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Orbital characteristics
Mass (Kg) 2.04E+26
Radius (Km) 46,750
Solar Day (h) 17.9
Orbital Period (days) 6,785
Semi-Major Axis (Km) 9.66E+08
Periapsis (AU) 6.37
Apoapsis (AU) 6.62
Albedo .72
Surface Temperature (K) 58.1
Surface Gravity (m/s^2) 6.24
Axial Tile (degrees) 19.5
Inclination (degrees) 5.4
Orbital Speed (Km/s) 10.6
Satellites Nikolaj

Glinos is the planet eighth closest to the star Atos, and the last of the system's four gas giants.

North Polar Regions

The North Polar region of Glinos is a chaotic and turbulent area, dominated by powerful cyclonic storms and swirling cloud bands. The atmosphere here is dense with dark clouds composed primarily of hydrogen and helium, with traces of ammonia and methane giving the clouds their deep, rich colors. Lightning storms are frequent in this area, illuminating the dark clouds with brilliant flashes of light. The interplay of light and shadow creates a dramatic and ever-changing landscape, making the North Pole of Glinos a fascinating subject for observation.

Equatorial Regions

Southern Polar Regions


It is said that winter follows Glinos as he walks across the world, accompanied by his pack of loyal Deepwood Gloomwolves and his entourage of ghosts and demons.

Glinos, the Divine of Ice and Winter, is said to have emerged from the primordial frost at the dawn of creation, embodying the eternal cycle of life and death. Born from the icy depths of the cosmos, Glinos wields the power of frost and ice, shaping and cleaving the landscape with his frozen touch.


Glinos is known by epithets that reflect his divine nature and influence. Among these titles are "Frostfather," symbolizing his dominion over icy realms and wintry landscapes, and "Harbinger," representing his role in heralding the arrival of winter's chill. He is also known as the "Lord of the Frozen Veil," signifying his role in maintaining the delicate balance between life and death.

Worship and Festivals in Bassaridia Vaeringheim

The Frostfire Convergence takes place around the Great Sentinel, an enormous, ancient tree found in the Gloom Forest outside of Nexa. It is said that at the turn of winter, Glinos and his entourage of wolves and spirits emerge from the hollow at the base of the Great Sentinel as they begin their annual march.

In the forests surrounding Nexa, worshippers of Glinos gather to honor their divine patron through solemn rituals and seasonal festivals. The most famous of these rituals is the Frostfire Convergence, which takes place in the northern mountains of the Gloom Forest of Perpetual Autumn. This solemn ritual occurs during the depths of winter when the forest is blanketed in snow and ice, creating a stark contrast against the eternal autumn foliage. Members of the fellowship venture deep into the heart of the forest, guided by the glow of icy blue flames that mark the sacred site of the convergence. They gather around a towering ancient tree, known as the Great Sentinel, which stands as a symbol of Glinos' enduring presence in the realm of perpetual autumn. As the icy winds howl through the forest, fellowship members kindle fires of enchanted blue flames around the base of the Frostfire Sentinel. These flames, fueled by the essence of winter and the eternal autumn, cast an otherworldly glow upon the surrounding landscape, illuminating the snow-covered ground and the golden leaves that cling defiantly to the trees. Throughout the convergence, participants engage in prayers, chants, and meditations, invoking Glinos's blessings and seeking their guidance in navigating the trials of the frozen wilderness. They offer offerings of artificial, gold and silver, snowflakes, frost flowers, and autumn leaves to the Frostfire Sentinel, symbolizing the union of winter's chill with the eternal cycle of autumn's decay and rebirth. At the climax of the ritual, fellowship members join hands and form a circle around the Frostfire Sentinel, their breath visible in the cold air as they commune with the divine presence of Glinos. In this moment of unity and reverence, they draw strength from the juxtaposition of winter's icy embrace and autumn's vibrant decay, embracing the beauty and power of the eternal cycle of life and death. The Frostfire Convergence serves as a testament to the fellowship's resilience and adaptability, as well as their unwavering devotion to Glinos, the Divine of Ice and Winter. Through this ritual, members of the Eon Fellowship seek to honor Glinos' eternal presence in the realm of perpetual autumn and draw inspiration from the timeless wisdom of the natural world.

Eon Fellowship

At the heart of Glinos' worship lies the esteemed Eon Fellowship, a sacred order dedicated to the preservation of ancient rites and rituals associated with winter and ice. Comprised of hardy adventurers, skilled hunters, and wise shamans, the fellowship seeks to honor Glinos' divine mandate by traversing the frozen wilderness and safeguarding the secrets of the icy realm. Members of the fellowship are revered for their resilience and resourcefulness, braving the harshest of conditions to commune with Glinos and seek his guidance in navigating the treacherous landscapes of winter.


Ancient myths and legends depict Glinos as a figure of stoic strength and silent majesty, his origins intertwined with the icy heart of the world.He are often portrayed as a solitary deity, wandering the frozen wastes of the north and shaping the landscape with his icy breath. Tales of Glinos' influence on mortal affairs abound, with his presence marking the turning of the seasons and the inevitability of the cycle of life and death.

Iconography and Depictions

In art and iconography, Glinos is often depicted as a towering figure draped in frost, his form obscured by swirling snowflakes and icy winds. He is frequently portrayed wielding a staff or scepter adorned with frozen crystals, symbolizing his control over the forces of winter. Symbols associated with Glinos include the snowflake, representing the delicate beauty of ice and snow, and the frost-covered tree, symbolizing the cycle of life and death. Glinos is also closely associated with the Deepwood Gloomwolf; the god is often depicted accompanied by two or three gloomwolves at his side. Depictions of Glinos capture his timeless presence, inviting worshippers to contemplate the profound mysteries of the frozen realm.