Minarboria/Minarborian Terms
1SA, 2SA, 3SA
Bureaucratic shorthand for the First, Second and Third State Arbors respectively.
Anno Fruticis, AF
The Minarborian year, counted as days since Minarbor's first appearance on July 7th, 2013 (that day being 5084 in the ASC system).
A celebration of the relationship between Deep Singers and the undead, wherein the ashes of Licheven bonfires were collected for fertiliser and thanks were given, occurring on Harvesthigh 10th (November 1st).
A monstrous being made of asparagus, said to hide under the beds of children who had not eaten their vegetables.
A colloquial term for humans who were neither undead nor biologically modified.
Broodmother's Day
A celebration of the Broodmother, the original keeper of newborn Deep Singers, occurring on Springhigh 25th (May 15th).
The fifth and final day of the Minarborian week.
The second highest clerical rank of the Church of Minarbor, located in large population centres.
Darko Day
A celebration of Darko, mythological rabbit-guardian of the dispossessed and bringer of justice, occurring on Springrise 16th (April 5th).
Day of the Dead
A celebration of the year's end, wherein Lord Toastypops showered the jolly with gifts and those lost to the bonfires of Licheven re-emerged, occurring on Harvestfall 30th (December 21st).
The fourth and lowest clerical rank of the Church of Minarbor, serving as missionaries and preachers.
The day of Winterfall 9½, corresponding to February 29th.
The Garden
A term used by the pious to describe Minarboria.
Hall of Blooms
The information office of the Second State Arbor.
Hall of Fruits
The industrial office of the Second State Arbor.
Hall of Harvests
The church liaison office of the Second State Arbor.
Hall of Leaves
The education office of the Second State Arbor.
Hall of Mandarins
A large strategic reserve of vitamin C located in the Second State Arbor, guarded by brightly-coloured duck-like humanoids.
Hall of Moss
The diplomatic hospitality suite of the Third State Arbor.
Hall of Nodules
The foreign trade office of the Third State Arbor.
Hall of Oats
The cultural office of the Second State Arbor.
Hall of Prunings
The health department of the Second State Arbor.
Hall of Reapers
The police office of the Second State Arbor.
Hall of Rhizomes
The executive office of the Third State Arbor.
Hall of Roots
The infrastructure office of the Second State Arbor.
Hall of Soils
The national resources office of the Second State Arbor.
Hall of Tendrils
The diplomatic corps of the Third State Arbor.
Hall of Thorns
The military office of the Second State Arbor.
The twelfth and final month of the Minarborian calendar, thirty days long, from November 22nd to December 21st.
The eleventh month of the Minarborian calendar, thirty days long, from October 23rd to November 21st.
The tenth month of the Minarborian calendar, thirty days long, from September 23rd to October 22nd.
The first day of the Minarborian week.
The third clerical rank of the Church of Minarbor, serving as the common priesthood.
Jolliness, Her Jolliness, Her Imperial Jolliness
Empress Lyssansa, the supreme necrarch.
The beginning of the Lichmas season, wherein undead liches in irreperable physical shape self-immolated on bonfires pending eventual regeneration, occurring on Harvesthigh 9th (October 31st).
The festive period from Licheven on Harvesthigh 9th (Octover 31st) to Lichmas Day on Winterise 2st (December 22nd). Minarborians were expected to be especially jolly during this time.
Lichmas Day
The first day of the Minarborian new year, falling on Winterise 1st (December 22nd). The final day of the Lichmas season, a day to relax with one's nearest and dearest, open presents etc.
Lichniks, Lichniki
Officers of the Lichnina with a role somewhere between a Lord Lieutenancy and an inquisitorial agency. Universally feared.
The personal fiefs of the Empress: Lywall, Lachmeren, Novodolor and Litel.
Lich Cookie
A type of cookie specially made from easily-dissolved ingredients, for consumption by the undead who lacked functioning digestive systems. Often decorated with personalised icing and given as rewards for cood conduct in all manner of formal settings.
Lich Gravy
A versatile liquid condiment made for the undead, consumable as a sweet or savoury garnish to Lich Cookies or as a beverage in its own right.
Lord Toastypops
Undead Santa Claus.
Minarbor Day
A celebration of Minarbor's life-affirming properties, occurring on Springrise 1st (March 21st).
The monarchs of Minarboria's constituent Imperial Realms, all of whom were undead liches.
The second day of the Minarborian week.
A font-like object located in churches, into which donations of assorted biomass were left to rot by sinners in the hope that their decomposition, and subsequent donation as compost, would effect the transmutation of the sinner's soul into a purer state.
The national police of Minarboria, run by the Second State Arbor's Hall of Reapers.
The highest clerical rank of the Church of Minarbor, chief among whom was the Resector of Sansabury.
The third day of the Minarborian week.
The Shrub, The Shrub of Shrubs, Frutex Fruticorum
The Shrub-God Minarbor, Minarboria's namesake.
The Shrubbery
The seat of Minarborian government.
The sixth month of the Minarborian calendar, thirty-one days long, from May 22nd to June 21st.
The fifth month of the Minarborian calendar, thirty-one days long, from April 21st to May 21st.
The fourth month of the Minarborian calendar, thirty-one days long, from March 21st to April 20th.
The ninth month of the Minarborian calendar, thirty-one days long, from August 23rd to September 22nd.
The eighth month of the Minarborian calendar, thirty-one days long, from July 23rd to August 22nd.
The seventh month of the Minarborian calendar, thirty-one days long from June 22nd to July 22nd.
The fourth day of the Minarborian week.
The third month of the Minarborian calendar, twenty-nine days long, from February 20th to March 20th.
The second month of the Minarborian calendar, thirty days long, from January 21st to February 19th.
The first month of the Minarborian calendar, thirty days long, from December 22nd to January 20th.
Writ of Hircus Iratus
A formal punishment for disorderly or terroristic conduct, meted out at the Queen's discretion in Minarboria's early days.