Constitution of the United States of Apollonia
We, the people of the United States of Apollonia, each State acting in its sovereign and independent character, in order to form a permanent federal government, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity establish this Constitution for the United States of Apollonia.
Article 1: The Congress
All legislative powers herein delegated shall be vested in a Congress of the Apollonian States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. The capital of the Union is located in St. Anna, in the Federal District.
Article 2: The Senate
The Senate consists of one representative for each State. The Governor of the State shall act as a representative. If the Governor is unable to vote, the local State institutions can send a possible replacement. In case State’s representatives have failed to vote, the president can appoint a replacement for the duration of the representatives’ inactivity.
Article 3: The House of Representatives
The House of Representatives is composed of members chosen by the people of their State each five daor.
The House has the right to vote on issues and turn them into law.
A law which is passed by the House shall be sent to the Senate. The House can be disbanded if a 3/4th majority is reached. The following seats are distributed among the States: Hondon: 10 Floria: 12 Baixo: 4 Middlestate: 4 Qadra: 6 Antican Frontier: 2 Federal District: 2 Total: 40
Article 4: The President
The President acts as head of state and government of the United States of Apollonia. The President is elected for a period of 15 daors. If the President becomes unable to fulfill his obligations, the Chairman of the Senate shall fulfill his duties. In case the President has been removed from office or deemed unable to fulfill his duties by 3/4th of the House, new elections will be held.
Article 5: Electoral College
Each State has the right to send representatives to the Electoral College. The number of representatives equals the number of seats in the House. The representatives elect the President in name of the People and with their wishes and best interests in mind.
Article 6: Government
The President is head of the government and appoints the Ministers. The administration is allowed to pass presidential decrees. These decrees are valid as long as they do not go against federal law.
Article 7: The Justice Department
The Senate appoints Judges to the Federal Court. The Federal Court is the highest juridical office in the Union.
Article 8: The States
Each State has the right to create local laws and establish its own administration. The Laws of the States may not contradict the Laws of the Union. A State can be admitted into the Union after being approved by the House and Senate with a normal majority vote. Each State shall select its own symbols.
Article 9: Citizenship
The Ministry of Interior can grant citizenship to immigrants. Any person of Apollonian descend which is born within the borders of the Union, shall be recognized as a citizen of the United States of Apollonia.
Article 10: Rights of the Citizens
A Law shall be established to guarantee the basic rights and duties of each citizen of the Union.
Article 11: Armed Forces
The Armed Forces are led by the President.
The Naval Forces are led by the President.
Article 13: Ratification and Amendments
The Constitution can be amended with a normal majority from both the House and Senate.