User:Jonas windsor/Concepts of Authority

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Shireroth's form of authority leans closely towards that of Ancient Rome. To understand, is to understand a part of the inner workings of the Imperial Republic. Those terms work both in the Shireroth under a monarch or without one (as the Mango Throne is forever, seated by a royal or not). Following terms are mostly social constructs (based on Octy's remarks):

Imprion (Imperium)

  • Definition in Shireroth: Refers to formal, legal authority granted to a position of power, often tied to the ability to command and enforce laws within a defined jurisdiction. This authority would be conferred explicitly by the Kaiser or other high offices of the empire.
  • Role in Shireroth:In the Imperial Republic, imprion is wielded by those who hold official state or military positions, such as the Steward, governors, or commanders of the armed forces. It signifies the power to act on behalf of the Mango Throne (in the widest definition: the State) in an official capacity. During the Mango Anarchy, imprion was contested as revolutionary factions sought to delegitimize the imperium of the House of Kalirion. Revolutionaries did not fight to end the authority of the Kaisers, but simply to wield it. Hence even the republicans did not abolish the Throne, but rather left it 'empty' as in their point of view they replaced the long line of Kaisers, as the Landsraad did on several occassions before.

Potestias (in contrast with real Potestas)

  • Definition in Shireroth: Refers to the practical power or capability to act, enforce decisions, or influence events, independent of formal legitimacy. This could include coercion, force, or other means of exercising authority.
  • Role in Shireroth:Potestias often reflected the raw power held by factions, nobles, warlords, or organizations outside the bounds of official authority. During the chaotic years of the Mango Anarchy, revolutionary committees, the Mango Rangers, the Tegong and rogue military units exerted potestias as they took control of cities and regions without formal recognition by the imperial government. Throughout the ages, Counts and other nobles used potestias to enforce law and order in their territories, mostly whenever a grey zone was reached in lawkeeping.

Auctoritas (Auctoritas)

  • Definition in Shireroth: Represents moral or societal authority based on respect, tradition, or influence rather than coercion or formal power. It is often tied to individuals or institutions perceived as legitimate or wise by their peers or the populace.
  • Role in Shireroth:In Shireroth, auctoritas could be seen in figures such as revered scholars, religious leaders, or elder nobles who were respected for their wisdom or service. Even during the Mango Anarchy, some individuals wielded great influence through auctoritas alone, persuading others to follow them despite lacking official titles or raw power. The Kaiseress Salome's auctoritas waned during the revolution as her moral and symbolic influence eroded in the face of radicalism, but remained strong until her escape to Foley. Every pater (or mater) familias helds auctoritas over his or her family.

Context in the Imperial Republic

In Shireroth, the distinctions between these forms of authority often overlap but serve to illuminate the complexities of governance during the Mango Anarchy. For example:

  • The revolutionary Erasmo Laegel claimed imprion by assuming official roles through popular mandate (like Prefect of Shirekeep), but his actual control depended on potestias from armed revolutionary groups and his auctoritas as a charismatic leader.
  • The Kaiseress, stripped of her imprion, clung to the fading auctoritas of the Mango Throne but lacked the potestias to enforce her will.