Sevetian calendar
The Sevetian calendar is the official calendar of Sevetia. Like the Gregorian calendar, it is based on an average 365.2425 day long year.
The Sevetian calendar has 13 months of 28 days each, and 1 or 2 epagomenal days (called Setkinet 1 and 2). The second epagomenal day is added every four years, corresponding to the leap days of the Gregorian calendar.
The Sevetian calendar was adopted on 6 April 2019 to replace the Gregorian calendar. However, usage of the Gregorian calendar will be allowed for a year.
# | Sevetian | Transliteration | Meaning |
1 | Ansitan | First month | |
2 | Nasitan | Second month | |
3 | Dersitan | Third month | |
4 | Taksitan | Fourth month | |
5 | Gatsitan | Fifth month | |
6 | Echsitan | Sixth month | |
7 | Nahesitan | Seventh month | |
8 | Matsitan | Eighth month | |
9 | Yansitan | Ninth month | |
10 | Diensitan | Tenth month | |
11 | Dienansitan | Eleventh month | |
12 | Diennasitan | Twelfth month | |
13 | Diendersitan | Thierteenth month |
Sevetian year 0 began on 21 December 2018, when the State of Sevetia was established.
There are two formats used to write dates in Sevetian. In both of them the year number is written first, and is followed by the month and day.
- In the simplest format, the numbers of year, month and day are separated by dashes. For example, 23 Taksitan 0 is written "00-04-23".
- In the most popular format, the year number is indicated with the letters "ST" (which mean Sevetlentase, "Sevetian Year"), and separated from the month and day numbers by a space. For example, 23 Taksitan 0 is written "ST 0 04-23".
Years before 0 are indicated with a minus sign.