Orion Risk Management

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Orion Risk Management (ORM)
Type Private
Industry Private Intelligence, Risk Assessment, Security Consulting
Key people Isabella Marquez (CEO)
Services Risk Assessment, Strategic Planning, Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Operations, Security Consulting, Crisis Management Services

Orion Risk Management (ORM) is a private intelligence firm based in Port Tablot, Isles of Caputia, Nouvelle Alexandrie. Founded in 1700 AN, ORM offers a broad spectrum of services, including risk assessment, strategic planning, human intelligence (HUMINT) operations, security consulting, and crisis management services. The firm is well-regarded within the intelligence community for its extensive training programs that prepare intelligence officers for fieldwork.

Services and Operations

ORM provides comprehensive risk assessment and strategic planning services, employing advanced methodologies and analytical tools. Their HUMINT operations, carried out by experienced field agents, provide invaluable insights for clients requiring on-the-ground intelligence. The firm's security consulting and crisis management services are sought after by both government and corporate clients, for their effectiveness in preemptively addressing security concerns and efficiently managing crises.

Staff and Leadership

Staffed by a diverse team of former intelligence officers, military personnel, and risk management experts, ORM is known for its professionalism and discretion. Its CEO, Isabella Marquez, is a leading figure in the intelligence community. With a background in intelligence and crisis management, Marquez brings a unique blend of strategic acumen and operational expertise to her role. Under her leadership, ORM has consistently delivered high-quality intelligence and risk management solutions, while maintaining the strictest standards of confidentiality.

Training Programs

The training programs at ORM are highly respected within the industry. These comprehensive programs are designed to equip intelligence officers with the necessary skills and knowledge for successful fieldwork. Trainees undergo rigorous physical conditioning, intensive instruction in intelligence tradecraft, and thorough education in the ethical and legal aspects of intelligence work.

See also