj. ferr
far adv. fram
fare s.v. faren
farm laborer n.m. pulandtær
farmer n.m. maigær
farmer n.m. pulandtær
farmer’s wife n.f. maigærin
farmland n.n. pulandt
farther adv. ferrþr
fast adj. adv. hieg, kwick
fast adj. snell
fasten v. fatschen
fasten v. vetschen
fat adj. zalgig
fat n.m. veißt
fate n.f. wourð
fate n.m. tomd
fate n.n. loutz
father n.m. faðr
father-in-law n.m. sweiær
fatherless adj. faðrlaus
fatherly adj. faðrlik
fathom n.m. faþm
fatigue v. wegen
faucet n.n. zapp
fault n.n. akutsch
fault n.n. ungareght
favor n.f. antsch
favor n.f. ganade
favor n.f. houlde
favorable opportunity n.f. byre
fear n.f. forghte
fear v. forghten
fearful adj. angetschlik
feast n.f. haughgazieðe
feast v. veighen
feather n.m. feiþr
February n.f. Hornung
fee n.m. leh
fee n.n. feigh
feed v. foðen
feel s.v. vehlen
feeling n.n. gavehl
fell v. fallen
fellow in arms n.m. nauðetchall
female friend n.f. vreuntin
feod n.m. leh
fern n.f. farne
ferry v. feiren
fervently adv. haitz
fervor n.m. wylm
festival n.f. haughgazieðe
fetch s.v. arfaren, v. fatzen
fetter n.m. hakn
feud n.f. faighþ
feudal tenure n.m. leh
few adj. loutz
fickle adj. gaghlaus
field n.n. felþ, n.m. ackr
fifteen n.n. fimfzegn
fifty n.n. fimfzoug
fig n.f. figge
fight n.f. pagge, -v. paggen, s.v. feughten
fight s.v. rengen
fight v. schridten
figure n.f. bilieðe
figure n.n. galæz
fill v. pfullen
final adj. entlik
finally adv. entlik
find s.v. findten, s.v. bifindten
finger n.m. fingr
fir n.f. fourgh
fire n.m. feur
firm adj. balþ
firm adj. tscharkig
firment v. jesen
firmness n.f. veste
first adj. furtsch
first born adj. furtschbourn
fish n.m. fisch
fist n.f. fuchtsch
fit adj. galumfen
fit adj. taugun
fit n.f. fitze
fit v. dat.
fit v. galimfen
fitly adv. gaðeut
fitness n.f. toght
fitting adj. gasamn
five n.n. fimf
five-hundred n.n. fimfhounterdt
flag n.m. fland
flame n.m. loug
flash v. glantzen
flatland n.n. ackrlandt
flavor n.m. smackn
flax n.n. flachs
flay v. flaghen
flea n.f. flau
fledgling n.f. flugge
flee v, fleughen
fleeting adj. hwielehwarbig
flight n.f. flughtsal
flight n.n. flught
float v. floutzen
flock n.f. schar
flock of sheep n.f. eweþe
flood n.f. vloð
flood n.f. yðfarung
floor n.n. vlor
fly n.f. mygge
fly v. fleugen
foam n.f. vaime
foe n.m. faich
fog n.m. nebel
fold v. falþen
folk n.n. ðeut
follow v. voulgen
followers n.n. ingasind
food n.n. foð
fool n.m. tør
foolish adj. tørisch
foolish adj. tumb
foolishness n.f. tørhaið
foot n.n. foß
footprint n.m. hakn
for conj. want
for prep. fur, conj. þenn
for sure adv. gaweß
for(e) pref. fra-
forbid v. frabiðen
forbidden adj. frabiðen
force n.m. þrymm
force n.m. tutzn v. beiten, s.v. biþwingen
force s.v. þwingen
ford n.n. fourð
forefather n.m. altmag
foreign adj. outzlandtisch
foreign countries n.n. outzlandt
foreign country n.n. outzlandt
foreign minister n.m. outzlandtðeutschalk
foreign relations n.f. outzlandtsibbe
foreigner n.m. outzlandtær
forest n.m. wald
forest n.n. holz
forget s.v. fragaißen
forgive s.v. fragivfen
forgive v. fraloßen
forgiveness n.f. fraloßniss
form n.f. bilieðe
form v. schepfen
formation (creation) n.f. schepfung
formation n.n. galæz
former adj. erer
former seat of habitation n.n. ferrnburg
formerly adv. er
formerly adv. hwielant
forth adv. forþ
fortify v. tscherken
fortify v. wallen
fortunately adj. tomdlik
fortune n.m. tomd
forum n.n. forum
forwards adv. fram
foster v. pflegen
fosterer n.m. pflegær
fostering n.f. pflege
foul adj. voul
found v. fundten
foundation n.f. grunðung
fountain n.f. wylle
fountain-stream n.n. wylleschraumd
four adv. fitwe
fowl n.n. raig
fox n.m. vouchs
fragment n.m. bitzn
frame n.f. hourð
fraud n.n. breigt
free adj. frie v. arloßen
free v. loßen
freedom n.m. frieteum
freedom of information n.m. weßenfrieteum
freedom of movement n.m. rapenfrieteum
freedom of religion n.m. galauvfrieteum
freedom of speech n.m. sprekenfrieteum
freedom of the press n.m. marfrieteum
freeholder n.m. landtsetzær
freeze over v. ofrfreusen
freeze s.v. freusen
friend n.m. gahoußær
friend n.m. trudt
friend n.m. vreunt
friendliness n.n. mammendt
friendly adj. bliþig
friendly adj. geullik
friendly adj. vreuntlik
friendly adv. mammendt
fright n.f. fourght
Frisian adj. vrysisch
frog n.n. frousch
from above adv. auven
from home adv. haimdne
from out there adv.
from prep. aba
from prep. dat. ar
from prep. dat. fone
from that place conj. þan
from the east adv. ohtschn
from this place adv. hinne
frost n.f. Hornung
frost n.f. rieme
froward adj. framhaldt
fruit n.f. vrought
fruit n.m. wachsm
fulfil v. þrughfremen
fulfill v. fremen
fulfill v. gapfullen
full adj. prep. dat. foll
full of courage adj. balþ
full of hate adj. hazzlik
fully adv. foll
fun n.m. gamn
fundamental adj. sleght
fur n.m. foðr
furrow n.n. furch
further adv. ferrþr
further to the front adv. vurþr
furthermore conj. afar
fury n.m. grimm
furze n.n. gurtsch
future n.f. zowarð
gable n.m. gavfel
gain by force v. arþrenghen
gain n.n. ðigh
gain the upper hand v. framagen
gain victory over v. ofrschridten
gall n.f. galle
gallop v. ærnen
gallows n.f. galge
game animals n.n. wilþ
game n.m. gamn
gape v. kapfen
gargle v. swellen
garland n.f. korone
garland n.m. schapel
garland n.n. reng
garment n.f. gawæð
gather together v. gasamnen
gather together v. samnen
gather v. goðen, s.v. arwrießen
gender n.n. gasleght
gentiles n.p. ðeuti
gentle adj. gaðtig
gentle birth adj. haughgaborn
gentleness n.n. mammendt
gently adv. mammendt
German n.n. Ðeutsch adj. ðeutsch
get away v. ganeißen
get by lying v. arleugen
get courage v. paldten
get drunk v. souvfen
get free v. boußen
get over s.v. ofrwindten
get possession of v. bifaghen
get s.v. gaißen
ghost n.m. geitsch
gift n.f. givfe
gild v. ofrgulþen
gilding n.f. ofrgulþe
girdle n.m. gyrtel
girl n.f. þerne
girlfriend n.f. vreuntin
give a sound v. louðen
give birth s.v. beren
give light v. inleuchten
give milk v. sougen
give off an odor s.v. tschinken
give pain s.v. fratoen
give pleasure to v. vrøen
give s.v. givfen
give the tenth part v. dezemen
give to drink v. gatrinken
give to drink v. schenken
give to drink v. trenken
give up s.v. argivfen
give up v. sanðen
given adj. gagivfen
glad adj. vrølik
gladden v. vrøen
gladly adv. kern
gladness n.n. bliþ
glass n.f. glase
gleam v. glentzen, gliemen
glide v. glieten, glieðen
glorify v. gaberachten
glorify v. teurisen
glorious adj. geullik
glorious adj. lobsam
glory n. ere
glory n.m. þrymm
glory n.n. lob
glove n.n. galavf
glove n.n. handtling
glow v. gloen
gnash v. klavfen
gnashing n.f. klavfung
gnashing n.f. schridtung
gnat n.m. gnatz
gnaw v. nagen
go about v. hwærrapen
go abroad v. elleslandten
go astray v. jirren
go away s.v. arfaren
go back s.v. hintrkwemmen
go before s.v. forfaren
go in s.v. ingangen
go out s.v. argangen
go out s.v. outzgangen
go out v. framkwemmen
go over s.v. ofrgangen
go s.v. gangen
go through s.v. þrughfaren
go to meet v.
go up s.v. ouftschiegen
go v. lieden
goal n.n. kal
goat n.m. havr, n.m. gaitz
goblin n.m. butz
god n.m. gouð
God n.m. trouchtn
goddess n.f. gouðin
godhead n.f. gouðhauð
godless adj. arg
going n.n. gang
gold n.f. gulþe
golf n.f. kloumbballe
good adj. geullik
good adj. goð
good adj. þeuð
good adj. wach
good breeding n.f. zounft
good fortune n.f. goume
good fortune n.n. heil
goose n.f. ganse
gospel n.m. evangel
gout n.f. gighte
govern v. hersen
government adj. herslik
government n.f. hersung
governmental adj. herslik
governor n.m. gravær
grab v. gravfen
grab v. hæschen
grace n.f. ergreight
grace n.f. ganade
grace n.f. houlde
gracious adj. entschig
grain n.m. ðinkel, n.m. hwaitz
grant v. leitschen
grant willingly v. unnen
grape n.f. trouvfe
grass n.n. graß
grass plot n.m. angr
grave n.n. gravf
gravel n.f. goiße
graveyard n.m. kirkehovf
gray adj. græw
great adj. grøß
great adj. grøßlik
great adj. michel
great grief n.f. herzerouwe
great sorrow n.f. herzesere
great warrior n.m. heldt
greatly adv. ðrat
greatness n.f. michelniss
greed n.f. græðe
green adj. grohnd
greet v. greußen
greet v. hailasen
grief n.f. herzesere
grief n.m. jæmr
grief n.m. jamr
grief n.n. herzelied
grief n.n. lied
grieve v. jæmren
grind s.v. grindten
groan n.m. suft
groan v. grainen
groove n.n. grohv
ground n.n. grunð
group n.n. gang
grow v. wachsen
growth n.f. wachsþ
guarantee s.v. givfen
guaranteed adj. gagivfen
guard s.v. bihaldten
guest n.n. gatsch
guide n.m. leiþær
guide v. gareghten
guide v. wisen
guilded adj. gagulþeðe
guilt n.f. untæðe
guilt n.f. virine
guilty adj. fralousðe, frataen
guilty adj. schouldig
guilty of murder adj. mørþrschouldig
guitar n.f. gitarre
gulp up v. fraswelghen
habit n.m. siedt
hacked adj. scharðe
hail n.f. hagle
hair n.m. lok
hair n.n. har
hair of the head n.n. fachs
half n.n. halv
hall (official) n.n. ðinghouß
hall n.f. halle
hallow out s.v. telfen
hallow v. hailigen
hallow v. wieghen
hamlet n.n. þorf
hammer n.m. hamr
hand n.f. handt
hand over s.v. argivfen
handle n.f. haftze
handle v. handtelen
handless adj. handtlaus
handling n.f. handtelung
hang v. haghen
hang v. hanghen
happen s.v. bifallen
happenings n.f. bifallung
happiness n.n. heil
happy adj. galð
harass v. frakwallen
harassment n.n. frakwall
harbor n.m. hafn
hard adj. hardt
hardly adv. koum
hardship n.f. yrmþ
hare n.f. hase
harm n.f. harme
harm v. schaþen
harp n.f. harpf
harpoon n.m. schoußel
harrow v. egen
harvest n.f. harvfe v. arnen
haste n.f. jellung
hasten v. gaghen
hasten v. jellen
hate n.m. nied
hate n.n. hazzis, v. hazzen
haughtiness n.f. haughfart
haughty adj. høn
haughty adj. ofrhoughtig
have a nightmare s.v. trecken
have compassion on v. arbermen
have dealings with v. ebenbrughen
have intercourse with v. ebenbrughen
have mercy upon v. ganaden
have pity on v. arbermen
have power over v. waldten
have s.v. havfen
have sorrow v. sourgen
haven n.m. hafn
having power adj. gawaltig
hawk n.m. hafk
hay n.f. hau
he pron. hei
head n.f. hauð
head of the house n.m. wirt
headband n.n. harbandt
heal v. gahailen
heal v. hailen
healer n.m. hailær
health n.f. hailþ
hear v. hauren
hearse n.n. reh
heart n.f. herze
heart’s joy n.n. herzebliþ
heart-ache n.n. herzelied
hearth n.n. herþ
heartsore n.n. herzelied
hearty adj. herzelik
heat n.n. haitz, -v. hieten
heath n.n. haiþ
heathen adj. haiþn
heave n.f. hafe
heaven n.m. hemind
heavenly adj. hemindisch
heavenly star n.m. hemindtschern
heavy adj. havfig, swer
heavy adj. swar
Hebrew adj. joudisch
Hebrew n.n. Joudisch
hedge n.f. hage
heed v. roken
height n.n. gahaugh
heir n.m. yrfemand
hell n.f. helle
hell n.m. pegh
hell n.n. wies
hellfire n.m. pegh
helmet n.f. helme
help n.f. folliß
help n.f. helfe
help n.f. zohelfe
help n.m. raþ
help s.v. helfen
hem n.m. hamd
hen n.f. henne
hence conj. þan
henceforth adv. vurþr
her pron. schei, ir
herb n.f. wurtz
herd n.f. herðe
herder n.m. herðær
here adj. hin
here adv. her
hereditary adj. gakoun
hereunder adj. herunðr
heritary adj. arblik
hermit n.m. klotschrær
hero n.m. heldt
hers pron. ir
hew n.n. heuw
hewn adj. scharðe
hey interj. hei
hide n.f. houðe -v. bergen, bifelghen, halen
hide v. tarnen
hide v. tougelen
hierarchy n.f. vrodte
high adj. haugh
high council n.m. hauðgaharr
highest adv. auvenitsch
highest joy n.f. haughgazieðe
hike s.v. hwarben
hill n.m. huln
hill n.m. noll
hilly country n.f. gaperge
hilt n.n. heltz
him (acc). pron. sin
him (dat) pron. sim
hinder adv. hinðr
hinder v. merren
hinder v. werien
hinderance n.f. hinðrniss
hindmost adj. hinðritsch
hip n.f. houpe
his pron. heis
hit v. slaghen
hither adv. here
hive n.f. houve
hoar-frost n.m. rivf
hobgoblin n.m. butz
hold s.v. gahaldten
hold s.v. haldten
hole n.m. houl
hole through anything n.n. ðark
holiness n.f. hailigniss
holly n.f. hule
holy adj. hailig
holy adj. vronisch
holy adj. wiegh
holy ghost n.m. hailiggeitsch
home address n.f. houßtschadt
home n.n. haimd
home-like adj. haimdlik
homeward journey n.f. haimdfart
homewards adv. haimdwarð
honest adj. werþlik
honor n.f. ere
honor v. eren
honorable adj. arbær
honored adj. gerðe
hood n.m. gougel
hood n.n. hoð
-hood suf. f. haið
hoof n.m. hof
hook n.m. hakn
hop n.m. hupn –v. hupnen
hope n.m. wann
hope n.n. gaðing
hope v. wannen
hopeful adj. wannlik
horn n.n. horn
hornet n.n. hourtz
horse n.f. house
horse n.f. marghe
horseshoe n.f. hofschogh
host n.f. manige
host n.m. þrymm
hostage n.m. giesel
hostess n.f. wirtin
hostile adj. græm
hostile adj. hazzlik
hot adj. haitz
hour n.f. hwiele
hour n.f. tschunde
house n.n houß (n.m. houßen)
household n.n. ingasind
house-mate n.m. gahoußær
how adv. wo
however conj. þo
hug v. halsen
human blood n.n. mannischnbloð
human n.m. mannischn, n.m. gumand
humble adj. ðimeutig
humble adj. meuk
humble adj. unðrlik
humble v. ðimeuten
humid adj. swyl
humility n.f. otmeute
hundred n.n. hounterdt
hunger n.m. hungr
hunger v. hungren
hunt v. hantzen
hunt v. weidnen
hunter n.m. jagær
hunting-path n.m. weidnweg
hurry v. gaghen
hurt v. bischaþen
husband n.m. gohmdmand
husk n.n. kavf
hut n.f. boþe
hymn n.f. sang
hymn n.n. leuþ
hypocrite n.m. liechezær
I pron. ik
ice n.f. ise
icy adj. isig
idle adj. unnutz
if conj. ivf
ignominous adj. hounlik
ignominous adj. latschlik
ignominy n.n. latsch
ill adj. seukig
image n.f. arlikniss
imagination n.f. arsmeugung
imagine v. arsmeugen
immediately adv. sar
impale v. bisperen
imperial adj. kæsrlik
implement n.n. gazeug
implore v. ðicken
impoliteness n.f. tørprhaið
important adj. haitz
important adj. havfig
impossible adj. unod
impossible adj. untolik
impotent adj. krank
impudent adj. vrech
in addition conj. unð
in adv. in
in any way adv. hweu
in front of prep. dat. for
in like manner adv. galik
in like manner adv. samn
in need adj. nauðig
in prep. in, ana, az
in spite of prep. gen. troß
in the east adv. ohtschr
in the manner of the court adj.
in the manner of the gentiles adv. ðeutisch
in the presence of prep. dat. for
in truth adv. gawarlik
inborn adj. gakoun
incapable adj. untaugun
incarnation n.f. mannischnhaið
incense n.m. wieghrough
include v. bioufren
inconsistency n.m. wank
inconstant adj. hwielehwarbig
increase n.f. wachsþ
increase v. ðieghen
increase v. meren
incredible adj. ungalauvlik
indeed adv. gaweß
independence n.f. allhaughitschniss
independent adj. allhaughitsch
indignantly adv. unwerblik
indignation n.n. hazzis
individual adj. anig
individual adj. anlik
indivisable adj. untaillik
industrious adj. emzig
industry n.f. emzigniss
inexperienced adj. tumb
infirmity n.f. seuke
inflame s.v. inbrennen
influence v. bischeiden
inform of v. gareghten
inform v. kyðen
inhabit v. wonen
inhabited land n.n. pulandt
inhabitent n.m. inwonær
inhabitents n.n. landtðeut
inheritance n.n. arb
inherited property n.n. arb
iniquity n.n. unreght
injure v. letzen
injure v. schaþen
injuriously adv. schaþelik
injury n.f. schaþe
injustice n.n. ungamak
ink n.f. tinte
inn n.f. sale, n.n. gatschhouß
inner adj. inlik
innocence n.f. unschoulde
innocent adj. unschouldig
insect n.m. mougn
insert s.v. bitschengen
inside prep. adj. in
insolence n.m. vreivfel
insolent adj. gelf
instantly adv. sarer
instruct v.s. zaiken
instruction n.f. zaikung
instructor n.m. zaikær
insufficient adj. unganeugig
insult n.f. harme
insult n.f. unere
insult v. bischelten
integrity n.f. hailniss
intelligent adj. hanþrig
intend s.v. arwillen
intent adj. biþaghðe
intent n.n. kal
intercede v. framauchsen
interest n.f. vroume
interesting adj. vroumlik
interesting adj. vroumlik
interfere v. framauchsen
interference n.f. framauchsung
interior adj. inlik
interior minister n.m. inðeutschalk
internal adj. inlik
interperate s.v. raþen
interpret v. arrecken
interruption n.n. unðrlæz
intervene v. framauchsen
intervention n.f. framauchsung
intimate v. boughnen
into adv. in
into prep. in
intolerant adj. unlæzant
intoxicated adj. sælig
intrigue v. triegen
intriguing adj. vroumlik
intriguing adj. vroumlik
invade v. bireißen
invent s.v. arfindten
investigate s.v. arsoken
investigate v. eischen
invite v. laden
inward adj. inwarð
iron n.m. isarn
irritate v. reitzen
is not v. nis
-ish suf. –isch
island n.f. agwe
issue n.n. ðing
it pron. hi
its pron. hin
jagged adj. scharðe
jaw n.m. kauck
jest v. schimpfen
jetlagged adj. farungmeute
Jew n.m. Joud
Jewess n.f. Joudin
Jewish adj. joudisch
jog s.v. rennen
jogging n.f. rennung
join v. jouken
joined adj. gajoukðe
joint adj. gajoukðe
journalist n.m. marær
journey n.f. farung
journey n.f. hinwarð
journey n.f. wegfart
joy n.f. gawerþ
joy n.f. wynn
joy n.n. galoutsch
joy n.n. vraw
joyful (be )v. bliþen
joyful adj. galoutschlik
joyful adj. geil
joyful adj. vrølik
joyful adj. wynnlik
joyfulness n.n. bliþ
joyous adj. geil
judge n.m. seunær
judge v. arteilen
judge v. seunen
judge v. teumen
judgement n.f. seune
judgement n.m. maghel
judgement n.n. teum
judicial branch n.f. reghtmakung
judicial investigation n.f. reghtung
juice n.f. wose
juror n.m. naghmand
jury n.n. naghmandgang
just adj. reght
just adj. reghtkern
just adj. reghtlik
just adj. wereldtreght
just as conj. samnso
justice (judge) n.m. seunær
Justice Minister n.m. reghtðeutschalk
justice n.f. reghtniss
justification n.f. reghtfetsche
justify v. reghtfetschigen
keel n.f. kele
keep alive v. vritschen
keep s.v. gahaldten
keep v. sparen
keep watch s.v. þrughwaken
kick v. spournen
kidnap s.v. nauðezæken
kidnapping n.f. nauðezækung
kidney n.m. negr
kill v. arslaghen
killing n.f. slaghte
kilometer n.m. kilometr
kind adj. ganadig
kind adj. minnelik
kind n.f. gakounðe adj. kindt, bliþig
kindle s.v. inbrennen
kindle v. zanten
kindle v. zynden
kindly adj. kuninglik
kindness n.f. houlde
king n.m. kuning
kingdom n.m. ðeutgardt
kingdom n.m. rickteum
kingdom n.n. rick
kinsfolk n.p. kund
kinswoman n.f. magin
kiss n.m. kuß
kiss v. kußen
knave n.m. knaf
knead v. kneiten
knee n.f. knewe
knife n.n. knievf
knight n.m. kneght
knight n.m. rieðær
knighthood n.f. rieðærhaið
knightly adj. rieðærlik
knock v. kløpfen
knot n.m. knutt
know s.v. (be aquainted with) knænen, s.v. (fact) weßen
knowingly adj. weßant
knowledge n.f. weße
knowledge n.m. wißteum
known adj. arknanðe
known adj. kund
labor n.f. arbeit
labor v. arbeiten
lack n.f. lake, v. schourtzen
lady n.f. vroin
lake n.f. lage
lamb n.f. lambe
lame adj. haltz
lame adj. lam
lament v. weuvfen
lamentable adj. wannig
lamp n.n. leucht
land n.m. eudel
land n.n. landt
land of joy n.n. wynnlandt
landlord n.m. wirt
language n.f. gazunge
language n.f. spræke
language n.f. zunge
lap n.f. lapne
large adj. breit
last adj. letsch
late adj. soð
later adv. sið
laugh v. laghen
law book n.n. landtsreghtbok
law n.f. eiwe
law n.f. wiesþ
law n.m. lagn
law-abiding adj. lagnig
lawly adj. lagnig
lawn n.f. garðe
lay v. lagen
lay waste v. yðen
lazy adj. traglik
lazy adj. voul
lead a bad life v. misslievfen
lead astray v. leiþenjirren
lead away v. inleiþen
lead n.n. laut –v. leiþen
leader n.m. leiþær
leaf n. lauvf, n.n. blat
leak v. leken
lean down v. lienen
lean v. lienen
leap v. laupen
learn v. lisnen
learned adj. galisneðe
least adj. laitsch
leather n.m. leþr
leave n.n. arleuvf
leave v. fraloßen
leave v. galoßen
leave v. laivfen
left adj. luvft
left adj. winitschr
legal adj. lagnig
legal matter n.f. reghtsake
legal mechanism n.n. reghtðing
legislation n.f. wiesþ
legislative branch n.f. wiesþmakung
legs n.f. gabaine
length n.f. lengþ
lengthen v. arlengen
leper n.m. hornbroþr
leprosy n.n. þrouß
leprous adj. þroußfoll
less adj. laiß
-less suf. laus
let v. læzen
letter n.m. brievf
level (degree) n.m. span
liar n.m. leugær
liberty n.m. frieteum
library n.n. bokhouß
lie (horizontally) s.v. legen
lie n.f. leuge
lie v. (speak falsely) leugen
life n.n. lievf
life on earth n.f. herseßung
lift s.v. heffen
lift up s.v. arheffen
lift weights s.v. lotarheffen
light (not heavy) adj. linght
light n.n. leucht, v. leuchten
light v. zanten
light v. zynden
like adj. galik –v. liken –suf. –lik
likeable adj. bilikðe
limb n.f. lieme
limb n.n. liet
lime n.m. leimd
limit n.m. oufr
limit v. oufren
linden n.f. linðe
linger v. latzen
link n.f. lanke
linked adj. gaveugðe
list n.n. liß
listen to radio v. ferrhauren
listen v. lousen
little adj. lutzel
little bell n.f. schelle
little bird n.n. vougellien
little daughter n.n. taghtrlien
live before v. forlievfen
live v. (inhabit) wonen
live v. lievfen
livelihood n.f. lievfhaið
liver n.m. lifr
living adj. kwick
living adj. lievfant
lo! conj. seino
load v. laiðen
loaf n.n. laif
loan n. laigh
loan n.m. leh
lock n.m. loukn
lock of hair n.f. lucke
lock v. louknen
loins n.f. lantwe
lone adj. læn
lonely adj. lænlik
long adj. lang (very) adj. bourlang
longer adj. lengr
longest adj. lengitsch
long-life n.n. langlievf
look after s.v. biþinken
look at v. speghen
look good on v. dat. schicken
look upon v. gaschauwen
look with astonishment v. kapfen
looking glass n.f. speghglase
loose adj. slakig
loose v. løsen
Lord n.m. trouchtn
lord n.m. vro
lose by sitting s.v. frasetzen
lose s.v. fraleusen
loss n.f. forlousz
loss n.f. schaþe
loss n.m. lousn
lost adj. fralousen
lot n.n. loutz
loud adj. louð
louse n.f. nitze
love n.f. minne
love v. leuvfen
love v. minnen
lovely adj. minnelik
loving adj. minnelik
loving memory n.f. minne
lovingly adv. mammendt
low adj. lægig
lower adj. niþr
loyal adj. þryttig
loyalty n.f. þrytte
lucid adj. heuwig
lump n.n. klutz
lung n.f. lung
lust n.f. girðe
lute n.f. loute
lye n.f. lauge
magic n.f. magike
magistrates n.m. gaharr
magnify v. michelosen
maid n.f. ðeu
maiden n.f. magiðin, n.f. ðierne
maidenly adj. keusch
maid-servant n.f. ðeu
main-street n.m. meitschrweg
maintain s.v. gahaldten
majesty n.f. michelniss
majesty n.f. þrymmþ
majority n.f. merhaið
make a sign v. boughnen
make clean v. arrienden
make clean v. reinen
make clear v. framainen
make common v. gamainen
make dark v. bifinstren
make dikes v. tiken
make ditches v. tiken
make fast v. vetschen
make free v. loßen
make fun of v. schimpfen
make fun v. spielen
make glad v. vrøen
make good v. boußen
make good v. gelðen
make hallow s.v. telfen
make high v. haughen
make known v. maren
make noise s.v. klengen
make ready v. garoen
make resonant s.v. arklengen
make right v. rutschen
make room v. roumnen
make sad v. treuben
make safe v. schelðen
make sonorous s.v. arklengen
make strong v. tscherken
make to sink s.v. senken
make v. maken
make v. siðen
make zealous v. hourschen
man n.m. gohmd
man n.m. mand
man of noble birth n.m. eddelþeign
manifest adj. schien
manifest v. arougen
manifold adj. manigfaldt
mankind n.n. mandkoun
manliness n.f. þeignhaið
manly adj. mandlik
manner n.f. wiße
mantle n.m. mantel
manure n.m. mitsch
many adj. manig
mar v. merren
march n.f. reiße
march v. reißen
mare n.f. marghe
mark off v. marken
mark v. bizeinen
market n.m. market
marriage n.f. brouðnlouft
marrow n.f. marge
martin n.m. mardr
masculine adj. mandlik
massacre n.n. waltschadt
massage v. rieben
master n.m. heir
master n.m. meitschr
master n.m. trouchtn
master n.m. vro
mastership n.m. gaharr
match, fit n.f. fitze
mate n.f. gamakðe
math n.f. reuvekraft
mathematics n.f. reuvekraft
may s.v. magen
maybe adv. ivfhwan
me pron. mei, meik
mead n.f. mete
meadow n.f. mætwe
meadow-land n.f. wunnie
meal n.f. mæþe, n.n. -meus
mean v. mainen, -adj. gamainig
measure n.n. meß
measure v. meßen
measured adj. gameßeðe
meat n.f. maße
meddle v. framauchsen
meddling n.f. framauchsung
medical adj. arzlik
medicine n.n. arz
meditate s.v. þinken
meek adj.meuk
meet v. mozzen
meeting n.f. mozzung
melody n.f. wiße
melt v. þawen, gamaltzen
member (limb) n.n. liet
member nation n.n. wiþlandt
memory n.f. gamenþe
mention v. gawachen
mention v. gawaghen
merciful adj. ganadig
mercinary n.m. mietekampfær
mercy n.f. ergreight
mercy n.f. ganade
mercy n.f. milte
merit n.f. vreght
merry adj. gelf
merry adj. mourgig
messenger n.m. botær
meter n.m. metr
micronation n.n. smalliglandt
middle adj. meðel
middle n.f. meðe
midge n.f. mygge
might n.f. maght
might n.f. þrymmþ
mighty adj. maghtig
mildly adv. lind
mile n.f. miele
milk n.n. melk
milk v. melken
mill n.m. myll
miller n.m. myllær
miller’s wife n.f. myllærin
million n.f. million
mind n.f. gamenþe
mind n.n. meudt
mine pron. min
minister n.m. ðeutschalk
Minister of Justice n.m. reghtðeutschalk
minister of public works n.m. Bouþlenðeutschalk
minister of security n.m. schelðungðeutschalk
ministration n.f. ambacht
ministry n.f. ambacht
Ministry of Defense n.f. werungambacht
Ministry of Foreign Affairs n.f. outzlandtambacht
Ministry of Justice n.f. reghtambacht
Ministry of the Exterior n.f. outzlandtambacht
Ministry of the Interior n.f. inambacht
minster n.m. myntschr
mint n.f. minze
minute n.n. tschiek
miracle n.m. woundtr
miracle n.m. zekn
mirror n.f. speghglase
misdeed n.f. untæðe
misdeed n.f. virine
miserable adj. arm
miserable adj. wannig
misery n.f. yrmþ
miss n.n. vroinlien
missdead n.f. misstæðe
misses n.f. vroin
mist n.f. rauke
mist n.m. nebel
mistake n.f. missdræje
mister n.m. vro
mistress n.f. vroin
mistress n.f. wirtin
mistrust v. misstrouwen
mix v. mauchsen
mock v. bismaren
mock v. hounen
mock v. scheldten
mockery n.f. houne
mocking n.m. bismer
modern adj. høtlik
modest adj. arbær
modest adj. keusch
molest v. frakwallen
molestation n.n. frakwall
moment n.n. tschiek
monastary n.n. gouðhouß
money n.f. schazze
money-changer n.m. schazzær
money-lender n.m. inlikær
monk n.m. mynich
month n.m. mænþ
mood (mental) n.n. gavehl
mood (of a piece, etc) n.n. ofrgavehl
mood n.f. moðe
moon n.f. mæn
moor n.n. haiþ, mor
mop v. þwaghen
more adj. mer
morning n.m. mourgn
morter n.m. morsr
most adj. mætsch
mostly adv.
moth n.f. moþe
mother n.f. moðr
mother v. bimoðren
mother-in-law n.f. swiegærin
mount v. tschiegen
mountain n.f. gaperge
mountain n.m. perg
mourn v. weuvfen
mouse n.m. mouß
mouth n.f. munþ
move noisily v. reuschen
move v. rapen, s.v. faren
move v. reuren
moveable adj. raplik
movie n.f. rapantarlikniss
movie-theater n.f. rapantarliknisstschadt
mow down v. mæwen
much adj. adv. mekel (very) adv. ðrat
much adj. manig
mucus n.m. snoutn
mud n.f. vane
mule n.n. moul
multi-party adj. manigpartie
multitude n.f. manige
multitude n.m. þrymm
murder n.f. mandslaghe
murder v. mørþren
murderer n.m. mandslaghær
murderous adj. mørþrlik
muscle n.f. þawe
music n.n. gakleng
musical adj. gaklengig
must v. moßen
mute adj. tschoum
mutter v. momen
myrrh n.f. mirre
nail n.m. nagel
naked adj. nakðe
name n.f. name
name v. namen
namely adv. namlik
namesake n.f. ganamðe
naration n.f. kose
narda n.f. narðe
narration n.f. sage
narrow adj. narwig, þunnig, enge
narrow place n.f. enge
narrowly adv. ang
nation n.f. ðeute
nation n.n. landt
national adj. landtisch
national recognition n.f. landtung
native adj. landtisch
natural adj. erþelik
navel n.m. navfel
near prep. dat. nagh
nearer adj. nar
nearest adj. nartsch
neat adj. kleind
neat n.n. noß
neatness n.f. kleinde
necessary adj. þurftig
neck n.m. knekn
need n.f. ðarbe
need n.n. nauðe, n.n. þurft, -s.v. þurfen
needle n.m. næþel
needle n.m. neiþel
needy adj. þurftig
negate v. nachten
negation n.f. nachtung
neglect v. frageumloßen
negotiate v. gaðingen
neighbor n.m. naghbour
neighbor n.m. naghitsch
neighboring country n.n. naghitschlandt
nephew n.m. nevfr
-ness suf. f. -niss
nest n.n. nitsch
net n.f. natze
net n.f. segine
nettle n.m. naßel
never adv. neu
new adj. neiw
news n.n. mar
next adj. nartsch
nibble v. naschen
nice adj. nitt
niece n.f. nifte
night n.f. nicht
night watch n.f. nichtwakte
night’s rest n.f. nichtretsche
nightingale n.f. nichtgale
nightmare n.n. treck
nimble adj. raschig
nine adj. nien
nineteen n.n. nienzegn
ninety n.n. nienzig
ninth adj. nienþ
nipple n.f. zitze
no adj. nei, art. þeighand
no one pron. hwoman
no one pron. neuman
noble adj. eddel
noble adj. hovfisch
noble birth adj. haughgaborn
noble language n.f. eddelzunge
noble n.m. eddelþeign
noble race n.m. eddel
nobly adv. gaðeut
nod v. nouðen
noisy adj. louð
none adj. þeighand
non-partaker n.m. unteilær
nonsense n.f. unredine
noon n.m. non
Nor-Krantisk adj. norkrandisch
Nor-Krantism n.f. Norkrandischniss
north n.m. nourþr, adj. nourþrig
nose n.f. nase
nostril n.n. nasðyrl
not adv. nacht
not adv. ne
not adv. nelles
not at all adv. nelles
not clothed adj. ungawæðe
not however adv. nelles
not observe s.v. ofrseien
not suitable adj. ungamak
not unanimous adj. ungasamðe
not united adj. ungasamðe
notch n.n. nuck
notched stick n.m. span
note n.f. noße
notebook n.n. noßebok
nothing else pron. nelles
nothing pron. neuwight
nothing pron. nught
nourþrig adj. to the north
now adv. jou
now adv. no
nuclear adj. zellmeðel
nucleus n.f. zellmeðe
numb s.v. tscherfen
number n.f. reuve
number n.f. zæle
numbering n.f. reuve
nuptial adj. brouðnlouftlik
nurse n.f. taige
nut n.n. noutz
oak n.n. aiks
oar n.m. air
oath n.f. aiþe, n.f. eidbourð
obedience n.m. gahiersumn
obey v. hiersumnen
observe s.v. gahaldten
observe v. kohpen, aghten
observe v. speghen
occasion n.n. mæl
occur to v. bifallen
ocean n.n. brimm
ocean of waves n.f. yðsei
odd adj. ouzdig
of earth adj. erþig
of prep. aba, fone
of the land adj. landtisch
of the people adj. ðeutisch
of the same nature adj. samnlik
off adv. avf
offer up incense v. roughen
offer v. beuten
office confirmation n.f. ambachtbisagung
office n.f. ambacht
official adj. ambachtlik
offspring n.n. berð
often adv. oft
oh! interj. wagh
oil n.n. ol
ointment n.f. salbe
old adj. alt
older adj. eltr
on adv. ana
on prep. ana
on the spot adv. zotschunde
once adv. anmæl
once upon a time adv. hwielant
one adj. an, –pron. man
one befooled by the world n.m. wereldttør
one time adv. anmæl
oneself pron. sigh
only (after negative sentences) conj. ano
only adv. eckrod
open v. oufnen, adj. gaoupneðe
operate v. werknen
opinion n.f. aghte
opinion n.f. maine
opinion n.m. wann
oppress s.v. biþwingen
opt s.v. koußen
or conj. edde
orbit n.m. umbiwerpft
ordain v. ordinnen
order n.f. (num.) antreite
order n.m. ordn
order v. gabeuten
ore n.m. er
organization n.m. hirat
origin n.n. ær
orphan n.m. arvfn
orphan n.m. weiß
other adj. anþr
otherwise adv. elles
otherwise adv. elleswi
otter n.m. outzr
ought s.v. schoulen
our adj. usr
out adv. fram
out conj. dat. outz
out prep. dat. ar
outlet n.m. outzgang
outrage n.f. harme
outside adv. outze
outward adj. outzr
outwardly adv. outzn
oven n. oughn
over all adv. ofrall
over prep. ofr
overcome s.v. ofrkwemmen
overcome s.v. ofrwindten
overcome v. framagen
overlook s.v. ofrseien
overproud adj. yppig
oversee v. ofrwaldten
overshadow v. bischatwen
overtake v. argaghen
overthrow v. tschøren
owe s.v. aigen
owe s.v. schoulen
own adj. eign
own v. eignen
ox n.n. ouchs, n.m. far
pact n.f. schrangpfriþe
paddock n.n. farruck
pagan adj. haiþn
pagans n.p. ðeuti
pain n.f. herzerouwe
pain n.f. pine
pain n.f. smerze
pain n.m. jæmr
pain n.n. lied
pain n.n. ser
pain n.n. weh
painful adj. arbeitsam
painful adj. swar
painful punishment n.f. harmeschare
paint n.n. mal
paint v. malen
palace n.m. ðeutgardt
pale adj. hairig
paper n.m. pæpr
parable n.f. galikniss
parable n.f. ratiße
pardon n.f. ærung
pardon v. æren
parent n.m. yldtr
parishioner n.m. burgær
park n.f. fark
parliament n.f. jeighung
part n.n. tail
part v. galoßen
partaker n.m. ganotz
party (political) n.f. partie
party program n.m. partiordn
Pascha n.p. ohtschrer
pass (legislation) v. bisagen
pass away s.v. argangen
pass by s.v. frafaren
pass by v. hwærrapen
Passover n.p. ohtschrer
pastoral adj. herðlik
pasture v. weidnen
pat v. treuten
path n.f. faþe
path n.n. pfaþ
patience n.n. þult
pauper n.m. ðarbær
pay for v. gelðen
pay for v. ingelðen
pay n.f. miete
pay penalty for v. ingelðen
pay penalty v. tscheuen
pay v. gelðen
payment n.f houre
peace n.f. pfriþe
peace n.f. sibbe
peaceful adj. pfriþlik
peak v. kicken
pearl n.m. mergreuß
peasant n.m. bour
peasant n.m. pulandtær
pen n.m. tintewrießær
penance n.f. bouße
penance n.f. rouwe
pencil n.m. lautwrießær
penis n.m. matsch
penny n.f. penage
people n.n. ðeut, n.f. ðeute
people n.n. folk
people of the land n.n. landtðeut
people of the land n.n. landtðeut
people of the world n.f. wereldðeute
perceive s.v. arknænen
perfect adj. rein
perfect adj. þrughþig
perfect s.v. follbrengen
perform v vroumen
perform v. gapfullen
perform v. leitschen
perhaps adv. ivfhwan
perish v. frawerden
perish v. touwen
perishable adj. bøde
perjury n.m. mainswardt
permission n.f. houlde
permission n.n. arleuvf
pernicious adj. palwig
persecute v. biaghten
perserve s.v. gahaldten
person n.m. wecht n.m. mannischn, n.m. gumand
perversion n.f. biþwerghung
pervert v. biþwerghen
physician n.m. arzær
picture n.f. arlikniss
pierce s.v. tscheghen
pierce through v. þrughsteighen
pierce to death v. arscheußen
pierce v. bouren, anatscheghen
pig n.m. pfargh
pile n.n. hauf
pillow n.m. boltschr
pinch v. griffen
ping-pong n.n. beudttennis
pious people in the world n.p. wereldtreght
pirate n.m. brimmand
pitiable adj. jæmrlik
place n.f. tschadt
place n.m. plas v. tschowen
place of battle n.f. wiegtschadt
place of Calvary n.f. hamaltschadt
place of judgement n.f. magheltschadt
place of judgement n.f. seuntschadt
place of slaughter n.f. waltschadt
place v. lagen
place where the snow has melted away n.m. æbr
plain n.m. wang
plain n.n. ackrlandt
plain of victory n.m. siegrwang
plaintiff n.m. ziechær
plan n.m. raþ
plan v. siðen
plant n.f. pflanse
plant v. bipuen
play basketball v. korbballen
play cards v. pæprbourðen
play chess v. schachen
play computer games v. garecknærgamnen
play golf v. kloumbballen
play n.m. gamn
play ping-pong v. beudttennisen
play soccer v. foßballen
play tennis v. tennisen
play the harp v. harpfen
play v. laiken
play v. spielen
play video games v. sichtraghegamnen
play volleyball v. scheußballen
player n.m. laikær
play-mate n.n. gaspiel
pleasant adj. galoutschlik
pleasant adj. linþig
pleasant adj. seußig
pleasant afj. wynnlik
pleasure n.f. folliß
pleasure n.f. gawerþ
pledge v. aiþen
plentious adj. ganughtsam
plenty n.f. ganughtsame
plot v. triegen
plough n.m. pfleug
ploughman n.m. pfleugmand
pluck v. taisilen
plum n.f. slaighwe
plunge v. tohken
pod n.f. houle
poem n.f. tighte
point of dispute n.f. kose
point out v. zeknen
pointed adj. handtig
poke v. pouken
pole n.m. sagel
police n.f. polizie
political adj. partielik
politics n.f. partiung
ponder v. traghten
ponder v.s. weigen
pool n.f. zerne
poor adj. arm
poor forth v. argeutzen
portion n.n. tail
possess v. eignen
possession n.f. eght, n.m. eign
possibility n.f. taugunþ
possible adj. maglik
post n.f. tschavfe
post v. bitscheghen
pot n.n. krogu
potential n.f. taugunþ
pound v. framullen
pour out v. schenken
pour v. geußen
poverty n.f. armþ
poverty n.f. ðarbe
poverty n.f. yrmþ
power n.f. gawalt
power n.f. macht
power n.m. meign
power plant n.m. gabrennungplas
powerful adj. gawaltig
powerful n. machtig
practical adj. gatolik
praetorium n.n. ðinghouß
praetorium n.n. solar
praise n.n. lob, v. loben
praise v. þeuðen
praise v. wieghen
praiseworthy adj. lobsam
prank n.m. pfrounch
pray v. beten
prayer n.n. gabet
preach v. prædigen
preaching n.f. prædigung
precious stone n.n. gatschain
prepare v. garoen
prepare v. maken
prepare v. zaujen
prepared adj. garaiðe
preperation n.n. garutsch
presence s.f. gegnwerte
present s.v. schauwen
preserve v. sparen
preside v. ofrwaldten
president n.m. gravær
president n.m. præsident
president of a nation or state n.m. landtpræsident
presidential adj. præsidentisch
presiding adj. ofrwaldtant
press close v. smiegen
press v. drycken
press v. þrenghen
pressing adj. swar
presume s.v. refl. bihaißen
pretend v. gasohmen
pretty adj. kleind
prevent v. merren
prey n.f. warþe
prick s.v. tscheghen
prick v. pfricken
pride n.f. haughfart
priest n.m. ewart
priest n.m. pfaff
priesthood n.f. bischofhaið
prime minister n.m. hauððeutschalk
prince n.m. vyrtsch
princess n.f. vyrtschin
principality n.m. vyrtschteum
principle n.f. lere
proclaim one’s innocence v. unschouldigen
proclaim s.v. frambrengen
proclaim v. kunden
proclaim v. maren
produce electricity s.v. gabrennen
production n.m. wachsm
profit n.f. bohze
prohibit s.v. frabiðen
prohibited adj. frabiðen
promise s.v. refl. bihaißen
promised adj. bihaißen
promote v. førden
proof n.f. bischauwung
proper adj. reght
properly adv. reght
property n.m. eign
property n.m. eudel
prophesize v. wißagen
prophesy v. wißagen
prophet n.m. forsagær
prophet n.m. wißag
proposal n.f. gasagung
propose v. gasagen
propriety n.f. zounft
prose n.f. prose
prosper v. ðieghen
protect v. bergen, biwerien
protect v. schelðen
protect v. vritschen
protection n.f. bihaldtung
protector n.m. heldt
proud adj. ofrhoughtig
prove v. bischauwen
proverb n.f. sage
provision n.m. ordn
public adj. ðeutisch
public n.f. ðeute
pull quickly v. zycken
pull s.v. tragen
punish v. schræfen
punishment n.f. bouße
punishment n.f. pine
punishment n.n. wies
pure adj. keusch
pure adj. rein
pure adj. riend
purify v. arrienden
purity n.f. reine
purple adj. gotwebb
purple adj. purpr
purple robe n.n. gotwebb
push v. schouvfen
put down v. niþrsatzen
put forth v. gasagen
put in confusion v. treuben
put in order v. ordinnen
put into the coffin v. sarken
put off v. artwellen
put on v. analagen
put out v. lischen
put together v. veugen
quake s.v. kwaken
qualification n.f. toght
quarrel n.f. pagge
quarrel v. paggen
quarter n.m. fitwel
quaver s.v. kwaken
queen n.f. kwæn
quell v. kwallen
question n.f. bohnd
quick adj. gagh
quick adj. kwick, paldt
quick adj. reid
quick adj. snell
quickly adv. ðrat
quickly adv. gaghig
quickly adv. scheur
quickly adv. sleum
quickness n.f. snelle
quiet adj. sleght
quill n.m. kill
quite adv. raþr
rabbit n.m. hatzn
race n.n. ræß
radio n.m. ferrhaurær
rag n.f. kloutze
rage n.m. grimm
rage v. grimmen
raghig adj. relative
rain n.m. reign, v. reignen
raise s.v. heffen
raise up s.v. arheffen, v. arrighten
raise v. pflegen
raise v. raitzen
raise value v. ofrgulþen
raising of value n.f. ofrgulþe
rake v. raken
rank (military) n.m. span
rank adj. rankig
rank n.m. ordn
rapid adj. gagh
rapids n.m. wag
rather adv. raþr
ratification n.f. bisagung
ratify v. bisagen
ratify v. bisagen
raven n.f. ravfne
raw adj. rawig
reach s.v. gawennen
reach v. raiken, s.v. arfaren
read s.v. raþen
readily adv. kern
ready adj. garaiðeðe
ready adj. garo
realistic adj. gatolik
really adj. weislik
reap v. arnen
rear adj. hinðrig
reason n.f. sake
reason n.n. ðing
reasonable adj. reidhaft
reasonable adj. sennelik
rebellion n.m. geweir
rebellion n.n. gawer
rebuke v. hwoßen
rebuke v. inkreiben
receive v. antfaghen
receive v. infaghen
recent adj. nolik
reckon v. garecknen
recline v. lienen
recognize s.v. arknænen
recoil s.v. schrenken
recommend v. pfelghen
recommendation n.n. pfelgh
reconciliation n.f. seune
record v. brievfen
red adj. rauð
redemption n.f. arloßung
redemption n.f. loßung
redress n.n. bouß
reed n.f. rore
reel n.m. reghel
reflect s.v. biþinken
reflect upon v. smeugen
reflect v. traghten
reflection n.f. aghte
refresh v. trenken
refuge n.n. flught
regal adj. kuninglik
regard v. gaschauwen
regardless adj. sichtlaus
regardless of prep. gen. sichtlaus
region n.m. mark
register v. brievfen
regret n.f. rouwe
reign v. ðeuten
reign v. reikisen
reindeer n.f. raine
reiterate v. reidinen
rejoice v. bliþen, vrawen
rejoice v. menden
relate v. arrecken
relate v. raghen
relation n.m. mag
relation v. gawachen
relationship n.f. sibbe
release v. arlæzen
release v. løsen
religion n.n. galauv
reluctantly adv. unkern
remain alive v. ganeißen
remain v. bilieben, þrughwonen
remedy n.n. arz
remedy n.n. bouß
remember v. gahougen
remember v. gamenþen
rememberance n.f. minne
remembrance n.f. gaþachðe
remind v. manen
reminder n.f. manung
remove v. arfieren
remove v. inleiþen
renaissance n.f. arwakung
rend v. zaghen
rend v. zoslißen
renew v. arneiwen
renounce v. wiedrsagen
renown n.f. ere
renown n.m. þrymm
renowned adj. arknanðlik
repay v. fragulþen
repentance n.f. rouwe
report n.n. mar
report v. maren
reporter n.m. marær
repose n.f. retsche
represent v. frabouþlen
representation n.f. frabouþlung
representitive n.m. frabouþlær
reprieve n.f. haghenyldtung
reprove v. refsen
request v. bitten
request v. geren
require s.v. biþurfen
requite v. fragulþen
rescue v. nerren
rescue v. retten
rescue v. vritschen
reservoir n.f. soumfe
reside v. wonen
resist s.v. wiedrtschanten
resist v. gawidaren
resistance n.m. krieg
resolve n.n. garaþ
resound v. dießen
resounding adj. hell
respected adj. gahaldten
responsible adj. saglik
rest n.f. retsche
rest v. retschen
restless adj. wævfrig
restore s.v. arwaken
restrict v. oufren
restricted adj. oufrig
restriction n.m. oufr
result n.m. wachsm
resurrection n.f. arretsche
resuscitate s.v. arwaken
retard v. artwellen
retinue n.n. gasind
retry v. wiedren
return from war n.f. haimdfart
return n.f. wiedrhwarbung
return s.v. wiedrhwarben
return v. gelðen
revile v. scheldten
revolt n.m. arheiß
revolution n.m. arheiß
reward n.f. miete
reward n.f. mitzte
reward n.m. leund
reward n.m. lon
reward of victory n.m. siegrleund
reward v. lonen
rib n.n. revf
ribbon n.f. snoðe
rich adj. otig
rich adj. rick
ride about s.v. umbirieðen
ride round s.v. umbirieðen
ride s.v. rieðen
rider n.m. rieðær
ridge n.m. rug
right (direction) adj. zes
right adj. reght
right hand n.f. zesawe
right n.n. reght
righteous adj. reghtfoll
righteousness n.f. reghtfollniss
rightly adv. reght
rigor n.f. schrenghaið
rind n.m. rendt
ring n.n. reng
ring s.v. klengen
rip v. rievfen
ripe adj. riffig
rise above v. ofrtschiegen
rise s.v. rißen
rise up s.v. artschanten
riverbank n.m. oufr
road n.m. weg
roast v. bræðen
roasting spit n.f. sfitze
rob v. rauvfen
robber n.m. schakær
robe n.f. tunighe
robe n.n. rauvf
rod n.f. roðe
roe deer n.m. raighn
role n.f. mannischnhaið
roll about v. biwellen
roll v. wellen
rollerskate v. wellantschaßen
rollerskate/ blade, rollerskating n.m. wellantschaß
romantic adj. malfoll
room n.m. kamr
room n.m. roumn
room n.n. galar
rooster n.m. han
root n.m. wurtzel
root n.n. wartz
root out v. reuten
rope n.f. raipe
rot v. routzen
rough adj. roughig
round adj. wellig
row v. rouwen
rub v. rieben
rub v. wrivfen
rudder n.m. roþr
rude adj. kerlig
rue (plant) n.f. rute
rue v. reiwen
rule n.f. reghte
rule n.f. regule
rule n.m. ordn
rule of law n.m. eiwordn
rule over v. gawaltan
rule v. ðeuten
rule v. reikisen
rule v. waldten
ruler n.m. ðeutær
ruler n.m. gravær
ruler n.m. waldtant
run v. loufen
run v. rennen
run v. yrnen
runner n.m. loufær
rush v. reuschen
rushing water n.m. wag
rye n.f. wrauge
Sabbath n.m. sambaþtag
sack n.m. seghel
sack n.n. balg
sad adj. biþwungen
sad adj. jæmrlik
sadden v. rouwen
saddle n.m. saðel
sadness n.f. rouwe
sadness of the heart n.f. herzerouwe
safe adj. gasound
safe adj. hail
safety n.f. ganitsch
safety n.f. haile
sail n.m. segel
sake n.f. sake
sale n.f. sale
salmon n.n. lachs
salt n.n. saltz
salutation n.f. hailasung
salutations n.n. wolkweit
salute v. hailasen
salvation n.f. haile
salve n.f. salbe
Samaritan adj. samaritanisch
same adj. samn
same adj. samnlik
sanctify v. hailigen
sand n.f. sante
sap n.m. sapn
sash n.m. gyrtel
satisfaction n.n. galoutsch
satisfied adj. saðig
satisfy v. saðen
save v. gahailen
save v. nerren
savior n.m. hailær
saw n.n. sag
say something of one v. ziechen
say v. jeighen
say v. sagen
saying n.f. sage
scab n.f. ruffe
scale n.f. wage
scar n.f. mase
scare v. þragen
scarely adv. koum
scatter v. schrauen
scatter v. zosprieðen
school n.n. lisnunghouß
science n.m. litsch
scoop n.m. schap
scorch n.f. sange
scorn n.m. bismer
Scot n.m. Schytt
Scotland n.n. Schyttlandt
Scottish adj. schyttisch
scourge v. fillen
scrap v. mælen
scrape v. scherpfen
scratch v. kervfen
scratch v. mælen
scribe n.m. bokær
scripture n.n. gaschrieb
scum n.f. schoume
scurvy n.m. schourpf
scythe n.f. seigþe
sea n.f. aghwe, n.f. sei
sea-bird n.m. brimmvougel
seal (wax) n.m. pæprwachsn
seal n.n. selgh
seam m.f. saume
seam n.f. nat
seashore n.n. tscheid
season n.f. hwiele
seat n.f. sæz
seat n.m. sedel
second n.n. sar
second num. anþr
secret n.f. roune
secretly adv. haling
section n. schitze
secure v. schelðen
security n.f. schelðung
sedition n.m. arheiß
sedition n.m. geweir
sedition n.n. gawer
see s.v. seien
see through s.v. þrughseien
seed n.m. sam
seed n.n. sæð
seek s.v. arsoken
seek s.v. soken
seem v. sohmen, þunken
seep v. siffen
seize v. argravfen
seize v. handten, bifaghen, faghen
seldom adv. selte
select s.v. arkoußen
self pron. salf
sell v. salen, frakouvfen
senate n.m. gaharr
send away v. fraloßen
send v. sanðen
sense n.f. senne
sense v. sennen
sensible adj. sennelik
separate s.v. scheiden
separate v. arscheiden
seperation n.n. gascheid
sermon n.f. prædige
servant n.f. ambacht, n.m. ðienær, n.m. þeign
servant n.m. schalk
servant of god n.m. gouðmand
serve v. ambachten, s.v. dat. ðienen
service n.f. ðientsch, n.f. vreght
session n.f. setzung
set uppermost v. krønen
set v. satzen
settle v. biwonen
settle v. marken
settle v. sægen
settlement n.f. markung
seven n.n. sevfn
sever s.v. scheiden
severity n.f. hwaße
severity n.f. schrenghaið
sew v. siewen
sex n.n. gasleght
shade n.f. schatwe
shadow n.f. schatwe
shaft n.f. schapft
shake v. schouðen
shall s.v. schoulen
shallow n.f. schalle
shame n. schame
shame n.f. unere
shape n.m. hauw, -v knouðen
shape n.n. galæz
shard n.f. scharðe
share in v. neußen
share n.m. tail
share v. scharen
share v. tailen
sharer n.m. ganotz
sharp adj. hwaßig
sharp adj. scharpf
sharpen v. scharpfen
sharply adv. hwaßig
sharpness n.f. hwaße
shave s.v. schavfen
shaving n.m. span
she pron. schei
shear n.m. schær
sheath n.f. schaiþe
shed v. schaiþen, argeutzen
sheep n.m. schæf
sheep n.n. smallignoß
sheet n.f. schautze
shelf n.m. schelpf
shell n.f. schale
shepherd n.m. herðær
she-wolf n.f. wølfin
shield n.f. schelðe
shield v. schelðen
shift v. schipften
shimmer v. gliemen
shin n.f. schinne
shine around s.v. bischienen
shine n.f. schiene s.v. schienen
shine upon s.v. bischienen
shining adj. gelf
shining adj. vronisch
ship n.n. schivf
-ship suf. –schaff
shire n.f. schir
shirt n.m. hamieþ
shirt worn over chainmail n.m. wævfnhamieþ
shoe n.f. schogh
shoot through v. arscheußen
shoot v. scheußen
shop n.f. schupfe
shore n.f. kytsche
shore n.f. schranðe
shortness n.f. kourte
shot n.f. schutze
shoulder n.m. schlouðr
shout n.n. rouf
shout v. roufen
shove v. schouvfen
shovel n.m. schouvfel
show s.v. schauwen, v. arougen, beuten, framainen
show v. kunden
show v. ougen
show v. zeknen
showing n.f. arougniss
shred n.f. schrauðe
shrimp n.m. schrempf
shrink v. blanken, s.v. schrenken
shroud n.f. schrouðe
shun v. bimieðen
shun v. mieðen
shut v. schoußen
shy adj. schie
sick adj. seukig
sickle n.f. hævfe
sickness n.f. seuke
side n.f. siðe
sieve n.m. riðr
sieze v. kripfen
sigh n.m. suft
sight n.f. sicht
sight n.n. wabrseun
sign n.m. zaikn
sign n.m. zekn
sign v. bizeinen
signed adj. bizeinðe
signify v. boughnen
silence v. gaswiegen
silent (be) v. ðagen
silk cloth n.m. pfellr
silly adj. tumb
silver n.m. silouvfr
similar adj. galik
similarly adj. samn
simple adj. sleght
simplicity n.f. sleghte
sin n.f. sounðe n.f. virine
since conj. sið
since conj. want
sinful adj. sounðig
sing s.v. sengen
singe mark n.f. sange
singing n.f. sang
single (unmarried) adj. frie
single adj. anig
single adj. anlik
sinister adj. winitschr
sink s.v. senken, s.v. frasenken
sinner n. sounðig
sip v. suvfen
sister n.f. swetschr
sit away s.v. frasetzen
sit s.v. setzen
six n.n. sechs
size n.f. grøße
skate n.m. schaß
skill n.f. kraft
skip v. schupfen
skull n.f. hwarne
slant v. slintzen
slaughter n.f. slought
slaughter n.n. wal
slay v. arslaghen
sled n.f. sliðe, n.m. slag
sleep n.m. slæf
sleep v. slæfen
sleeve n.m. sloufn
sleigh n.f. sliðe, n.m. slag
slice v. sleitzen
slick adj. slickig
slide v. slieðen, glieðen
slight adj. slempfig
sling s.v. slengen
slipping n.m. slipf
slit s.v. slißen
slope n.f. halde
slough, shedded skin n.n. slouk
slow adj. slæw
slut n.f. slauþe
sly adj. slogig
slyness n.f. fizhaið
small adj. lutzel
small adj. smallig
small cattle n.n. smallignoß
small javelin n.n. gabylodt
smart adj. hanþrig
smarten v. smertzen
smear v. smeren
smell n.f. tschanke
smell s.v. tschinken
smell v. rieghen
smile n.f. laghase
smile v. laghasen
smile v. smielen
smite v. smießen
smith n.m. smiþ
smithy n.f. smiþe
smoke n.m. reukn, v. smeuken
smolder v. smoulen
smooth adj. slickig
smuggle v. smougen
snail n.m. snagel
snake n.m. snakn
snare n.f. saße
snare n.f. snarghe n.f. fare
snare n.n. seid
snatch away v. kripfen
snatch v. hæschen
sneak v. sneiken
sneeze v. fneusen
snore v. snarken
snow n.m. snai
snow v. snaien
so adv. so
so adv. so, thus, as
so as conj. sub. þarso
so conj. þan
so that conj. sub. þarso
soak v. tschaupfen
soccer n.f. foßballe
social adj. ðeutig
socialist adj. sozialistisch
society n.f. ðeutigniss
society n.m. hirat
soft adj. slimmig
softly adv. lind
soil n.f. molte
soldier n.m. kampfær
solidarity n.f. trudtschaff
–some suf. -sam
someone pron. sighhwo
someone pron. wliegh
something pron. sighhwaß
somewhat adj. kloupftlik
somewhere pron. wergn
son n.m. sohnd
son of a nobleman n.m. eddeling
song consisting of strophes of unequal length n.m. leich
song n.f. sang
song n.n. leuþ
songbird n.f. pfinke
soon adv. sænd
soot n.m. sohtn
soothe v. salvfen
sore n.f. bajin, adj. sairig
sorrow n.f. angetsch
sorrow n.f. sourge
sorrow n.m. jamr
sorrow n.n. weh
sorrowful adj.
soul n. saiwel
sound adj. gasound
sound adj. hail
sound n.f. sounðe
sound s.v. klengen
sound tape n.m. sounðhaldtær
sound v. louðen
sounding of trumpets n.n. kall
sour adj. sourig
source n.n. ær
south n.m. sounþr, adj. sounþrig
sovereign adj. allhaughitsch
sovereignty n.f. allhaughitschniss
sow n.f. souge, -v. sæjen
space n.f. kloupft
space n.n. galar
spade n.m. spaðn
spare n.n. spark
spare v. sparen
sparrow n.f. sparwe
spasm v. þrawen
speak amiss s.v. misspreken
speak v. jeighen
speak v. reidinen
speak v. spreken
spear n.n. sper, n.f. gaiðe
spectacle n.n. wabrseun
speech n.f. spræke
speed n.f. spoðe
spell n.m. speln
spell s.v. spellen
spew v. spiewen, spæwen
spiced or mixed with myrrh adj. gamirrðe
spider n.m. spenþr
spike n.f. gatzðe
spill v. spelþen
spin s.v. spennen
spinning wheel n.f. rucke
spire n.f. spir
spirit n.m. geitsch
spirit n.n. meudt
spit upon v. spiewen
spit v. spætlen
spit v. spiewen
spiteful action n.f. niþrtæðe
splendor n.m. glatsch
splendorous adj. glatschlik
splinter n.f. spicke
split v. randten
spoke m.n. spaikn
sponge n.f. swampfe
spool n.f. spelðe
spoon n.m. spæn
sport n.m. gagamn
spot at v. bismaren
spot v. hounen
spotless adj. keusch
spotless adj. rein
spray v. spæwen
spread v. sprieðen
sprig n.m. zein
spring n.f. wylle
spring n.n. niþrjær
spring s.v. sprengen
spring up s.v. oufsprengen
sprout n.n. spreuß
sprout v. spreußen
spur n.m. spor
spy n. spegh
spy v. speghen
stab n.m. tschick
stab v. tschicken
staff n.m. sagel
staff n.n. rung
stag n.m. hirs
stain n.f. flecke
stain v. biwellen
stair n.m. tschaigr
stalk n.m. halm
stalk v. tschalken
stall n.m. tschaln
stand by s.v. aztschanten
stand s.v. tschanten
star n.m. gatschern
star n.m. tschern
starch v. tscharken
stare v. kapfen
stare v. tscharen
starling n.m. tscharn
start suddenly v. bregten
state (of affairs) n.f. noniss
statement n.f. sage
status (social) n.m. span
status n.f. noniss
stave n.f. laþe
staying adj. gatschadtig
stead n.f. tschadt
steadfast adj. fatschig
steadfast adj. gatschadtig
steal s.v. tschelen
steel adj. tschaghlig
steep adj. tschaupfig
steer v. tscheuren
stem n.f. tschale
step v. treiðen
sterile adj. unberendt
stick n.m. tschakn
stick s.v. tscheghen
stick, cling v. klivfen
stiff adj. tschipig
still adj. tschell
still adv. nogh
sting s.v. tschengen
stirup n.m. tschegreif
stock exchange n.m. sleitzwechsel
stock n.n. sleitz
stole n.f. tschole
stone n.n. tschain
stool n.f. tschole
stool n.m. tscheul
stop an action s.v. arwindten
stop s.v. haldten
stork n.m. tschourk
storm (military) v. tschourmen
storm n.n. tschourm
story n.n. mar
straight adj. sleght
strain s.v. sighen
strait n.f. enge
strange adj. seltsam
strangle v. wyrgen
straw n.f. rauke
stream n.f. lewinne
stream n.n. schraumd
street n.f. schraße
strength n.f. schrangþ, n.m. eln
strength n.m. þrymm
stretch out v. arrecken
stretch out v. þenen
stretch v. reckan
strict adj. schreng
strictness n.f. schrenghaið
strife n.f. haiftsche
strike v. slaghen, bliewen
strip n.n. bandt
strive v. schrivfen
strive zealously v. flißen
stroke n.m. schriekn, v. schraiken
strong adj. schrang
structure n.m. zemratz
struggle n.m. kampf
struggle s.v. rengen
strut v. schroutzen
stud n.f. tschoðe
student n.m. lisnær
study v. lisnen
stumbling block n. aswigh
stump n.f. tschoumpfe
stutter v. tschaußen
sty n.f. tschije
subdue v. kwallen
subject adj. unðrlik
submissive adj. unðrlik
succumb s.v. galegen
such adj. solik
such adj. swalk
suck up v. fraswelghen
suck v. sougen
suckle v. sougen
suddenly adv. gaghig
suddenly adv. sleum
suffer v. arlieden
suffer v. fraþolen
suffer v. þolen, þulten
sufficiency n.f. ganeuge
sufficient adj. ganeugig
suggest v. pfelghen
suggestion n.n. pfelgh
suit v. dat.
suitable adj. galumfen
suitably adv. gaðeut
sulk v. selken
summer n.m. soumr
summer solstice n.f. lieðe
summerlike adj. soumrlik
summertime n.f. soumrzieðe
summon v. pannen
sun n.f. sunne
sundry adj. misslik
sunny adj. sunnig
superfluous adj. yppig
superiority n.m. gaharr
supper n.f. goume
supper n.n. abandmeus
support v. førden
suppose v. wannen
sure adj. sichr
surface n.m. krøn
surge v. boulgen
surging n.m. wylm
surpass v. ofrtschiegen
surplice n.f. tschole
surround s.v. umbigangen
surround s.v. umbisalen
sustenance n.f. lievfhaið
sustenance n.f. witsch
swallow s.v. slinten
swallow up v. fraslinten, fraswelghen
swallow v. swelgen
swamp n.n. mor
swan n.n. swand
swarm n.m. swarm
swear an oath v. aiþen
swear s.v. swæren
sweep v. swiepfen, vourben
sweet adj. seußig
sweet adj. swotzig
swell s.v. swellen
swell to the utmost s.v. zoswellen
swelling n.n. knu
swim s.v. swemmen
swine n.f. swiene
swing s.v. swengen
swoon n.f. unschrangþ
sword n.m. swerðn
sword-cut n.m. swerðnslagh
syllable n.f. sillabe
symbol n.f. frabouþlung
symbolize v. frabouþlen
synagogue n.f. samnung
synagogue n.n. ðinghouß
table n.m. beudt
tack v. bitscheghen
tail n.f. zagle
take account of v. reughen
take away v. arfieren
take by the throat v. wyrgen
take fire s.v. inbrennen
take from v. retten
take off v. inwæðen
take out s.v. outznemen
take under one’s protection v. infaghen
take v.s. zæken v. faghen, fieren
tale n.f. zale
talk v. jeighen
tall adj. grøß
tally n.m. span
tame v. zamen
tar n.n. zer
target n.f. targe
tariff n.m. gamarkðzinn
tarry v. latzen
tarrying n.f. yldtung
task n.m. werkn
taste v. smacknen
tavern n.f. sale
tax n.m. zinn
teach v.s. zaiken
teacher n.m. leiþær
teacher n.m. zaikær
team n.m. zaugm
tear s.v. slißen
tear v. rievfen, -n.m. zagr
tear v. zaghen
tear v. zoslißen
tear v. zycken
tease v. zaißen
telephone n.f. ferrtschemne
telephone number n.f. ferrtschemnereuve
television n.m. ferrseiær
tell fully v. follsagen
tell in full v. arsagen
tell v. raghen
tell v. reidinen
tell v.s. zalen, v. arrecken
temptation n.f. fare
ten n.n. zegn
tender adj. murouw
tennis n.n. tennis
term (of a document) n.n. tail
term in office n.f. ambachtung
terrible adj. angetschlik
terrible adj. virinlik
test n.f. scheuwung
test v. scheuwen
testicle n.m. koutel
testimony n.f. gaweßniss
testimony n.f. gaweßschaff
testimony n.n. arkund
than conj. æs
thank v. þanken
thanks n.m. þank
thanks with words n.m. havfþank
that art. jaind, pron. þas conj. þaß
thatch n.m. þakn
thaw v. þawen
the (acc.) art. (neut) þas, (masc.) þen, (fem, plural) þie
the (dat) art. (neut, masc.) þem, (fem.) þer, (plural) þen
the (gen) art. (neut, masc) þes, (fem.) þer, (plural) þen
the (inst) art. (neut, masc, fem) þe, (plural) þie
the (nom) art. (neut.) þas, (masc.) þer, (fem, plural) þie
the day of judgement n.n. muspill
the last day n.n. muspill
the top n.f. ofrigniss
theft n.f. þeuvfþ
their pron. ir
theirs pron. ir
them pron. schei, ir
then adv. þanfur
thence adv. and conj. þan
theocracy n.m. gouðmandgardt
there adv. þar
therefore adv. warlik
therefore conj. gaweß
therefore conj. þan
these art. þiese
they pron. schei
thick adj. garoußig, þick
thief n.m. þeuvf
thigh n.n. þeugh
thin adj. schierig
thine pron. þin
thing n.f. gamake
thing n.f. raghe
thing n.n. ðing, n.f. eght
thing n.n. wight
think about v. traghten
think amiss s.v. missþinken
think of v. gawaghen
think of v. huggen
think out s.v. arþinken
think s.v. þinken
think v. gahougen
think v. smeugen
think v. wannen
think wrong s.v. missþinken
third adj. þriþ
thirst n.m. þourtsch
thirst v. þourtschen
thirsty adj. þourtschig
this art. þeser
this pron. þas
thither adv. & conj. þara
thole v. unnen
thong n.n. þwang
thorn n.m. þourn
thorny adj. þournig
thorough adj. þorogh
thoroughly adv. þorogh
those art. þose
thou pron. þu
though conj. þaugh
thoughful adj. biþaghðe
thought n.f. gaþachðe
thousand n.n. þousandt
thread n.f. þræðe
threaten v. hwoßen
threaten v. þreußen, ðreiwen
three n.n. þri
three-hundred n.n. þrihounterdt
thresh v. þreschen
thrive v. ðieghen
throat n.n. þroutz
throne n.m. sedel
throne n.m. tscheul
throng n.n. þreng
throng v. þrenghen
throttle v. wyrgen
through prep. acc. þrugh
throughout adv. ofrall
throw out v. arwerpfen
throw out v. outzwerpfen
throw v. sanðen
throw v. werpfen
thrush n.f þrautsch
thrust in s.v. bitschengen
thrust n.m. tschick
thrust v. þrutschen
thud v. þoudten
thumb n.m. þumn
thunder n.m. þohnr
thunderclap n.f. þohnrtschemne
thus adv. so
thy pron. þin
tide n.f. zieðe
tidings n.n. mar
tie v. zaugen
tight adj. þencht
till v. bipuen
till v. zielen
tiller n. helmand
tilt v. helþen
timber n.m. zimbr
time n.f. hwiele
time n.f. zieðe n.f. vritsch
time n.n. mæl
times adv. mæl
tin n.m. zimn
tired adj. meute
tired from journey adj. farungmeute
tithe n.f. zechsnþ
title n.m. titel
to be hungry v. hungren
to do good v. þeuðen
to not succeed s.v. misslingen
to prep. dat. zo
to the east adv. ohtschr
to undertake a thing v. inðicken
toad n. schavf
today adv. høte
toe n.n. zaigh
together adj. gaðig
together adv. sam
toil n.f. arbeit
token n.m. zekn
tolerant adj. læzant
tomato n.f. tomate
tomb n.n. gadeim
tomcat n.m. tschag
tongs n.f. zange
tongue n.f. zunge
tonight adv. hindt
tooth n.f. zanþ
top n.m. krøn
torment v. bikwallen
torment v. wegen
torrent n.f. lewinne
torture n.f. kwalle
torture v. bikwallen
toss v. werpfen
total adj. oußig
totter v. wenken
touch v. reuren
touch with affection v. treuten
touch with the hand v. handtelen
tough adj. zangh
tow v. zougen
tower n.m. tschapfel
town n.f. zoune
trainer n.m. magezaikær
transfer v. rapen
transferable adj. raplik
transient adj. hwielehwarbig
translate s.v. frazalen
trap n.f. saße
travel n.f. farung
travel s.v. faren
travel through s.v. ofrgangen
traverse s.v. ofrfaren
tread v. treiðen
treason n.f. meldung
treat (handle) v. handtelen
treat in an unloving manner v. unminnen
treatment n.f. handtelung
treaty n.m. sibbpæpr
tree n.m. treind n.f. boumd
treetrunk n.f. boule
trefoil n.m. kleiw
tremble s.v. kwaken
trial n.f. reghtung
tribes of the earth n.p. erþekouni
trick n.n. breigt
trouble n.f. arbeit
trouble n.f. nauðe
trouble n.n. ungamak
trouble v. wegen
troubled adj. biþwungen
troublesome adj. arbeitsam
trough n.f. trouge
truce n.f. pfriþe
true adj. gatrou
true adj. trou
true adj. war, (all) adj. allwar
truly adv. gawarlik
truly adv. warlik
trumpet n.f. trumbe
trust v. truwen
truth n.f. sanþ
truth n.f. trouþ
truth n.f. warniss
truth n.n. war
try (a trial) v. frareghten
try s.v. arkoußen
tug v. zougen
tune n.f. wiße
tunic n.f. tunighe
turf n.f. swarðe
turn aside s.v. arwindten
turn away v. wendten
turn s.v. gawindten
turn v. dræjen
turn v. wendten
turn v. zerfen
turning n.n. gawundt
twelve n.n. zwailif
twenty n.n. zwenzoug
twig n.m. zein
twig n.n. zwig
twin n.m. zwind
twine n.f. zwisne
twist n.m. wervfeln
two adj. zwai
ulcer n.m. aisr
unable adj. untaugun
unable to be divided adj.
unbearable adj. unfratragenlik
unbelieving adj. ungalauvfoll
uncertain adj. zwivellik
uncle n.m. ounkel
unclean adj. unsoubr
unclear adj. tunkel
unclothed adj. ungawæðe
uncomparable adj. ganotzlaus
unconcious adj. sennelaus
under prep. adv. unðr
under prep. dat. unðrwiþ
undergarment n.m. smougn
understand s.v. fratschanten
understanding n.f. fratschantung
understanding n.f. gawußðe
understanding n.f. weße
undertake s.v. unðrwindten
undertake v. zillen
undoable adj. untolik
undress v. inwæðen
unequal adj. misslik
uneven adj. misslik
unfaithfullness n.m. wank
unfit adj. untaugun
unfortunately adj. untomdlik
unfriendly adj. unvreuntlik
unfruitful adj. unberendt
unguilty adj. unschouldig
unhappy adj. armlik
unhappy adj. ganadelaus
unhurt adj. gasound
unhurt adj. hail
unilateral adj. alæn
unilaterally adv. alæn
union n.f. anniss
unitary adj. anig
unite v. anen, v. veugen
unite v. gamainen
unity n.f. anniss
universal adj. ellik
university n.n. hauðlisnunghouß
unknowingly adv. unwißant
unkown adj. unkund
unless prep. conj. acc. outzn
unlikeable adj. unbilikðe
unmarried adj. frie
unmusical adj. ungaklengig
unnecessary adj. yppig
unpleasant adj. unbilikðe
unrestrained adj. frie
unrewarded adj. ungalonðe
unsteady adj. zaltig
until conj. untz
until prep dat., conj. oð conj. er
until prep. acc. untz
until prep. acc. zunzn
untruth n.f. leuge
unwillingly adv. unkern
unwomanly creature n.f. unwivf
unworthy adj. unwerbig
unwritable adj. ungawrießen
unyielding adj. balþ
up prep. dat. ouf adv. ana
up to prep. dat. oð
upon prep. ana
upper room n.n. solar
uppermost adj. ofrig
uppermost adv. auvenitsch
uppity adj. vrech
upright adj. reghtkern
urge on v. spanen
urgent adj. haitz
urinate v. michstelen
us pron. us
use n.f. neuße
use v. gaþurfen
use v. neußen
useful adj. vroum
useless adj. swagh
useless adj. unnutz
uselessness n.f. swaghhaið
usurer n.m. inlikær
utter n.m. kweþn
vagina n.f. schliete
valiently adv. balþ
valkyrie n.f. walkoußerin
valley n.n. tal
valuable adj. werþig
value n.f. werþ
value v. minnen
vanish s.v. swindten
vassalage n.n. landtðeut
vegetable n.m. krouðn
veil n.m. laghn
velvet n.m. samdt
venture s.v. teren
verily adv. allwar
verily adv. warlik
verse n.n. vers
very adv. ðrat
very adv. follen
very adv. ganot
very adv. garo
very adv. reght
very great adj. ofrgrøß
very much adv. hardt
very old adj. woundtralt
vessel n.m. vaß
vessel of ointment n.n. salbfaß
veto n.f. nachtung
veto v. nachten
vice president n.m. vizepræsident
victorious adj. siegrlik
victorious adj. wiegsalig
victory n.m. siegr
video n.f. sichtraghe
videogame n.m. sichtraghegamn
viking n.m. wiking
village n. þorf
vinegar n.f. eßie
violate v. gawrangen
violet n.m. veul
viper n.m. natr
virgin n.f. ðierne
virgin n.f. magiðin
virtuous adj. þeuð
vision n.f. gasicht
visit n.m. wisn
voice n.f. tschemne
volleyball n.f. scheußballe
vomit n.m. rækn, v. ræknen
vote n.f. frakoußung
vote v. frakoußen
vouchsafe v. gawerden
vow s.v. refl. bihaißen
vulgarity n.f. tørprhaið
wade v. waten
wag v. wagen
wages n.f. miete
wail v. jæmren
wait v. waßen
wake s.v. waken
wake up s.v. arwaken
Wales n.f. Wale
walk n.n. gang
walk s.v. gangen
walk s.v. hwarben
wall (defensive) n.m. wall
wall n.f. mour
wallow v. biwellen
walrus n.f. houshwale
wander v. hwærrapen
want n.f. armþ
want n.f. ðarbe
want v.s. willen
wanton adj. gaghlaus
wantonness n.n. loß
war n.m. weir
war n.m. wieg
ward n.f. warte
-ward suf. f. –warð
ware n.f. ware
warlike adj. kampflik
warlike adj. køn
warm adj. warm
warm v. warmen
warn v. manen
warn v. warnen
warning n.f. manung
warp v. werfen
warrior n.m. kampfær
warrior n.m. wiegær
warrior n.m. wrakn n.m. þeign, n.m. eddelþeign
war-standard n.m. gundfand
war-time n.f. weirzieðe
wash v. watschen
wasp n.f. hwefse
waste away v. brosnen
waste away v. kwinken
waste n.f. forlousz
waste n.f. watsche
waste n.n. gabretsch
waste v. wotschen
wasteland n.n. haiþ
watch s.v. waken
watch television s.v. ferrseien
watchfull adj. wakfoll
water n.m. waßr
water-pot n.n. waßrfaß
wave n.f. yð
wave v. hwarpfen
wave-course n.f. yðfarung
waver s.v. kwaken
waver v. wenken
wax n.m. wachsn v. wachsen
way n.m. sinþ
way n.m. weg
way n.n. gang
we pron. wi
weak adj. krank
weak adj. swaghlik
weak adj. waik
weak adj. wannheil
weak in the limbs adj. lam
weaken v. swaghen
weakness n.f. seuke
wealth n.f. rickhaið
weapon n. wævfn
wear v. wasen
weary adj. farungmeute, meute
weasel n.m. wiesel
weather n.m. weðr
weave v. weivfen
wed v. waðen
wedge n.n. wag
weed n.n. weuð
weed v. jeten
week n.f. wieke
weep for v. reußen
weep for v. weuvfen
weep v. reußen
weep v. wopen
weeping n.f. weuvft
weigh v.s. weigen
weigh v.s. weigen
weighing block n.n. lot
weight n. gaweighðe
weight n.n. lot
weightlifting n.f. lotarheffung
weighty adj. havfig
weild v. gawaltan
welcome adv. willekwemmen
well adv. wol
well interj. wolr
well n.f. brunne, n.n. buß, n.f. fouße
well! interj. wolig
well-being n.m. weln
wellfare n.n. heil
welling n.m. wylm
well-known adj. arknanðlik
welsh adj. walisch
Welshman n.m. walischmand
wench n.f. þerne
west n.m. wetschr, adj. wetschrig
wet adj. wæßig
wet v. lecken
whale n.f. hwale
whaling n.f. hwalung
wharf n.n. hwarpf
what kind of pron. hweulik
what pron. hwaß
wheat n.m. hwaitz n.m. ðinkel
wheel n.n. raþ
when adv, conj. hwan
whence adv. hwæðr
whence adv. wanen
whence conj. þan
where from adv. hwæðr
where pron. hwær
where to adv. hwiþr
whereas conj. afar
wherefore adv. wanen
wherefore conj. þan
whether conj. hwaþr
which art. hwilker
while adv. hwiel
while conj. untz
whisle v. hwitschlen
whisling n.f. hwitschlung
white adj. hwieß
whither adv. & conj. þara
whither adv. hwiþr
who pron. hwo
whole adj. hail
wholeness n.f. hailniss
whore n.f. hore
why adv, conj. hwi
wicked adj. arg
wickedness n.f. arge
wickedness n.f. unkoutsch
wide adj. wið
widow n.f. wiðe
wife n.f. gamaghe
wife n.f. wivf
wild adj. wilþig
wild animals n.n. wilþ
will n.f. wille
willingly adv. kern
win v.s. wennen
wind n.m. wenð s.v. windten
window n.n. ougðyrl
windy adj. wenðig
wine n.f. trouvfewose
wine n.m. win
winsome adj. wynnsam
winsomeness n.f. wynnsamniss
winter n.m. wintr
wipe v. swerben
wipe v. wiffen
wire n.n. wir
wisdom n.f. gawußðe
wisdom n.f. spachide
wisdom n.m. wißteum
wise adj. litschig
wise adj. spach
wise adj. wiß
wish v. geren
wish v. wunschen
wit n.f. witze
with indignation adv. unwerblik
with prep. wiþ
withdraw v. arfieren
withdraw v. inleiþen
withdraw v. retten
wither away v. kwinken
wither v. brosnen
withered adj. sausig, þourig
within prep. dat. unðrwiþ
without adv. outze
without compare adj. ganotzlaus
without disgrace adj. unschandt
without grace adj. ganadelaus
without need adj. unnotig
without prep. acc. ano
without prep. conj. acc. outzn
without seam adj. unganaðe
without shaming adj. unschamant
withstand s.v. wiedrtschanten
witness n.m. arkundær
woe intj. liedr
woe n.n. weh
woe! interj. weh!
wolf n.m. wølf
woman (bad) n.f. unwivf
woman n.f. wivf
womb n.f. wambe
womb n.m. rew
wonder n.m. woundtr
wonder n.m. zekn
wonder v. woundtren
wonderful adj. seltsam
wont adj. gawond
woo v. wanchen
wood n.m. wald
wood n.n. holz
wood n.n. wieð
wool n.m. schagn
word n.m. wourð
work n.m. werkn n.f. arbeit
work v. arbeiten
work v. werknen
world n.f. wereldt
world n.m. meðelgardt
worm n.f. wourm
worry v. wourgen
worse adj. wier
worship v. beten
worshiper n.m. betær
worst adj. sup. wiertsch
worth n.f. werþ
worthless adj. krank
worthless adj. swagh
worthlessness n.f. swaghhaið
worthy adj. werþig
wound n.f. banne
wound n.f. mase
wound v. frawoundten
wounded adj. woundt
wrap up s.v. biwindten
wrath n.f. haitzmeute
wrath n.f. wraiþ
wrath n.n. hazzis
wreath n.m. wriþn
wrench v. wrenken
wrestle s.v. rengen
wretched adj. armlik
wretched adj. wannig
wring v.s. wrengen
wrist n.n. writsch
write s.v. wrießen
write v. tighten
writing n.n. gaschrieb
writing n.n. schrieb
writing table n.n. schribsachs
wrong adj. wrang, abou
wrong v. gawrangen
yard n.f. garðe
yawn v. gienen
year n.n. jær
yearn v. geren
years of long ago n.p. ferrnjæri
yellow adj. gell
yes adv. ja
yesterday adv. getschr
yesteryear n.n. forjær
yet adv. jou
yet adv. nogh
yet conj. afar, þo
yew n.f. juwe
yield v. gelðen, bifelghen
yoke n.f. joke, v. spanen
yon ad, pron. jaind
you pron (acc.) (form. plural & sing.) gei, (inform.) þik (inform. plural) euk
you pron (dat & inst.) (form. plural & sing.) gou, (inform) þir (inform. plural) euk
you pron. (nom) (form. plural & sing.) gei, (inform.) þu, (inform. plural) eu
young adj. jung
young daughter n.n. taghtrlien
your pron. (form. plural & sing.) gour, (inform.) þin, (inform. plural) eur
yours pron þin
youth n.f. jungþ
zeal n.n. ageiß, n.f. fliß
zealously adj. ageißig, flißig
zealously adv. ganot