Dauian Reduction

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The Dauian Reduction were the aftermath of the assasination of State Premier of the Democratic Republic of Daau, Kim Dong Won.


Following the death of Kim Dong Won, the nation fell into a state of mourning and also a state of protests against the current government. The culprit was claimed to be Florian to calm the situation down and was further investigated to be revealed that the culprit was indeed a Florian but a Dauian by Florian descent who holds a Florian passport. The knives were pointed at the states of Jurong and Daas as more government documents surfaced of corruption and other shady business which led to an emergency summit meeting.


Following the summit meeting, it was revealed that both states had the plans of starting a civil war and attempting to cause unrest to cause further damage to the already weakened Xi Bing Jin's Workers Party. The Head of State for both Daas and Jurong have all been detained and will enter an interrogation stage. These events led to the final voting of both states being ejected from the Democratic Republic of Daau, with a massive margin as per reports. This means that Daas and Jurong are to become free states under no flag, meaning that they are no longer part of Daau due to the recent events and have been released as independent territories no longer under Daau. Daau has chosen to retain Mataba and the State of Perhak as SARs.

Daau will be renamed to the Republic of Daau and will now only have one sole city, Seragaan. Major revamps are underway to further smoothen the process of the DAUEXIT of the two city-states.