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Template documentation

This template is used to structure debate entries for the Talk page of bills in the New Alexandrian legislature. It provides a concise and standardized format for presenting debate details.


  • heading - The title of the debate entry (default: "Debate Entry").
  • legislator - The name or username of the legislator.
  • position - The stance taken on the bill (e.g., "Support," "Oppose").
  • arguments - Key points or reasoning for the position.
  • amendment - Details of any proposed amendment (optional).
  • motion - Details of any motion introduced (optional).
  • timestamp - Date and time of the entry.


| heading    = 
| legislator = 
| position   = 
| arguments  = 
| amendment  = 
| motion     = 
| timestamp  = 


Debate on Infrastructure Bill 1737
Legislator Jane Smith
Position Support
Arguments This bill addresses urgent infrastructure needs and prioritizes public transit improvements.
Proposed Amendment Include language to ensure rural areas are also considered for funding.
Motion Motion to table the bill until further analysis is conducted.
Timestamp November 17, 2024, 14:00 UTC