Thraci Hip-Hop/Rap
T-Rap, known as Thraci Hip-Hop, is music and culture performed in the Thraci language. T-Rap Thraci Confederation has become mainstream in the member states of Thracistan and Hazar. Hip-Hop movement was brought to Thracistan by the Thraci diaspora living in Floria, the names that brought it are known as Nbt, Bossoli and 2N. The hip-hop movement was heavily criticized by mainstream pop and rock artists at the time, and rap listeners were ostracized as "adolescents". But between the years of 1680's, the musical genre reached the Caspian, and the milestones of the first step were taken for the acceptance of Hip-Hop by the society. The years of 1680 were spent mostly producing underground tracks, at that time there was a problem with the beatmaker. In the 1690s, the character of the generation changed, the conservative generation was replaced by a democratic generation, which effectively accelerated the acceptance of Hip-Hop by the society. At the end of 1690, many rappers started to shift to Numble Rap and Trap, today the beatmaker problem has been solved, the songs have become a music genre that appeals to the society by getting rid of racism and homophobia and deserves the mainstream. However, Ragip Erçolak sees this music genre as a threat, as rappers defend the leftist and secular movement. Fatih Aydoğan, Amenojk, Shaz, Ma Rush, Kral, Stiff, Stifler, Efsun, Skokraj, İkaz, Mekova, Şahmeran, Punchevolution, Blue, Blackwhite, Backman, Muhai and Alpbatu are among the important rappers.