Project Microburst/Test 2 Report
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Project: Microburst
Phase: I
Test: 2
- Test Site Delta
- Mobius Research Station, Antarctic Sea
- VEIL device (VEIL)
- Anemometer
- Zephyros Wind Cannon 1 (WC-1)
- Zephyros Wind Cannon 2 (WC-2)
- Zephyros Wind Cannon 3 (WC-3)
- Activate wind cannons, build and grow air vortex via VEIL, determine if vortex follows VEIL
- Raise WCs from underground platform
- Evacuate spectating personnel to safe bunker
- Activate WCs
- Activate VEIL
- Begin measuring wind speed and direction
- Maneuver VEIL and observe results
- Power down WCs
- Power down VEIL
- WCs fail to activate
- Power down active WCs
- Abort test
- Return failed assets to engineering department for analysis
- VEIL fails to activate
- Power down active WCs
- Abort test
- Return failed assets to engineering department for analysis
- Vortex fails to form
- Power down active WCs
- Power down VEIL
- Analyse results
- Control of vortex lost
- Evacuate personnel underground
- Power down active WCs
- Lower WCs to underground platform
- Power down VEIL
- Allow vortex to dissipate naturally
- Vortex fails to maneuver with VEIL
- Power down active WCs
- Power down VEIL
- Analyse results
- Failure to reach objective 6. Contingency 4 triggered. No damage sustained to assets or personnel. Vortex categorised as EF-5.
- Recommend physics department A review equations and theories.
Test department to review technicals before subsequent tests.
Dr. Arthur Hammond