Governors Bill of 1738
Ordered by the Congress of Floria and approved by the President
An Act to establish the office of the State Governors
- Be it enacted by the President of the Confederate States of Floria with the consent and support of the federal Legislature in its current guise, and by the authority of the same, as follows:-:
Section 1: Title
This Act shall be known as the **State Governors Establishment Act of 1738**.
Section 2: Purpose
This Act formally establishes the office of State Governors in every federal state of the Confederate states of Floria, defines their roles, powers, responsibilities, and the manner of election or appointment, and ensures the effective administration and governance of the state.
Section 3: Creation of the Office of State Governor
- (a) The position of State Governor is hereby created within the state government.
- (b) The Governor shall be the chief executive officer of the state, responsible for ensuring that the laws of the state are faithfully executed, overseeing state government departments, and representing the state in both domestic and federal matters.
Section 4: Eligibility for Governor
- (a) To be eligible for election or appointment as the State Governor, the candidate must:
1. Be a natural-born citizen of the State they wish to represent.
2. Be at least 216 years of age.
3. Have resided within the state for at least 12 years.
4. Be in good standing with no prior criminal convictions (as defined by law).
- (b) The Governor must not hold any other public office during their term as Governor.
Section 5: Method of Selection
- (a) The Governor shall be elected by the citizens of the state in a general election to be held every 12 years.
- (b) In case of a vacancy, the legislature, council, or another designated body shall appoint an interim Governor who shall serve until a special election can be held.
- (c) The candidate with the majority of votes in the general election shall be declared the winner. If no candidate secures a majority, a runoff election shall be held between the top two candidates.
Section 6: Powers and Responsibilities of the Governor
- (a)** The Governor shall:
1. Serve as the chief executive of the state and oversee all state agencies, departments, and programs.
2. Enforce and implement state laws, regulations, and executive orders.
3. Propose a state budget and submit it for approval to the [State Legislature].
4. Call special sessions of the legislature, if necessary, to address urgent matters.
5. Exercise veto power over bills passed by the legislature, subject to override by a two-thirds majority.
6. Appoint officials and leaders to various state offices, commissions, and boards, as specified by law.
7. Represent the state in negotiations with other states and federal entities
8. Ensure the defence and protection of the state's residents and property. 9. Uphold the state’s constitution and laws. - **(b)** The Governor shall also have the authority to issue executive orders and directives in times of emergencies, subject to review by the legislature.Section 7: Term of Office
- (a) The Governor shall serve a term of 12 years, with the possibility of re-election for one additional consecutive term. After two consecutive terms, the Governor must wait at least one term before running again.
- (b) The Governor shall be subject to recall by the voters of the State, under the laws and procedures established by the State Legislature.
Section 8: Compensation and Benefits
- (a) The Governor shall receive an annual salary as determined by the State Legislature and shall be entitled to benefits as provided by law. The Governor may wish to refuse a salary
- (b) The Governor shall receive reimbursement for official expenses incurred during the performance of their duties, including travel and accommodations for state business.
Section 9: Impeachment and Removal
- (a) The Governor may be impeached for misconduct, gross neglect of duties, criminal activity, or violation of state laws.
- (b) Impeachment proceedings shall be initiated by the State Legislature, and removal shall require a two-thirds vote in the State Senate or equivalent.
- (c) The Governor shall have the right to a fair trial, representation, and due process during impeachment proceedings.
Section 10: Transition and Implementation
- (a) The first election for Governor under this Act shall be held in 1739.
- (b) All current executive responsibilities vested in other offices or individuals shall transition to the newly established office of the Governor as provided for by law.
Section 11:Severability
If any provision of this Act is held to be invalid or unconstitutional, the remainder of the Act shall remain in effect.
Section 12: Effective Date
This Act shall take effect on 1739, and the office of the Governor shall be operational immediately upon its passage and implementation.
Introduced by: President Hutchinson
Date: 1738