Treaty of the Northern Hereditary Lands
The Treaty of the Northern Hereditary Lands is a treaty between Francia, Ravaria and Stormark.
Treaty of the Northern Hereditary Lands
In celebration of the close friendship and bonds of kinship between the House of Ettlingar Freyu and the House of Vinandy - age-old ties which came into existance in the days of yore of the courtship of, and subsequent marriage between, Arkadius Leopold des Vinandy and Ærinndís of Ettlingar Freyu and which truly have stood the test of time, having remained unbroken throughout numerous years of troubled history and turmoil - three chief representatives of the aforementioned Imperial and Royal Houses, to wit (salvis titulis): Harald Freyjugjöf the Generous Giver, Æsileif Haraldsdóttir des Vinandy de Ravarie and Ettlingar Freyu, and Arkadius Frederik Gustavus des Vinandy, have met and have after long and wise deliberations in pursuit of their common goals of rule of law, good government and cultural development, as well as out of respect for their joint history, agreed to the following Articles:
Article I: Perpetual and Indissoluble CovenantThere shall be a perpetual and indissoluble alliance of friendship, peace and respect between the House of Ettlingar Freyu and the House of Vinandy. The aforementioned Imperial and Royal Houses pledge to protect each other's estate, save where bound by legal restrictions imposed by the dynastic law applicable.
Article II: The Northern Hereditary Lands
(a) Certain lands which were once ruled by the House of Vinandy and which are since the Fourteenth Year of the Second Vikng Age governed as Storish Bilander by the House of Ettlingar Freyu, to wit: Gascony and Los Bananos, shall upon the coming into effect of this Treaty pass into the Sovereign Ownership of the Frankish Empire.
(b) There shall be set aside in Gascony a large tract of land for an estate which shall be known as the Blathering Peacock Estate to which shall be attached the honourary title of þengill. The aforesaid estate shall be owned by the Storjarl Thorstein Noah Ayreon-Kalirion ibn al-Majeed bin Sathrati af Ettlingum Freyu. The ownership of the Blathering Peacock Estate shall pass to the Storjarla Esther Fatima Gudrid Ayreon-Kalirion ibn al-Majeed bin Sathrati af Ettlingum Freyu after the aforesaid's Storjarl's demise or upon conveyance by him in life to Her Imperial and Royal Highness. Any further transfers of the ownership of Blathering Peacock Estate shall in accordance with legal instruments devised by its then present proprietor.
(c) Harald Freyjugjöf the Generous Giver shall retain the dignity, status and title of Duke of Gascony until making his final journey to Freyja's Hall or his abdication of the Imperial Longships Throne, upon which He shall be succeeded by his great-granddaughter the Storjarla Esther Fatima Gudrid Ayreon-Kalirion ibn al-Majeed bin Sathrati af Ettlingum Freyu. She shall in turn be succeeded by the heirs of her body in accordance with a dynastic legal document issued for that purpose by Her Imperial and Royal Highness.
(d) Castle Islàn in the Royal City of Hyfrost shall upon the coming into effect of this Treaty become and be the property of the Froyalanish Branch of the House of Ettlingar Freyu and serve as the Seat of the aforesaid House of Orchids.
Article III: Triarchy to Govern Ravaria
(a) The Kingdom of Ravaria shall upon the coming into effect of this Treaty become and be an autonomous region of the Frankish Empire. It shall be governed by a Triarchy composed of Harald Freyjugjöf the Generous Giver, Æsileif Haraldsdóttir des Vinandy de Ravarie and Ettlingar Freyu, and Arkadius Frederik Gustavus des Vinandy.
(b) Each of the Triarch positions mentioned in the preceding Subarticle shall be attached the Throne of the monarch holding a Triarch position and shall devolve with the same in accordance with the legal mechanisms governing the succession such Throne.
Article IV: Mutual Recognition
The various States governed by the House of Ettlingar Freyu and the House of Vinandy which partake in this Treaty, to wit: the High Realm of Stormark, the United Kingdom of Arcadia, the Beneluccas and the land of the Calbain, and the Frankish Empire (hereafter in this Treaty "the High Contracting Parties"), shall from this point forward be in a perpetual state of mutual recognition, respecting each other’s independence and sovereignty. The same shall apply to their legal successors.
Article V: Peace and Friendship
There shall be a firm and perpetual state of peace, friendship good-neighbourly relations between the High Contracting Parties, They shall continue to develop and consolidate the relations of sincere friendship, good neighbourliness and comprehensive cooperation existing between them on the basis of the aforesaid principles as well as those of equality and mutual benefit.
Article VI: Territorial Integrity
From the coming into effect of this Treaty, each High Contracting Party recognizes every other High Contracting Party as the sole legitimate owner of all territory - whether land, territorial waters or airspace - which such High Contracting Party claims in compliance with intermicronational rules.
Article VII: Mutual Defense
The High Contracting Parties hereby pledge that an armed attack against one or more of them shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently agree that in the occurrence of such attack, that each of them shall exercise their right of individual or collective self-defense and assist in concert with the other High Contracting Parties to pursue the necessary and proper actions to restore and maintain the security of the threatened and attacked.
Article VIII: Diplomatic Matters
The High Contracting Parties shall establish embassies in each other's Capitals. They will maintain regular contacts with each other on major international problems affecting the interests of their countries and governments by means of meetings, and exchanges of views between their leading statesmen, visits by official delegations and special envoys of the governments, and through diplomatic channels. Their relationship will be governed by the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, as they can be interpreted to the micronational setting.
Article IX: Full Faith and Credit
Each High Contracting Party gives to the other the High Contracting Parties full faith and credit to all public acts, records, contracts and judicial proceedings in the field of civil law, including records and documents on marriage, property, titles, death and inheritance, in as much as any act, record, document, contract, proceeding is done according to the law. Executive agreement between the governments of the High Contracting Parties may provide for the manner that any act, record, document, contract or proceeding from one contracting party may be validated in the other.
Article X: Co-operation
The High Contracting Parties undertake to encourage full and productive co-operation between organs of the state, academic or other research institutions, charitable organisations and other such entities engaged in the pursuit of the furtherance of archaeology, cultural development, history, language, science, technology, and other such areas of research, across both jurisdictions, and shall endeavour to lift any unnecessary bars or fetters to such research and provide expedited state entry procedures for those individuals involved.
Article XI: Free Movement and Mutual Prosperity
The High Contracting Parties shall open their borders to the free movement of goods and people between their States. Likewise shall they pursue a joint policy on import and export duties and visa. Trade, commerce and industry across the borders of the High Contracting Parties shall be encouraged, with special consideration given to the transit of manufactured goods and raw materials. In major infrastructure projects, the governments of the High Contracting Parties shall in the tendering process consider companies from each State alike.
Article XII: Rule of Law
The High Contracting Parties hereby affirm that they believe in the rule of law as an essential protection for their peoples and as an assurance of limited and accountable government. In particular they support an independent, impartial, honest and competent judiciary and recognise that an independent, effective and competent legal system is integral to upholding the rule of law, engendering public confidence and dispensing justice.
Article XIII: Good Governance
The High Contracting Parties hereby reiterate zir commitment to promote good governance through the rule of law, to ensure transparency and accountability.
Article XIV: This Present Treaty
This Treaty shall come into effect upon ratification by the High Contracting Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional laws and customs. It shall be valid for an indefinite period, and subject to Article I, this Treaty may only be amended, revoked or replaced with the mutual consent of the all High Contracting Parties involved.
Treaty concluded today, 31 Eismond 1680 AN / 12 Valaheim 19, in the Imperial City of Haraldsborg.
Signed and sealed on behalf of the High King of Stormark:
Dauðlegur Forn Siðr Drottning Sigrdrífa the Priestess of the House of Vanadís, Ærkejarla of Thingeyri and the Idunn Isles, Yfirstormarksgythia and High Priestess of the Thingeyri Temple, Queen Mortal of the Ancient Ways, Lady Warden to the Outland of the Lands of the Longships Throne, Grand Master of Negotiants of the Longship of State, Seneschal of the Compacts, Guardian of the Hall of Njord.
Signed and Sealed by the Queen of Ravaria:
Æsileif Haraldsdóttir of the Houses des Vinandy, Ravaria and Ettlingar Freyju, Imperial Chieftainess of Borgarrike, Arvjarla of the Twenty-Six Jarldoms, Storjarla of Stormark, Lady Imperial on all Continents, Queen of the Ravarians, Princess of Tecklenburg, Duchess of Austerlitz, Countess of Zeafort, Queen Dowager of the Batavians, Archduchess of 's Koningenwaarde, Duchess of Gascony, Countess of Bourbon, Countess of Dasburgh, Countess of Vinandy, Baroness of Ammerswoude and by de Loet, Baroness of Bergkirche, Princess of Elwynn, Llængjarla of Elwynn, Princess of Uppland, Marcherjarla of Uppland, Earla of Frötuna, Princess of the Storish Bilander of Anglethyr, Bondegard, Bosworth, Eesdeheito, Gascogne, Gascony, Guernsey, High Queen Asa Land, High Queen Hervör Isle, Humlebæk Island, the Jyleyjar, Lady Gudrun Isle, Lontinien, Los Bananos, Lyngelan, Marthunia, Merlaide, Norsmandy, the Old Sea Fortress, Østfold, Riskai, Sangun, Sicilia, the Suðreyjar, and Thydtwinnster, Countess of Northshire, Countess of Arietta, Countess of the Lady Esther Isles, Hereditary Jarla of Lögleysafjørður, Heir to Klædaská Rock, Scion of Saint Harald, Lady of the Holy Lakes.
Signed and sealed by the Frankish Emperor:
Arkadius Frederik Gustavus des Vinandy, Holy Catologian Emperor, Emperor of Francia, King of Arcadia, King of Amokolia, King of Batavia, Archduke of ‘s Koningenwaarde, Grand Duke of Helderbourgh, Prince of the Calbain, Prince of Elwynn, Prince of Ravaria, Prince of Uppland, Prince of Vinandy, Llængjarl of Elwynn, Marcherjarl of Uppland, Nawab of Tassity, Duke of Brandenburg, Duke of Gascony, Duke of Levensburg, Count of Arietta, Count of Bourbon, Count of Dasburgh, Count of Girond, Count of the Lady Esther Isles, Count of Northshire, Baron of Ammerswoude and by the Loet, Baron of Bergkirche, Baron of Heydelberg, Lord of Audinghen, Lord in Jorvik, Lord of Paravel, Knight of the Holy Lakes, Scion of St. Harald.
Signed and Sealed by the King of Arcadia, the Beneluccas and the land of the Calbain:
Arkadius Frederik Gustavus des Vinandy, Holy Catologian Emperor, Emperor of Francia, King of Arcadia, King of Amokolia, King of Batavia, Archduke of ‘s Koningenwaarde, Grand Duke of Helderbourgh, Prince of the Calbain, Prince of Elwynn, Prince of Ravaria, Prince of Uppland, Prince of Vinandy, Llængjarl of Elwynn, Marcherjarl of Uppland, Nawab of Tassity, Duke of Brandenburg, Duke of Gascony, Duke of Levensburg, Count of Arietta, Count of Bourbon, Count of Dasburgh, Count of Girond, Count of the Lady Esther Isles, Count of Northshire, Baron of Ammerswoude and by the Loet, Baron of Bergkirche, Baron of Heydelberg, Lord of Audinghen, Lord in Jorvik, Lord of Paravel, Knight of the Holy Lakes, Scion of St. Harald.