Pacarian language

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Spoken in Pacary (circa 2001–2002 CE)


Taken from

Site Pacarian
Language Pacarian
Language Subtitle 2nd official language of the Micronation of Pacary
Year 2001
Translator Sander Dieleman
Introduction This is the Babel Text in Pacarian, a micronational language based on French. It was translated from the French version. Please visit our webpage. It contains texts, a grammar summary and a complete course. The site of the micronation of Pacary is at
Verse 1 E to le campania estevas une langue e quelques motes.
Verse 2 E ce estevas quan illes voyagevan del este, que illes trovevan une plane en Shinar, e illes ye habitevan.
Verse 3 E une homme dyevas al copane, «Venye! Nos construyeramos briques e bruleramos les al fo.» E lore brique estevas del pyerre, e lore argile materiale.
Verse 4 E illes dyevan, «Venye! Construyeramos nos une ville e une tore e se tete en le cyele, e fayeramos nos une nome, o on estevas disperse sur le face del munde.»
Verse 5 E le Dio descendevas voyer le ville e le tore que les files del humanitado avevan construye.
Verse 6 E le Dio dyevas, «Tenye! une nacione, e il ye aves une langue por tos, e illes commencevan ce que illes fayen. E mantenante, ryen que illes proyecten esteras nye.»
Verse 7 «Alor, nos descenderamos e on ye confonderas lore langue, don illes entenderan pas, une persone le langue de se amye.»
Verse 8 E le Dio les dispersevas sur le face del munde, e illes se arrestevan construyer le ville.
Verse 9 Don illes le appellevan Babel, por ce que le Dio ye confondevas le langue de to le munde, e de ce endrote le Dio les dispersevas sur le face del munde.
Interlinear Translation 1 And all the "land" was one language and a few words.
Translation 2 And it was when they travelled from the east, that they found a plain in Shinar, end they settled there.
Translation 3 And one man said to another, «Come! We will create bricks and we will burn them on the fire.» And their brick was of stone, and their clay material.
Translation 4 And they said, «Come! Let's create us a town and a tower and its head in the sky, and let's make us a name, or one was dispersed on the surface of the world.»
Translation 5 And the Lord came down to see the town and the tower that the sons of humanity had constructed.
Translation 6 And the Lord said, «Behold! one nation, and one has there one language for everyone, and they began that what they do. And now, nothing that they projected will be nie denied.»
Translation 7 «Well, we will come down and one confounds their language there, so they will not hear, one person the language of his friend.»
Translation 8 And the lord dispersed them on the surface of the world, and they stopped themselves to construct the town.
Translation 9 So they called it Babel, because there the lord confounded the language of all the world, and of that place the lord dispersed them on the surface of the world.
Submitted By Sander Dieleman
Date Submitted Saturday, April 06, 2002
Date Edited Saturday, April 06, 2002
Date To Headline Saturday, April 06, 2002