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Official language | Common tongue |
Capital | Vesunda |
Number of citizens | 2000 |
Government | representative republic |
The Neringan Republic, commonly referred to as Neringa is a representative republic that inhabits part of the Pacary Islands. Recently formed in 1687 AN, the nation was created through the peaceful assimilation of several settlements along the northwest coast of the Pacary Islands, all of which were formed by immigrations to the region following the demise of Stormark's influence in the region.
The Neringan Republic is named after Mount Neringa, the highest point on the the Pacary Islands, as well as the fifth tallest mountain and largest volcano and on Micras. The mountain was named after a local goddess of coastlines, as smoke emanating from the volcano's summit could be seen from nearly one-hundred-seventy nautical miles, a faithful marking point between the navigable ocean and the treacherous ice packs of the Micras south pole.
The land that became Neringa was first discovered by the Pacarian peoples in the early 15th century AN. They did not occupy the area for long, but did leave the region with its historic name: the Pacary Islands. Since then several nations have risen and fallen in the region, the most recent of which was Stormark, who occupied the northwest Pacaries from 1564 to 1685 AN. Following Stormark's sudden and chaotic demise in 1685 AN, several hundred individuals began to immigrate to the former territory of the Mysterious Islands. These two islands were renamed by the settlers, from west-to-east, Vesunda and Discordia. The collapse of another nation on the Pacary Islands, Dragonera, allowed for further settlement on the small island west of Vesunda (renamed Lyon), as well as on the mainland. These settlers began fanning out across the now vacated lands, exploring and renaming several land features. In 1687 AN all of the new settlements agreed to send representatives to Vesunda Island, where they agreed to come together to form a republican style government, headed by a president.
Neringa is located in the Pacary Islands, of which it dominates the vast majority of the landmass. The Pacaries consist of one large island and eight satellite islands, of which Neringa dominates the main island and controls a further four satellites. The main island is split nearly in two by a south-to-north flowing river and lake, both named Ishkus. The northwest side is dominated by the arid plateau of Dou Mu Desert, while on the northeast side lays the fertile flatlands of Nortia and the forested region of the Mera Hills. Just off the northern coast of the Dou Mu Desert lies the first islands settled by the Neringan peoples: Lyon, Vesunda and Discordia. These islands are densely forested and boast a Pacific Northwest-type climate.
The southwest area of the main island is a long finger of land known as the Seiusi Peninsula, the tip of which is known as Cape Spidele and just reaches out into the southern ice pack. Cape Spidele marks both the western boundary of Melina Bay and the crescent-shaped Awenhai mountain range, both of which mark their eastern boundary at Cape Huang Daopa. The Awenhai Mountains are part of a small though very active subduction plate, and are home to thirty-seven active volcanos, the largest of which is Mount Neringa, which is the fifth tallest mountain and the tallest volcano on Micras. Mount Neringa appears to constantly be erupting, but this is an illusion caused by the interaction of the volcano with its cold environment. The Awenhai Mountains are a true land of fire and ice, dominated by both steaming volcanos and ferocious blizzards at all times of the year.
The eastern area of the main island is home to the Tonatzin Mountains which begin at Cape Valadon at the northeast corner of the main island and end at Cape Ponselle in the southeastern corner. Like the Awenhai Mountains, the Tonatzin Mountains were formed by a convergent tectonic boundary. However, unlike the case with the Awenhais, the Tonatzin range has long since died, and its impressive peaks have been whittled away to mole hills in comparison. The Tonatzin Mountains are rather barren, but they serve as a protective barrier to the more hospitable regions of Nortia and the Mera Hills beyond.
Melina Bay is perhaps the least explored and least populated area of Neringa. Completely blocked-off by the southern ice shelfs, access to this area is only feasible by an icebreaker ship or by crossing the seemingly impenetrable Awenhai Mountains. In the center of the bay, also completely surrounded by ice, is Kristina Island, another hotspot that is so super-heated by volcanism that the island is able to boast impressive forests of giant ferns and mushrooms. This mysterious world does not see the sun rise for several months out of the year, during which time the land is lit up by the neon glow of lava rivers and luminous mushrooms. Although not the southernmost point on Micras, Kristina Island's unique habitat and isolation have garnered it the nickname "World's End."