Nelagan Army Guide to the Undisciplined

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Written by Fillion Blackwood
Authorized by General of the Army Eadan McGuffey


Welcome to the Nelagan Army recruit, this guide (hereafter known only as the NAGU) will help you understand the various ins and outs of army culture, tactics, and history, as well as help you achieve a working knowledge of rank and structure. For the next nine weeks, you will be trained at The Basic Combat Training Facility, Fort Nelaga. Here you will learn the fundamentals of taking orders quickly and without question, armed and unarmed combat, as well as physical conditioning in preparation for field work.


The history of the Nelagan Army is very limited, as it just formed very recently. Unlike the marine corps or the navy, the army has no roots in any Shirerithian military tradition. While it is looked down on for this by the aforementioned branches of the military, the army personnel who make up the army are proud to have started their own traditions, and have the will to see them passed on to a new generation of warriors.

The history of the army begins with Eadan McGuffey, who was tapped by Commander in Chief Greg Russell to form the Nelagan Army. A man of experience, Eadan immediately set about his task. Though he was born and raised here in Nelaga, his experience as a mercenary who participated in several wars and conflicts around the world gave him the knowledge to return to his homeland, and protect it.


The Nelagan Army has four core values, which act as a guideline to how a soldier should act in any and all situations.

1. Loyalty

As a soldier of the Nelagan Army, you are expected to be loyal at all times to your superior officers, the commander-in-chief, the president, your fellow soldiers, and the Nelagan people (in that order). The punishment for disloyalty ranges from corrective actions involving various amounts of push-ups for minor infractions, to execution by firing squad for major incidents.

2. Courage

A cowardly soldier has no place in a dedicated, disciplined military force, and a soldier who hesitates in the heat of battle is not tolerated. We train every day, and drill constantly, so that when the time comes for war, our mind and bodies are prepared.

3. Discipline

The ability to follow orders in all circumstances, and all situations, is crucial to the field of battle. Discipline is about more then just the nerve to obey orders in the middle of a war though. Discipline also means that a soldier has the self-restraint to do what is right in all circumstances, on and off the field.

4. Honor

Having pride in the unit you are serving, and striving to defend the honor of both the army and your fellow soldier is paramount.

Judicial Procedure

Any soldier accused of serious crimes (as defined by section three of the Infractions and Punishment Handbook) is brought before their Brigade or Legion colonel, who together with the soldier's battalion commander and company commander form a tribunal who are authorized to punish the soldier in a fitting manner if found guilty (up to and including confinement to the brig, or execution for betrayal). Those with a superior rank may accuse their lesser-ranked brethren of crimes, and are within their rights to bring them before their colonel.


I am a soldier of the Nelagan Territories.
I am a warrior, and I stand at the edge and watch.
I serve the constitution of the Nelagan Territories, and the people it protects.
In peace I will train.
In conflict I will resolve it.
In battle I will fight and win.
I stand ready to fight all enemies of the Nelagan Territories.
I am a professional, and I will never act differently.
I will honor the innocent with courage.
I will honor the fallen with victory.
I am a Nelagan soldier.


The Nelagan Army motto is, “We stand at the edge and watch”. The Legions of the Nelagan army (the combat arms of the army itself), also have an additional motto which is, “We fight and win.”

"Hooah" is the battle cry and is used as an affirmative, a display of enthusiasm, and a greeting.


The coat of arms used by the Nelagan army is blue above green, with a dark red eagle rising from the bottom.


The colors of the army are green, blue, and red, which represent land, sky, and the blood of the warriors who protect the nation.


The nickname of the army is, “The Watchmen”, which is a nod to their duty of being ever vigilant against outside threats. The Nelagan Legion's general nickname is, “The Blood Eagles”, because of their willingness to not only protect the nation, but because of their willingness to go to the front lines of any war.


The mascot of the army is the red eagle, an endangered species of eagle with red feathers instead of the usual coloration.


The sword Legion officers wear on formal occasions is called the 'Nelagan Army Longsword', and is used only by officers in a Nelagan Legion.


The birthday of the Nelagan Army is celebrated every year with a day off from duties (except for those duties which affect security), and a formal cake-cutting ceremony.


Close order drill is used in recruit training, as well as the Army's Birthday Ball, a change of command, or a retirement.

Mess night is also done several nights a year, and is used as an opportunity to enjoy high-quality food, as well as remember and honor the dead.


All soldiers, like their marine counterparts, are required to spend at least 3 hours a week exercising. Additional hours of exercise also make soldiers look favorable for promotions.

Also like the Nelagan Marine Corps, the army has a martial arts training program, called the Nelagan Army Close Combat Program (NACCP), which all soldiers, regardless of position, must train in at boot camp. In addition, all Legionaries are further trained in an additional martial arts program (the Legionary Martial Arts System- LMAS) that supplements and improves their less-then-lethal and policing capabilities.

Pay grades and ranking structure

How much you will be payed, will be concurrent with your rank.

Enlisted personnel

private (PVT)- E-1- no insignia- This is the standard rank all civilians receive when they enter the recruit facility.

private (PVT2)- E-2- one chevron- This promotion is automatic after six months of service.

private first class (PFC)- E-3- one chevron and one rocker- An automatic promotion is given after twelve months in service, though a recruit might start out with this rank if he proves himself exceptional.

specialist (SPC)- E-4- One chevron above an eagle-

Non-commissioned officers (NCO)

corporal (Cpl)- E-4- Two chevrons- Corporals are promoted for their intelligence and leadership skills among the privates, and sometimes lead a fire-team.

sergeant (Sgt)- E-5- Three chevrons- Sergeants are promoted for their intelligence and leadership skills among the corporals, and lead fire-teams as well as corporals. They receive higher pay for their higher experience.

staff sergeant (SSgt)- E-6- Three chevrons and a rocker below- Staff sergeants serve as squad leaders, which is composed of two, four man fire-teams.

Senior non-commissioned officers (SNCO)

sergeant first class (SFC)- E-7- Three chevrons above and two rockers below- The rank of sergeant first class serves as a platoon sergeant, whose job is to mentor lieutenants, keep the soldiers in line, and offers tactical advice to his superior officers, who may not be as practically experienced in war as the SFC is.

master sergeant (MSgt)- E-8- Three chevrons above and three rockers below- Master sergeants serve as platoon sergeants with more experience, or as company section leaders.

first sergeant (1stSgt)- E-8- Three chevrons above a diamond and three rockers below- first sergeants have a general command leadership responsibility for a company, and are the principle assistants for a Captain.

sergeant major - E-9- Three chevrons above a star and three rockers below- A promotion that puts them as the senior NCO of a battalion, with a general command leadership responsibility, and are the principle assistants for a lt. Colonel.

command sergeant major (SgtMaj)-E-9- Three chevrons above an eagle and three rockers below- A promotion for the first sergeant, they are the principle NCO for an entire brigade or legion, and serve under a colonel.


sergeant major of the army -E-9- Three chevrons above a shield and four rockers below- the Sergeant Major of the Army is a single-person billet, and is the senior enlisted soldier of the army, and acts as an advisor to the General of the Army on all matters concerning the enlisted soldiers.

Warrant Officers

All warrant officers are promoted and trained as needed, when a job opens up that needs the authority of an officer, but doesn't rate fully training the marine.

Warrant Officer 1 (WO1)- W1- Two blue squares on top and below a yellow square

chief warrant officer 2 (CW2)- W2- Four squares of alternating blue and yellow colors

chief warrant officer 3 (CW3)- W3- Two yellow squares on top and below a white square

chief warrant officer 4 (CW4)- W4- Four squares of alternating yellow and white colors

chief warrant officer 5 (CW5)- W5- One long, yellow rectangle with a blue rectangle inside


Company Grade Officers

Second Lieutenant (2ndLt)- O-1- Green bar- Second Lieutenants typically lead a platoon.

first lieutenant (1stLt)- O-2- Red bar- Typically promoted after eighteen months of service as a second Lieutenant, and either stay as experienced platoon leaders, or sometimes are used as the executive officer of a company.

captain (capt)- O-3- Twin red bars- Captains typically lead a company, or operate as a staff officer at the battalion level. They also serve as instructors at service schools or combat training centers. It is also the entry rank for medical professionals with doctorates.

Field Grade Officers

Major (Maj)- O-4- Green Oak leaf- Majors generally serve as the executive officers (second-in-command) of a battalion, or as staff officer for a brigade.

lieutenant Colonel (LtCol)- O-5- Red Oak leaf- Lieutenant colonels generally command a battalion, or operate as the executive officer for a Brigade.

Colonel (Col)- O-6- Red Eagle- Colonels typically command a brigade or a legion.

General Officers

brigadier general (BGen)- O-7- an inverted red star- Brigadier generals typically serve as a deputy general to a major general.

major general (MajGen)- O-8- Two inverted red stars- Major generals command an entire division. There are currently nine divisions, and so only nine major generals in the Nelagan Army.

lieutenant general (LtGen)- O-9- Three inverted red stars- Lieutenant generals command an entire corps. At least two divisions make up a corps, from which units are added to or taken away from on an ad hoc bases in times of war. Currently, there are four army corps, and thus, four lieutenant generals, but could increase in the event of war. This is the highest grade of officer that actually travels with the army permanently to the war zone, and is wholly concerned with operations, rather than both operations and administration.

general (Gen)- O-10- Four inverted red stars- A four-star general leads a Command, and is almost wholly focused on administration, rather than operations. There are currently four generals, and together with the general of the army and the sergeant major of the army, they set policy for all soldiers and legionnaires.

general of the army (GA)- O-11- The general of the army is a single-person billet who leads the Nelagan Army in all matters, and is currently led by Eadan McGuffey.

Command Structure

The Nelagan Army is commanded by the general of the army (currently Eadan McGuffey), who is answerable to the commander-in-chief, and the president. The GA's subdivision is called, “Headquarters Army- HQA”, whose job is to advise the general of the army in all matters, and command various elements themselves. Below this, there are four subdivisions answerable to the HQA.

Legion Command

This is the branch that actually goes out and fights the war. Currently, the legion is the highest permanent unit that can be deployed to a battlefield. It is the equivalent of a brigade, and is a fully combined-arms force with its own Calvary, artillery, and support forces organic to the legion itself (the only section missing from a Legion are helicopter support aircraft). While still dependent on sustainment brigades for long-term occupation, if a legion is deployed by itself, it is able to provide its own supplies for no longer then thirty days, and afterwards must be supplied by a sustainment brigade to continue. Legions come in three different forms; light, middle, and heavy.

Light legions are extremely mobile, with the infantry being supplied with light utility vehicles (explained later) for fast transport. Light Legions are not heavily-armored and are most often used for skirmishing on (or behind) the front lines or for occupation and policing of conquered territory. They are air assault and airborne capable, which means that they are capable of both being transported by helicopter anywhere, but are also capable of parachuting in as well. This makes the light legions the wild cards in any battle. They are capable of being deployed anywhere in the world in seventy-two hours.

Light legions include:
-infantry battalion (x2)
-cavalry squadron (with machine gun-added LUVs)
-field artillery battalion (105mm howitzer)
-special troops battalion (intelligence, engineers, networking)
-support battalion (legion HQ, supply, maintenance, medical)

Middle legions are designed to fill the gap between the mobile light legions, and slow but powerful heavy legions. The infantry battalions use the Mobile Infantry Vehicle (MIV), which is an infantry fighting vehicle that provides transportation and close support in combat. The Calvary squadrons use 105mm cannons, that are not as heavy-hitting as a tank, but are far more mobile. They are capable of being deployed anywhere in the world in ninety-six hours.

Middle legions include:
-infantry battalion (x3)
-cavalry squadron (with 105mm cannons)
-field artillery battalion (155mm howitzer)
-support battalion (legion HQ, supply, maintenance, medical)
-special troops companies (intelligence, engineering, networking, anti-tank company)

Heavy legions are the heavy-hitters of the legions. As the primary armored force of the army, they are well equipped, but slow. They are also the only legion to use tanks as well, given them a powerful punch. As a result of such heavy force, they are the slowest to deploy, needing well over five days to deploy.

Heavy legions include:
-combined arms battalion (x2) (two mechanized infantry and tank companies, one combat engineer company)
-cavalry squadron (with 105mm cannons)
-field artillery battalion (155mm self-propelled howitzer)
-special troops battalion (intelligence and networking)
-support battalion (legion HQ, supply, maintenance, medical)

Though each legion is capable of its own limited, expeditionary thirty-day deployment (with the cooperation of the air force or navy), they are grouped into a division for home base purposes, along with one aviation brigade and one sustainment brigade (which is capable of supplying the whole division indefinitely). There are currently nine divisions, with one based on each isle (Solaria, Airosamente, Setauket, Armoria, Maraguo, Istvanistan, Amity, and two on Nelaga Proper)

One Division includes:
-one light legion
-two middle legions
-one heavy legion
-one aviation Brigade
-one sustainment brigade

aviation brigades include:
-general aviation support battalion (x2)(135 NH-1 Huey troop/cargo helicopters, 45 N-22 Eagles)
-aviation support battalion (20 CH-23 Sea Dragon heavy cargo helicopters)
-aviation attack battalion (30 NA-1 Sea Krait attack helicopters)

sustainment brigades include:
-general support battalion (x3)
-engineering battalion (base construction)
-maintenance battalion

List of current forts and their corresponding garrisons

Fort DStryker, Nova Kajar region, Nelaga (I Division)

I Legion (light) “Fighting Eagles”
II Legion (middle) “War-hawks”
III Legion (middle) “Death Raiders”
IV Legion (Heavy) “Buffalo Soldiers”
1st Aviation Brigade “Air Warriors”
1st Sustainment Brigade “Packhorse”

Named after the legendary minister of economics himself, it is the headquarters for the first division, who pride themselves on being model soldiers, and being first of the army to deploy anywhere. The Nelagan Army Legionnaire School is located here, and is where all Legionaries train to become true warriors. The Army Military Police Academy is also located here.

Fort Thassala, Thassala Bone region, Nelaga (II Division)

V Legion (light) “Urjoea Warriors”
VI Legion (light) “Highland Warriors”
VII Legion (light) “Gunmetal Warriors”
VIII Legion (middle) “Rough Riders”
2nd Aviation Brigade “Screaming Falcons”
2nd Sustainment Brigade “St. Bernards”

Located ten miles southeast of the Urjoea Mountains, the II Division is the only division in the army that is trained to fight in mountainous terrain and harsh weather. All legionaries stationed in the local legions are required to attend further training at the “Mountainous Climate Combat School”, where they train in the Urjoea mountains. They are given the mountainous terrain badge, signifying that they are certified to fight in harsh terrain. The Special Operations Command is also located here.

Fort Rii'lia, Solaria Isle (III Division)

IX Legion (light) “Avenger”
X Legion (middle) “Titan”
XI Legion (middle) “Green Knight”
XII Legion (heavy) “Black Death”
3rd Aviation Brigade “Sky Cat”
3rd Sustainment Brigade “Work Horse”
R&D Brigade “Squints”

Located twenty-two miles west of Ura'Bos, Fort Rii'lia is named for a legendary hero of the isle, who serves as the 'patron saint' of the III Division. This is the home to the Research and Defense Brigade, as well as the Nelagan Army Engineer School. Graduates of the NA Engineer School receive an Engineer badge, showing certification.

Fort Chrono, Airosamente Isle (IV Division)

XIII Legion (middle) “Lucky 13”
XIV Legion (heavy) “Thunder Tigers”
XV Legion (heavy) “Steffke Warriors”
XVI Legion (heavy) “Fate Killers”
4th Aviation Brigade “High-rollers”
4th Sustainment Brigade “Dirty Jacks”

Fort Chrono, named for the mythical quintessence that killed Fate, the soldiers and legionaries of Airosamente are said to occasionally be blessed by visions of the seventh quintessence, who claim it as a lucky sign. The Nelagan Army Armor School is located here, which instructs all soldiers assigned to tank and Infantry fighting vehicle duty, in the N1 Battle Tank and the Mobile Infantry Vehicle. Upon completion, they receive either a Armor School Tank badge, or an Armor School MIV badge, showing certification in their chosen vehicle.

Fort Tapfer, Setauket Isle (V Division)

XVII Legion (light) “Crater makers”
XVII Legion (middle) “Astap Warriors”
XIX Legion (middle) “Rolling Thunder”
XX Legion (heavy) “Boomers”
5th Aviation Brigade “Raging Wind”
5th Sustainment Brigade “One Eye”

Setauket Isle is home to the V Division, who have the slightly-undeserved reputation of using excessively explosive force to solve problems. Perhaps some of this comes from the fact the Nelagan Army Artillery School is located here (the placement of the artillery school on an island associated with Tapfer, is purely coincidental).

Fort McGuffey, Armoria Isle (VI Division)

XXI Legion (light) “Rattlesnakes”
XXII Legion (middle) “Panthers”
XXIII Legion (middle) “Boxers”
XXIV Legion (heavy) “Warlords”
6th Aviation Brigade “Wildcats”
6th Sustainment Brigade “Backpackers”

Armoria Isle is the home to the VI Division, who zealously guard the commander-in-chief's headquarters located here. Because of the presence of senior brass from all branches, the VI Division have the reputation for never deviating from the handbook (with the exception of the Wildcats, who regularly skirt regulations despite the consequences). Located here are the Army Medical Center and School, the Chaplain Center and School, and the Intelligence Center and School.

Fort Jonas, Maraguo Isle (VII Division)

XXV Legion (light) “Dusters”
XXVI Legion (middle) “Crazy 26”
XXVII Legion (middle) “Dragoons”
XXVIII Legion (heavy) “Black Cats”
7th Aviation Brigade “Hornets”
7th Sustainment Brigade “Suppliers”

Fort Jonas is the home location for the VII Division, as well as the Army Aviation Center, where all helicopter and tilt-rotor pilots and crews are trained and certified. Pilots receive a Flight School Badge, and crewmen receive an air crew badge. All soldiers and Legionaries in the VII Division are derisively called “airheads” because the flight school is located here, regardless of whether they have anything to do with flying.

Fort Skylantium, Istvanistan Isle (VII Division)

XXIX Legion (light) “Spear Tip”
XXX Legion (middle) “Ravens”
XXXI Legion (middle) “Brown Bears”
XXXII Legion (heavy) “owls”
8th Aviation Brigade “Black Widows”
8th Sustainment Brigade “Zombies”

Fort Skylantium is where the Nelagan Army Explosives School is located. It is also notable for the 8th Aviation Brigade, the “Black Widows”, who have a tradition of being an all-female pilot outfit. It's also notable for the unusual amount of soldiers and legionaries who report having nonsensical, vaguely off-topic dreams.

Fort Russell, Amity Isle (IX Division)

XXXIII Legion (light) “Mighty Wind”
XXXIV Legion (middle) “Fighting Raptors”
XXXV Legion (middle) “Red Sun”
XXXVI Legion (heavy) “Black hearts”
9th Aviation Brigade “Flying Tigers”
9th Sustainment Brigade “Coyotes”

Fort Russell was the most recently built military installation, having only recently been authorized since joint political custody was handed over to the Nelagans. It was built to be much more impressive then the other forts, due to the fact that the military brass (and certain political figures) wanted to impress their Shirerithian co-rulers with a grand 'show of force'. Needless to say, soldiers stationed here have the highest quality of life of any division in the army.

Special Operations Command

Special Operations Command recruits and trains black ops Legionaries. They are the most trained, disciplined, and elite soldiers the Nelagan Army has to offer. They are picked from the army at large by applying directly to the program, and are well trained in just about everything. They are trained at Fort Thassala, but then dispersed by battalion to various Forts around Nelaga.

Ranger Legion
1st Ranger Battalion (light) Fort Skylantium
2nd Ranger Battalion (light) Fort DStryker
3rd Ranger Battalion (light) Fort Maraguo
1st Special Troops Battalion (light) Fort Russell

Rangers are the premier light infantry force of the army. They are trained extensively in special reconnaissance, direct action, airfield seizure, airborne and air assault operations, counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, and unconventional warfare.

Special Forces Legion
1st SF Battalion (light) Fort McGuffey
2nd SF Battalion (light) Fort Jonas
3rd SF Battalion (light) Fort Chrono
2nd Special Troops Battalion (light) Fort Tapfer

Nelagan Army Special Forces, also known as Blue Berets, are tasked with unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance, direct action, and counter-terrorism. They differ from the Ranger Legion because their primary job is unconventional warfare, whereas the rangers primary job is reconnaissance.

Special Forces Aviation Brigade
-general aviation support battalion (x2)(135 NH-1 Huey troop/cargo helicopters, 45 N-22 Eagles)
-aviation support battalion (20 CH-23 Sea Dragon heavy cargo helicopters)
-aviation attack battalion (30 NA-1 Sea Krait attack helicopters)

Trained extensively in nighttime and all-weather conditions, these aviators are the best of the best, and support the Rangers and the Special Forces Legions in infiltration, exfiltration, and fire support.

Psychological Operations Brigade, Fort McGuffey
-1st Psychological Battalion
-2nd Psychological Battalion
-3rd Psychological Battalion
-3rd Special Troops Battalion (light)

The Psychological Operations Brigade are responsible for pro-Nelaga propaganda, and counter-propaganda of the enemy. This includes pirate radio and TV broadcasts, and pro-Nelaga Book and flier distribution.

Civil Affairs Brigade
-1st Civil Affairs Battalion
-2nd Civil Affairs Battalion
-3rd Civil Affairs Battalion
-4th Special Troops Battalion (light)

The Civil Affairs Brigade are responsible for acting as the liaison between the native population and the Nelagan military. They act as translators, and help build good relations that pacify the populous.

10th Sustainment Brigade
-general support battalion (x3)
-engineering battalion (battlefield engineers)
-maintenance battalion

Tasked with sustaining and supplying the entire special operations command, they are chosen from the best of the Sustainment Brigades, and are specially trained in infiltration to get supplies to the legionaries and soldiers who need them.

Logistics Command

This is the branch that commands and operates everything that doesn't fight. This includes the Army Base Construction Brigades, the Research and Defense Brigade, Logistics Command units (brigade-level logistics), and the Basic Training Command.

Army Reserve Command

The Army Reserve Command is responsible for training, tracking, and activating the reserves in times of war. There are currently two divisions in reserve, that are only activated in times of war or nature disaster, at the discretion of the president. Reservists train once a month each year, and meet one weekend a month to train and practice, which is called 'Battle Assembly'.

Notable soldiers

General of the Army: Eadan McGuffey
Bio: Eadan McGuffey was born and raised in a small town outside Nova Kajar. As he grew up, his family realized the rambunctious child had a talent for athletics. To keep him occupied and get some of his excess energy out, they enrolled him into several sports leagues (his favorite was and still is gravball). There they noticed he was a natural leader, who commanded total respect from his peers. Upon turning eighteen, he shocked his family by joining the Black Ice Mercenary Company, which had security contracts in conflicts all over the world. He left Nelaga, and spent the next 20 years going around the world, fighting in wars for profit, and finally retired back to his hometown. When the Gold Eagle Society staged its revolution, they asked Eadan to join their ranks, and help them reestablish their nations former glory. For the first time in a long time, he felt a pang of patriotism, and joined. His time during the revolution is mostly classified, but he directed and organized the army, and now leads them in defense of the isles.

Vice General of the Army: Maggie Reilly
Bio: Maggie Reilly is Eadan's confidant, lover, and long time ally. They met in the Black Ice Mercenary Company, and instantly hated each other. Fate would see them assigned to the same unit, and fate would also see them gradually come to love and respect each other. When Eadan retired to Nelaga, she followed him, and they settled down together. As the Nelagan Revolution took off, and Eadan joined the Gold Eagles, she dutifully tagged along, acting as his ever-loyal assistant. These days, she's affectionately called, “Mother Bear”, and usually tempers Eadan's callousness.

Legion General: Marcus O'Taggart
Bio: Marcus O'Taggart is the administrative head of the legions, and like Eadan and Maggie, is a Black Ice veteran. He is an expert in hand-to-hand combat, and served as a Black Ice colonel for many years, before Eadan lured him over to the Nelagan Legion. He is notoriously silent, and his stare is supposedly able to drive people mad.

Special Operations General: Leon Pommel
Bio: Leon Pommel is the Special Operations General, and is by reputation, un-killable. As the only senior brass to not have familial or Black Ice ties to Eadan, he stands out all the more. His past is reportedly tied up in the black ops operations from SHINE and the Gold Eagle society. He has survived two stabbings, one poisoning, eight gunshot wounds, and one bomb explosion.

Logistics General: Darla Wallace
Bio: Darla Wallace leads the logistics arm of the army, and is Eadan's niece. She is mostly capable of fulfilling her duties, but some silently wonder if she simply got the job because of her ties to Eadan. She is by far, the youngest and prettiest of the senior brass, at only thirty-seven.

Army Reserve General: Terry Miller
Bio: Terry Miller is the Army Reserve General, and was also a colonel in Black Ice for many years. He retired two years before Eadan, but was lured back to active duty with the promise of a homeland he could truly call his own. He, and his family, have been loyal Nelagans ever since.

Sergeant major of the Army: Amy Oldfield
Bio: Amy Oldfield was Eadan's old Command Sergeant Major, back when they were both mercenaries. Amy has known Eadan longer then Maggie, and stood back to back in many wars, but has never had relations of any kind other than close friendship. It nevertheless causes minor friction between her and Maggie occasionally. She ably serves as the voice of the enlisted men.


Here's where we list the various nasties that you get to kill people with.

Jasonian Assault Rifle- The JAR, while similar in name and function to the infamous Boomist Assault Rifle (BAR), is physically very different. It also uses a .45mm box magazine with 30 rounds, but was modeled after Jasonia's old assault weapon design.

N45 Pistol- the N45 is the Nelagan designation for a standard 45mm pistol, which packs as much of a punch as the assault rifles, but with far less of a rate-of-fire. It has an internally-fed box magazine with eight rounds. Used by officers and enlisted personnel in the special operations command as a back-up weapon, it is usually never far from their grip.

N9 Pistol- The Nelagan 9mm sidearm, this is the normal operations counterpart to the N45.

N12 Shotgun- When close-quarters combat is unavoidable, this 12 gauge shotgun has 9 rounds to make your point with.

Mp5 Sub-machine Gun- Issued to black ops personnel only, this is a medium-range weapon that fires 9mm bullets with 30 rounds per magazine.

N50 Sniper Rifle-A 50 caliber sniper weapon that can kill you at two-thousand meters.

Nelagan Heavy Machine Gun- The NEHMAG is a 50 caliber, belt-fed monster that doesn't play around.

Nelagan Light Machine Gun- The lighter counterpart to the NEHMAG, the NELMAG uses 45mm bullets just like the assault rifles, just at a much higher rate. It can be belt-fed or magazine fed, whichever is available at the time.

M60 Mortar- A mortar tube which requires three soldiers to fire, it uses 60mm nasties, and will kill you from a distance of two miles away.

A105 Light Howitzer- 105mm, twelve mile range, a real boomstick.

A155 Medium Howitzer- 155mm, fifteen mile range, no fun at all- for the enemy. Also comes in a self-propelled variant.

Anti-tank Missile Launcher- the AT missile launcher is 83mm of nasty, and is designed to punch through most armored vehicles.

Anti-Air Missile Launcher- the AA missile launcher (sometimes referred to as 'the twelve-step') is 70mm, and has a range of about forty-eight hundred meters.

Nelagan grenade launcher- the Negla attaches to the bottom of the squad leaders JAR, and fires any type of grenade needed. Grenade types include the smoke grenade, the flash-bang grenade, the incendiary grenade, and the ever-popular fragmentation grenade.

Nelagan Army Longsword- Carried by army officers at formal ceremonies, they are thirty-six inches in length, and despite the ceremonial use, are still sharpened for actual use.

Nelagan Army Bayonet- This useful tool can double as a bayonet or a knife.

Nelagan Army Knife- Issued only to officers or enlisted personnel who wont be carrying a JAR, this knife was modeled after the Boomist Knife used by Shirerithian forces.

Non-lethal weapons- There are a few weapons we carry which are not technically supposed to kill you, and they are as follows:

~used by the military police only~
-collapsible baton
-riot shields
-pepper spray
-tear gas


Soldiers get a variety of vehicles to use, dependent only on what their job is.

Light Utility Vehicle- The LUV is a light cargo and personnel transport with an excellent, proven track record around the world, this vehicle comes in several variants and colors. It comes with bullet-proof armor and four-wheel drive suspension, and depending on the variant, some kind of weapon. These are used outside of combat by every command, but in combat only by light legions and reconnaissance troops.

popular variants:
-LUV with machine gun turret
-Ambulance LUV variant
-Communications Command LUV
-Intelligence LUV

Medium Utility Vehicle- Or MUV for short, is the primary mover for the howitzer cannons we use, and is also used to transport cargo and personnel in greater numbers than the LUV could handle. This six-wheel, all-terrain vehicle has a truck bed with a modular design that is able to be replaced with different variants depending on the nature of the mission.

Heavy Utility Vehicle- Or HUV for short, is an eight wheel, all-terrain vehicle that is called for when you need something big transported. Working with or without a trailer, this truck is also the vehicle tasked with recovering broken-down anything else.

Mobile Infantry Vehicle- The MIV (classified as the Scout Infantry Vehicle in the NMC) is an eight-wheeled, all-terrain armored personnel carrier that is used by the middle and heavy legions. Its primary weapon is a 25mm chain gun, and its secondary weapons are two Nelagan Light Machine Guns and four grenade launching tubes. It has a crew of three, and can carry up to four passengers. Top speed max's out at sixty-two MPH.

N1-H Hover Tank- Similar in design to the standard N1, the N1-H uses next-generation hover technology provided by JASO, and is the first of many high-tech innovations coming to the military. It has a 120mm cannon, one Nelagan Heavy Machine Gun, and two Nelagan Light Machine Guns. As a hover-tank, it is significantly faster then the standard N1, and tops out at 70mph.


The Nelagan Army have a few aircraft of their own, which they use to superior effect.

N-22 Eagle- The N-22 Eagle is, like the marine corps, the army's primary mover for troops going to and from the battlefield. As a tilt-rotor aircraft, it has two turboprop engines that are capable of taking off vertically like a helicopter, but later changing in-flight to a conventional airplane, which conveys faster speeds and more fuel-efficiency. It has a crew of two, its range is about a thousand miles, and is capable of transporting two squads at a time.

CH-23 Sea Dragon- The Sea Dragon is a cargo helicopter without equal. Its massive size and cargo-carrying capability make it the primary cargo-lift aircraft in the corps. Capable of carrying thirty thousand pounds, it has a crew of five, and carry's no weapons on board.

NH-1 Huey- a lighter troop and cargo transport, this helicopter is capable of carrying two crew members and an entire squad into and out of battle. They have one Nelagan Heavy Machine Gun, and one Nelagan Light machine Gun.

NA-1 Sea Krait- A twin-engine attack helicopter with two crew and a range of four-hundred and twenty six miles, this particular nasty has a 20mm Gatling gun and 6 hardpoints (for missiles, extra fuel tanks, etc).


The Nelagan Army does not operate any seacraft of their own, and rely on the Nelagan Navy and Air Force for transportation of their equipment and personnel.