How to differentiate Drak-Modan better from Natopia:
0. Gay/bi supremacist nation. Heterosexuals tolerated barely but sent to gay conversion camps; obviously there's something wrong and you hate yourself if you're not even a little attracted to your own gender. Benacian Bovics preach the sins of wanton heterosexual procreation, praise the intentional and dedicated gay parents who actually want children and don't burden society with children they dont want and can't feed. No more "welfare breeders."
1. get rid of So-Sara. use Draconian symbols as symbols for the monarchs
2. Draconian people welcomed into all of Drak-Modan, graft old ideas for Draconians onto Drak-Modanis.
3. Reorganized Bovinism: shift towards worship the Butter Man(God the Father/Elohim/Nathan) and an anthropomorphized version of the Butter Bull (God the Son/Jehovah). Because Nathan was an apotheosized gay man... hence gay supremacy. And he lived and died on Benacia (Elwynn) and Nathan sculpted the Butter Bull in Eliria, so the Bull is Nathan's son. Also further diverges Benacian Bovicism and Dozan Bovinism.
4. innate Benacian xenophobia/superiority complex, human and Benacian and gay/bi/pan supremacy
5. Draconians adopt Reorganized-Bovinism because it rejects the Pentheros as an authority and a culture shift from small, nomadic Traveller families towards large, settled, "Mormon" families that overcompensate Drak-Modani patriotism to hid the fact that they want to become dominant ethnic group in DM.
6. John participates in Bovic Quadratic marriage. for his 1st spouse John selects a young Draconian man from Dracoheim (DM) from a family claiming to have descended from Loki I (we'll call him Loki Drakspunk, a proud and incredibly ethical sex worker, wears his family name with pride even though it is a vulgar reference to ejaculate). For his second spouse, he selects a woman from Raynor Point (we'll call her Qaren, a fierce queer/pan/bisexual and androgynous badass punk bitch). Then with input from Qaren, selects the 4th spouse, a lesbian from Twoggle with her biological clock in overdrive named Griselia (she's beautiful and femme, despite the name; she wants the babies)
7. It is confirmed that Andrea is infertile (no more demons in DM... keep them in Goetia!) After a while Andrea just goes back to Goetia when anti-demon sentiment can no longer be contained. She makes Loki the co-monarch on her way out.
8. John, Loki, Griselia, Qaren write Family Council rules, according to the family customs of the RMDS, that become de facto succession laws. The most politically minded offspring of the polymarriage, regardless of parentage or adoption status, is selected to be the next monarch and approves the heir's marriages. The ruling Family Council approves the marriages of the Heir, so that each ruling Family council is chosen by its predecessor(s).
9. Population falls in the outskirts; straights in the border regions (Shimmersping) begin to flee to Sanama or request plebiscites (in So-Sara) to join Sanama fearing that the Drak-Modan government will begin to strip away their rights. Collapsing authority in periphery. Stricter control in core. More isolated against neighbors. Tetrarchy gimmick with 4 rulers over the 4 demesnes? Democracy distrusted.... the Fury reduced in power? Parties banned? Reduced? Appointed? Let Natopia have democracy, DM goes autocratic. Massive campaign to lure Draconians out of Natopia, right of return. Propaganda to highlight Benacian origin of Draconians.