Demonsfall/The Tragical Demise of Kizzy
Miss Kizzy Must Die Narrative
The Old Ways Established in Demonsfall
The Saints CF had been rebuked and rejected from the Conference of Cycle Families. Kizzy Drakland, content to stay neutral up til now, spoke out against the division of the Demonist community, and denounced Goetia as a failed project. She and the The Saints, and other like-minded Goetics moved to Demonsfall, Many demonists from across the world slowly migrated there. She claims to be kaiser, based on the fact that she was once. Begins to practice Old Ways demonism with gusto when John Babbit and his boys, Brick, Jeff Michaelson, and brainwashed victims arrive. Kizzy and Babbit set themselves up as the Sir and Madame of a new family, to be obeyed at all costs and never questioned, in contrast to the paternal and guiding structure of the old Goetic families. Kizzy an Babbit force the residents of Demonsfall into submissive roles by combining Babbit's cold-reading coercion skills and Kizzy's demonic magick. Soon most of the city is under their control and they begin a campaign of rape and abuse against the inhabitants, such as forced vomiting, force-fed their own or others' vomit, anally inserting their fists and large objects into the residents until prolapse under the guise of erotic sexual education, forced public nakedness at all times, forced to live in cages and fed as a dog, forced to wear tight chainlink collars with a padlock and no key, used as sexual bargaining chips to entice new recruits, caned until bloodied, placed into a pyramid-like hierarchy of omega subs, beta subs, alpha subs, and boys, that answer to Kizzy or Babbit, forced to check in hourly with their superior, forced to ask for permission from a superior to use the restroom or make any common decision, forced to perform sexual acts on their superiors at any time of day, forced to do mundane errands like grocery shopping or picking up special and rare materials for more coercion spells. All residents were either beat into submission, coerced with sexual favors, or demonicly controlled into this new family. Tight controls were placed on the new family units so that almost all daily contact one had was with one's superiors, or the other submissives under one's own superior such that residents were isolated into small groups of 6 to 12 people who could be controlled, beaten, and coerced by their alphas or boys. Control was kept with promises of advancement to higher levels thus being granted more submissives upon which to exact "revenge," and promises of insight into demonic truths, spiritual and personal "growth." Daily sermons issued by Kizzy and Babbit reinforced the allegiances of the submissives and explained how much Sir Babbit and Madame Kizzy loved each and every one of them, and these activities were not punishments, but something the submissives actually wanted, and craved. Torture and rape were reframed as intense sexual scenes that required specific secrecy between the abuser and the victim, lest the victim receive more punishment. When a submissive was broken down and left physically and mentally destroyed, the abuser would switch to a false-parental role, cradling the victim, saying how good they were, how much they are loved, and how much of a psychological breakthrough they had, convince the victims that they actually enjoyed the rape and abuse, and how only the abuser understood this, and only the abuser could love them after the tortures that victim endured. Eventually, most people in the hierarchy believed themselves to deserve these punishments, saw their abusers as enlightened, and truly believed that only their abusers and superiors could love them. Some of these victims embraced the Old Ways and became recruiters, and ventured out to the cities in greater Ynnraile and brought new victims back to Demonsfall by promising them intense and unrestricted sexual freedoms and access to willing participants.
Response in Drak-Modan
Nathan II and his advisors hear of Kizzy's take over after the fact. Denounce her on grounds of her kaisership claim contradicts his own claim to the Line of Drak. As survivors escape Demonsfall, people begin to hear about her atrocities, and now Drak-Modan is furious at her for ruining the once-sort of good name of the Line of Drak. Nathan II seeks advice on how to route her, Raspur Pact allies/Benacia Command begins bombardments, and Sovereign Confederation marches south. Nathan II consults with religious figures to declare Kizzy a Bovic demon.
Response in Goetia
Alfred Priestly hears of the abuses from survivors who return to Goetia. With approval of the Conference, organizes a new nomadic cycle family, the Gorillas NF, pulled from members of all the Goetic families, and is the first cycle family specifically called together for the purpose of war. It is comprised of former military members who migrated to Goetia. The Conference also approves the rental of an old SATCo cargo/passenger as a troop transport in exchange for SATCo exclusive rights to mine gold deposits in Goetia.. Lets them off north of Syrelwynn, move undetected through countryside traveling in small groups until they meet up northeast of Demonsfall outskirts. Embark on missions to remove boys and alphas from chains of command, de-program them, or if too far gone, execute according to new Goetic laws (Taboo of Endorsing the Old Way, Taboo of Supporting the Demon-Queen). Provide omegas and betas a way out by helping them southwards. Alfred Priestly and Nathan II worked out an agreement to allow victims of Kizzy and Babbit refugee status in Drak-Modan, access to mental and physical health care, and safe return to Goetia, or asylum in Drak-Modan.