Orno sits on the South Coast of West Hamland. Orno has historically switched hands a number of times between Hamlander, Tae and a plethora of other regional powers. Its importance is in it being at the Orno promontary, a natural port and fortification which allows for the owner to have a springboard for invasions east and westwards. For the Tae it was a place which control meant being able to blockade Eastern Hamland and for the Hamlanders it was a port which allowed them to trade and expand Westwards.
The region is largely agricultural, much like most of West Hamland. This area has a particular dialect of the Hammish language which los and la become l'. The "lazy mouth" Hammish is distinctive of the west and evolved in these regions due to their distance from New Kirrie and their unstable ownership.
Orno was once ruled by Lord Orno who sat in the Hammish Parliament or in the House of the Sealords. The politics played by Lord Orno reflected the politics of each time. Mostly the port was controlled by the more powerful Hammish, but during two conflicts Lord Orno switched to the Tae side in order to preserve his place of power.
Based at Volc Palace, the local administration covers issues from the surrounding region. Orno has three main concerns; wheat, fish and trade. The port of Orno's importance in military affairs has declined as a result of the increasing importance of Kydros over time. Thus Orno has focussed on providing the best trade services in the region. Its central location allows for trade to go Nrthwards towards Lindsmouth and Schönland as well as taking West Hammish produce to the Isles.
Modern Orno's businesses coer a number of different areas too. The city has invested heavily in computing and information technology to make it a digital capital of Keltia. Popular Hammish games such as "Crime Kings" and "Piracy Tycoon" have been created in the city which hosts an annual computer games conference in the "Yves Conference centre". The centre's name comes from the first computing business in the area which donated its proceeds to the city.
The imperial ages brought tobacco to Hamland with Orno serving as one of Hamland's tobacco capitals. A number of businesses rolling and processing cigars and cigarettes were open during the imperial age importing from oth continents such as Eura as well as Eastern Keltia.
Outside the city it is largely agricultural. The area is sparcely populated, excluding the cities of Sal, Guronga and Lindsmouth. This is largely due to the area being an area of Hammish expansion over the years. This has given little time for the area to become heavily industrialised, but has allowed for influences from afar to influence the region. The region has a distinctive guitar-like instrument called a Guka. The Guka is often mocked for its inaudible and messy sound by other Hamlanders, but its distinctiveness has allowed for folk music to take an interesting turn here.
All in all Orno boasts a number of distinctive features from its nautical past. The main sites are definately the port fortifications as well as Volc Palace. In the evenings it is advised that people visit the local dance halls and give the Orn dancing a try.