Treaty of the Clear Sea Act

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Treaty of the Clear Sea Act

Chamber of Deputies
Long title An Act subjecting the Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg to the Treaty of the Clear Sea
Number ST 15/001
Introduced by Liam Sinclair
Extent Gotzborg
Royal Assent 2015-09-11
Commencement 2015-09-11










The High Contracting Parties, which all have an ancient connection to the successor states of the late Royal Crandish Republic, have, driven by profound nostalgia of and longing for the good old days in which their Sovereigns most cordially co-operated at the High Table of Micras in the Diet of Cranda as well as the Althing and Witan of Angsax Ingetheod Cynwise, most joyously decided to breathe new and fresh life into the ancient co-operation aforesaid which was so cruelly and arbitrarily ended on Micras by the Atkins Reduction, a wretched event which has ever lived on in the hearts and minds of the populations of the Empire of the Alexandrians, the Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg, the Bovic Tapferite Empire of the Natopian Nation and the High Realm of Stormark as an occurrence of the utmost of infamy and which has also left the deepest of scars in the High Contracting Parties’ national psyches.

In the spirit aforesaid the Empire of the Alexandrians, the Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg, the Bovic Tapferite Empire of the Natopian Nation and the High Realm of Stormark hereby proudly proclaim to the world that they have agreed to the following Articles of High Contractation:

Article I: The Diet of the Clear Sea

The High Contracting Parties hereby create and establish the Diet of the Clear Sea which shall be for all intents and purposes the spiritual successor of the Diet of Cranda. It shall be a voluntary association of independent and equal Sovereign States, each responsible for its own policies, consulting and co-operating in the common interests of their peoples and in the promotion of international understanding and world peace, and influencing international society to the benefit of all through the pursuit of common principles and values.

Article II: Members of the Diet of the Clear Sea

(a) The membership of the Diet of the Clear Sea shall be comprised of the following monarchs:

  1. His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of the Alexandrians in His Capacity of Duke and Grand Elector of Anglien;
  2. His Royal Majesty the King of Gotzborg in His Capacity of Duke and Grand Elector of Jutien;
  3. His Most Bovic Majesty the Emperor of the Natopians in His Capacity of Jarl and Grand Elector of Jorvik;
  4. His Imperial and Royal Majesty the High King of Stormark in His Capacity of King and Grand Elector of Eesdeheito, Khagan of Lontinien, and Duke of the Vaan Aujoen.

(b) For greater legal certainty is it hereby explicitly declared that the Grand Electorates which are mentioned in the preceding subarticle shall be vested in the Thrones of the various High Contracting Parties and shall devolve with the same in accordance with the constitutional and legal mechanisms of each High Contracting Party.

Article III: Observers and Emissaries to the Diet of the Clear Sea

(a) The Storish Jarls of the High Realm of the Vaan Aujoen and of Frostarike and the Lake District shall, for reasons of historical and connections to Cranda, have observer status in the Diet of the Clear Sea.

(b) Any Grand Elector shall be free to have zirself represented by the head of zir government in the event that zie is absent, or indisposed, or for any other reason. Zie may also appoint an Emissary to the Diet of the Clear Sea as representative of zir Throne.

Article IV: Area Covered by the Diet of the Clear Sea

The area covered by the Diet of the Clear Sea shall be the following historic territories of Cranda: Anglien, Eesdeheito, Jorvik, Jutien, Lontinien, and the Vaan Aujoen. None of the High Contracting Parties shall have a claim to any of the territories of each other’s sovereign realms and other sovereign possessions.

Article V: Legal Status of Territories Covered by the Diet of the Clear Sea

The legal status of the territories which are covered by the Diet of the Clear Sea shall be as follows:

  1. The Duchy of Anglien shall be an Overseas Territory of the Empire of the Alexandrians;
  2. The Kingdom of Eesdeheito shall be a Biland of the High Realm of Stormark;
  3. The Jarlorð of Jorvik shall be a Demesne of the Bovic Tapferite Empire of the Natopian Nation;
  4. The Duchy of Jutien shall be an Overseas Possession of the Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg;
  5. The Khaganate of Lontinien shall be a Traditional District of the Storish Jarldom of Frostarike and the Lake District; and
  6. The Duchy the Vaan Aujoen shall continnue to be a Jarldom of the High Realm of Stormark.

Article VI: Meeting Place of the Diet of the Clear Sea

The Diet of the Clear Sea shall meet in the ancient castle of Kokkedal Slot which is situated within the borders of the City of Eesdehaven, the capital of the Duchy of Jutien to discuss matters of common concern.

Article VII: The Presidency of the Diet of the Clear Sea

The Diet of the Clear Sea shall presided over by one of the four Sovereigns of the High Contracting Parties on a rotating basis. It shall make its decisions by full consensus through consultation and may pass resolutions which express the opinion of the Diet.

Article VIII: The Prince of the Clear Sea

From among the four Sovereigns that comprise its full membership, the Diet of the Clear Sea may elect, for a term of one Elw Year, a Prince of the Clear Sea to serve as a figurehead and symbol of the free association of the ancient Sovereign States with age-old cultural and historic ties to Cranda.

Article IX: Rule of Law

The High Contracting Parties hereby affirm that they believe in the rule of law as an essential protection for their peoples and as an assurance of limited and accountable government. In particular they support an independent, impartial, honest and competent judiciary and recognise that an independent, effective and competent legal system is integral to upholding the rule of law, engendering public confidence and dispensing justice.

Article X: Good Governance

The High Contracting Parties hereby reiterate zir commitment to promote good governance through the rule of law, to ensure transparency and accountability.

Article XI: The Freimark

The High Contracting Parties hereby re-create and re-establish the ancient free trade zone which was known in the days of old as the Freimark and extend its area to the area covered by the Diet of the Clear Sea.

Article XII: Freedom of Traffic and Taxation for Goods, Workers, etc.

As in the days of old, goods, workers, and other elements of either High Contracting Party’s economy shall pass freely and untaxed into, within, and out of the Freimark.

Article XIII: Concerning the Old Freimark Treaty

For greater legal certainty, none of the of the provisions of the old Freimark Treaty between Lac Glacei and Stormark shall apply to the Freimark as re-created and re-established by this present Treaty.

Article XIV: The Order of Johanns I

The High Contracting Parties hereby re-create and re-establish the ancient chivalric order known as the Order of Johanns I. The four Sovereigns that comprise the full membership of the Diet of the Clear Sea shall jointly serve as its Grand Masters. The ancient castle which is situated within the borders of the City of Bernicia and since the days of old known as Hemyockborgir shall be the seat of the Order of Johanns I.

Article XV: Legal Status of the Order of Johanns I

The High Contracting Parties hereby confer the status of corporate body with power to create and amend its own Charter upon the aforesaid Order of Johanns I as well as the duty to guard, preserve and promote the Crandish Legacy and Tradition in the area covered by the Diet of the Clear Sea.

Article XVI: Borders of Mainland Area Covered by the Diet of the Clear Sea

The High Contracting Parties agree in principle to the borders of the mainland area that is covered by the Diet of the Clear Sea as delineated in Appendix A and shall lodge a joint claim to the Micronational Cartography Society concerning the aforesaid area.

Article XVII: Commencement of the Treaty of the Clear Sea

This Treaty shall enter into force once all of the the High Contracting Parties have ratified it in accordance with their constitutional and legal mechanisms.




E D G A R D V S - I M P E R A T O R - A L E X A N D R I N V S



His Grace Liam, Royal Chancellor



Emperor of the Natopians




Dauðlegur Forn Siðr Drottning Sigrdrífa the Priestess of the House of Vanadís, Ærkejarla of Thingeyri and the Idunn Isles, Yfirstormarksgythia and High Priestess of the Thingeyri Temple, Queen Mortal of the Ancient Ways, Storish Ambassador to the Bovic Tapferite Empire of the Natopian Nation and the Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg

Annex A



  1. ^ The Natopian Nation wiithdrew from the Treaty effective 2016-01-05 as territory transferred to the Imperial Republic of Shireroth.