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Solvoism is the official sub-religion of the United Republic of Atlantium and is theoretically able to be applied to any religion,though it is only optional to do so

Solvoism and it's Teachings

Facts of Solvoism

  • Solvo(the terms root word) means free in Latin
  • It was created on September 3rd,2007
  • Solvoism has 5 forms to it
  • Solvoism is based on philosphic ideals combined with martial expression of emotions to create a physical and mental expression of life through a person's perspective
  • Solvoism has no gods,therefore it may possibly be applied to other religions and theologies of the world.It is up to a Solvoist if they wish to have gods in their version of Solvoism
  • It was inspired by Hinduism and Soloralism

The Point of Solvoism

Solvoism is a way of examining the world around you,realizing how you fit into this grand plan,and express your life in philosphic morals and expelling negative feelings through martial actions used in non violent ways.

The Sacred Truth of Solvoism

In this religion,you are allowed to apply it to any other REAL(Judaism,Christianity etc..) religion as you please,and this will be no impure corruption of it unless you beleive it is

The Four Laws of Conscience

  1. You are created for a purpose
  2. You are in control of your destiny
  3. You choose what happens in that destiny
  4. No power on Earth can stop you from what you do in your destiny

The Twelve Facts of Life

  1. You are bound by the laws of physics on the physical plane
  2. You are bound by nothing on the mental plane
  3. Everyone has the right to be who they wish
  4. You are only in control of your life,no matter how hard you try to prove this wrong
  5. You may beleive in luck or chance.Either way is an adequate explanation as long as you beleive it's truthful
  6. To be honest and truthful is to be pure.Even when being honest about lying.
  7. You are an independent mind,regardless of what anyone else says
  8. You are an independent voice,which can be heard loud as one,and louder as many
  9. Your beleifs are of yourself,you cannot change another's without their will and they cannot change yours without your will
  10. You are mortal in body,and immortal in thought and soul
  11. Accidents happen,we must all learn to confront them,and move on
  12. No matter how you think about it,bad things will happen in your life.But it is your will that will keep them happening frequently.

The Five Forms of Solvoism

Aquana - A smooth version of Solvoism that works with going with the flow and letting yourself understand that life moves back and forth in a never ending sea of time;The physical expression of this is to perform smooth and slow twists and turns with the body in combination with slow breathing techniques and twisting,turning defensive moves to allow you to endure life and it's challenges,and when against an opponent,turning their own moves against them in a wave of sucession.It it also important to know that you are to accept change on whatever mental or physical plane.It may be hard,but it brings out more balance with the other two forms.

Example:Aquana Shintoism

Terra - A firmer version of Solvoism that moves with staying firm on your opinion and standing strong against whatever comes in your path.In this form you are more strict on the laws and facts of Solvoism but always ready to move on;The physical expression of Terra is a mix of self defence and martial arts to use strong stances and hard,but sometimes slow attacks.Emphasis on balance,and keeping yourself controlled is a must in this form.

Example:Terra Soloralism

Pyron - A wild version of Solvoism where you use the laws and facts of Solvoism loosely,but recognize their importance and try to use them in life.You are a allowed to be wild and expressional in your life;Your physical expression of this form is to wild and fast in your movements,striking hard and fast,but leaving little room for defence.

Example:Pyron Islam

Hurricana - The middle way of Solvoism;It's the most simplistic too,and made for beginners of Solvoism.This form dictates merely a reasonable consciousness and will to search for their way in Solvoism,micronationalism,and life.Martial versions of this form is basically any of the three others.

Example: Hurricana Christianity

Martial Solvoism - A version of Solvoism where a solvoist may create whatever amount of gods to fit their view of life,but the four forms still exist in a sense to be used in this form.The downside of this form is that it restricts Solvoism from being able to be applied to other Religions.

Example:Martial Solvoism