The Demerpas is the main entrance route of the Duchy of Leylstadt. Whether you travel on foot, by car or by boat, any travellers who wish to enter or leave the country (the official and least dangerous way) will have to pass this mountain pass.
The pass is dominated by Whitstone Keep, which serves as a military outpost, border control and offers lodgings to tired travellers. Whitstone bridge, which connects the main land road from the westside to the eastside of the Leyl, is guarded by three large, stone statues of soldiers. These were erected by Evert Demer in 1664 AN, who had gotten the task to establish a base of operations during the First Valesian Expedition.
Near the castle, on one of the nearby rocks, stands a statue of a bear fighting a bull. The bear, symbolising the country, while the bull represents the Ducal House, which subdued the lands and united the local tribes. The Demer statue was constructed between 1672 and 1775 AN and became on of the symbols of hope and unity among the Leylstadters.