Hugh O'Neill

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General of Cavalry Sir Hugh O'Neill, K.E., O.M.

Plumbley's Who's Who of Gotzborg
Hugh O'Neill
Personal arms
Title General of Cavalry Sir
Full name Hugh O'Neill
Immigrated April 30, 2006
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Hugh O'Neill, a long serving cavalry officer of Talamthom heritage, was noted for his participation in the comparatively rare colonial adventures of the Kingdom of Gotzborg, including participation in expeditions to the island of Ansbach and into the Oros Protectorate after the fall of Paulovia. After an uninspired tenure as Minister of State for the Home Office, retired into the countryside, dividing his time between his duties as commander of the Army of Reichlau, and the pursuit of lucrative overseas commissions, such as with the Imperial Army of Shireroth where he holds the rank of Magister Militum.

On account of these activities he has frequently encountered difficulties with officious passport clerks whenever seeking to re-enter the territorial jurisdiction of the Kingdom.

General O'Neill has also previously dabbled in the manufacture of small arms, the publication of a limited circulation news periodical, and the negotiation of ethically dubious arms deals with the formerly extant Kingdom of Babkha.

Titles, Awards & Decorations

  1. Military Decoration 2nd Class (May 6, 2006);
  2. Knight of The Most Honourable Order of the Eagle (K.E.) (July 18, 2006);
  3. War Merit Cross 2nd Class w/ Frontline Combat Clasp (Alexandrian Insurgency) (August 21, 2006);
  4. Cross for Loyal Service (December 20, 2006);
  5. The Royal Order of Merit Cross 4th Class (O.M.) (December 20, 2006);
  6. King's Porcelain Jubilee 2009 (April 15, 2010);
  7. The Royal Order of Merit Cross 4th Class w/ Swords & Crown (December 23, 2010);

Government Service

  1. Minister of State for the Home Office (December 4, 2012 - October 15, 2013);
  2. Vice-Minister of State for the Foreign Office, Eastern Bureau (May 10, 2006 - April 22, 2007);

Military Service


  1. Major (RA) (May 1, 2006);
  2. Lieutenant-Colonel (RA) (June 5, 2006);
  3. Brigadier (brevet) (RA) (July 13, 2006);
  4. Colonel (RA) (August 21, 2006);
  5. Major-General (brevet) (RA) (October 10, 2006);
  6. Brigadier (RA) (January 17, 2007);
  7. Major-General (RA) (April 29, 2010);
  8. Lieutenant-General (RA) (April 10, 2011);
  9. General of Cavalry (RA) (April 11, 2012);


  1. Grand Duke of Lucerne's Cossacks (10th Cavalry Regiment) (RA) (May 1, 2006 - ) (Family Regiment);
  2. Officer Commanding Ansbach Colonial Garrison (RA) (June 28, 2006 - October 10, 2006);
  3. General Officer Commanding VII Corps (Reichlau) (RA) (October 10, 2006 - January 17, 2007);
  4. Officer Commanding Ansbach Colonial Garrison (RA) (January 17, 2007 - April 22, 2007);
  5. Military Governor of the Oros Protectorate (July 22, 2010 - November 29, 2010);
  6. General Officer Commanding Army District Montin (IV Corps) (RA) (May 13, 2011 - April 18, 2012);
  7. General Officer Commanding Army of Reichlau (RA) (April 18, 2012 - );

Police Service


No records available.


No records available.

Other Service

  1. Aide-de-Camp to His Royal Majesty (May 8, 2006 - December 29, 2013);
  2. King's Counsellor (January 11, 2010 - );
  3. Lord Protector of the Royal Household (December 29, 2013 - );

Notable Contributions

  1. Author of the news publication, Ansbach-Cibola Zeitung;
  2. Founder of the business, Solhausen Gotzerwerke (October 22, 2006);