Constitution of Graecia
This page contains the constitution of the People's Republic of Graecia. For info about it (and,generally, for the entirety of the Graecian politics) see Politics of Graecia.
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Original Title: | The Official Constitution of the People's Republic of Graecia |
Jurisdiction: | People's Republic of Graecia |
Ratified: | 1687 AN |
Date effective: | 1687 AN |
System: | Totalitarian Non-Partisan Graeco-Communist Socialist State |
Branches of Government: | Two (Acting, Judicial) |
Chambers: | None |
Acting: | Premier of the People's Republic of Graecia |
Judiciary: | Supreme Court of the People's Republic of Graecia |
Amendments: | None |
The bold moment when the Great Leader, Eugene Friedriechsen, arrived at the beautiful island of Graecia, terminated the abandonment of the island, overthrew capitalist, gang and landowner rule, broke the fetters of oppression, established the dictatorship of the proletariat, and created the Graeco-Communist state, a new type of state, the basic instrument for defending the welfare and happiness for the people, and for building socialism and communism. Humanity thereby began the epoch-making turn from capitalism to socialism.
After achieving endorsement of the local populace, the new Graecian government carried through far-reaching social and economic transformations, and put an end once and for all to exploitation of man by man, antagonisms between classes, and strife between nationalities. Social ownership of the means of production and genuine democracy for the working masses were established. For the first time in the history of mankind a pure socialist society was created.
The strength of socialism was vividly demonstrated by the immortal feat of the Graecian people and their Armed Forces in their willingness to develop the state, consolidating the influence and international standing of the People's Republic of Graecia and created new opportunities for growth of the forces of socialism, national liberation, democracy, and peace throughout the world.
Continuing their creative endeavors, the working people of the People's Republic of Graecia have continued the rapid, all-round development of the country and steady improvement of the socialist system. They have consolidated the alliance of the working class, collective-farm peasantry, and people's intelligentsia, and friendship of the nations and nationalities of the PRG. Socio-political and ideological unity of the Graecian society, in which the working class is the leading force, has been achieved. The aims of the dictatorship of the proletariat having been fulfilled, the Communist state has become a state of the whole people. The leading role of the Premier, the vanguard of all the people, has grown.
In Graecia, a developed socialist society has been built. At this stage, when socialism is developing on its own foundations, the creative forces of the new system and the advantages of the socialist way of life are becoming increasingly evident, and the working people are more and more widely enjoying the fruits of their great gains.
It is a society in which powerful productive forces and progressive science and culture have been created, in which the well-being of the people is constantly rising, and more and more favourable conditions are being provided for the all-round development of the individual.
It is a society of mature socialist social relations, in which, on the basis of the drawing together of all classes, ethnicities, races, and their willingness for co-operation, a new historical community of people has been formed--the Graecian people.
It is a society of high organisational capacity, ideological commitment, and consciousness of the working people, who are patriots and internationalists.
It is a society in which the law of life is concern of all for the good of each and concern of each for the good of all.
It is a society of true democracy, the political system of which ensures effective management of all public affairs, ever more active participation of the working people in running the state, and the combining of citizen's real rights and freedoms with their obligations and responsibility to society.
Developed socialist society is a natural, logical stage on the road to communism.
The supreme goal of the Graecian state is the building of a classless communist society in which there will be public, communist self-government. The main aims of the people's socialist state are: to lay the material and technical foundation of communism, to perfect socialist social relations and transform them into communist relations, to mould the citizen of communist society, to raise the people's living and cultural standards, to safeguard the country's security, and to further the consolidation of peace and development of international co-operation.
The Graecian people,
- guided by the ideas of scientific communism and true to their traditions,
- relying on the great gains of socialism,
- striving for the further development of socialist democracy,
- taking into account the international position of Graecia as part of the world system of socialism, and conscious of their internationalist responsibility,
- preserving continuity of the ideas and principles of older communist states and Graeco-Marxist ideals,
- looking forward into the great fame that await them,
hereby affirm the principles, the social structure and policies of Graecia, and define the rights, freedoms and obligations of citizens, and the principles of the organisation of the socialist state of the whole people, and its aims, and proclaim these in this Constitution.
Chapter 1. The Political System
Article 1. The People's Republic of Graecia is a socialist state of the whole people, expressing the will and interests of the workers, peasants, and intelligentsia, the working people of all the nations and nationalities of the country.
Article 2. All power in Graecia belongs to the people. The people exercise state power through Regional People's Councils, which constitute the political foundation of Graecia. All other state bodies are under the control of, and accountable to, the Regional People's Councils.
Article 3. All governmental positions in the State shall be defined by the Premier and supervised by the Regional People's Councils.
Article 4. The Graecian state and all its bodies function on the basis of socialist law, ensure the maintenance of law and order, and safeguard the interests of society and the rights and freedoms of citizens. State organisations, public organisations and officials shall observe the Constitution and Laws of Graecia.
Article 5. Major matters of state shall be submitted to nationwide discussion and put to a popular vote (referendum).
Article 6. The leading and guiding force of the Graecian society shall be the Premier of the People's Republic of Graecia. He is a part of the people and serves the people. The Premier, armed with the ideals of Graeco-Marxism, and having under his control the Acting governmental branch, determines the general perspectives of the development of society and the course of the home and foreign policy of Graecians, directs the great constructive work of the Graecians, and imparts a planned, systematic and theoretically substantiated character to their struggle for the victory of communism. All of his acts shall be in line with the Constitution of Graecia .
Article 7. Trade unions, the Young Communists League, co-operatives, and other public organisations, participate, in accordance with the aims laid down in their rules, in managing state and public affairs, and in deciding political, economic, and social and cultural matters.
Article 8. Work collectives take part in discussing and deciding state and public affairs, in planning production and social development, in training and placing personnel, and in discussing and deciding matters pertaining to the management of enterprises and institutions, and the use of funds allocated both for developing production and for social and cultural purposes and financial incentives. Work collectives promote socialist emulation, the spread of progressive methods of work, and the strengthening of production discipline, educate their members in the spirit of communist morality, and strive to enhance their political consciousness and raise their cultural level and skills and qualifications.
Article 9. The principal direction in the development of the political system of the society is the extension of socialist democracy, namely ever broader participation of citizens in managing the affairs of society and the state (via their participation in Regional People's Councils), continuous improvement of the machinery of state, heightening of the activity of public organisations, strengthening of the system of people's control, consolidation of the legal foundations of the functioning of the state and of public life, greater openness and publicity, and constant responsiveness to public opinion.
Chapter 2. The Economic System
Article 10. The foundation of the economic system of Graecia is socialist ownership of the means of production in the form of state property (belonging to all the people), and collective farm-and-co-operative property. Socialist ownership also embraces the property of trade unions and other public organisations which they require to carry out their purposes under these rules. the state protects socialist property and provides conditions for its growth. No one has the right to use socialist property for person gain or other selfish ends.
Article 11. State property, i. e. the common property of the Graecian people, is the principal form of socialist property. The land, its minerals, waters, and forests are the exclusive property of the state. The state owns the basic means of production in industry, construction, and agriculture; means of transport and communication; the banks; the property of state-run trade organisations and public utilities, and other state-run undertakings; most urban housing; and other property necessary for popular purposes.
Article 12. The property of collective farms and other co-operative organisations, and of their joint undertakings, comprises the means of production and other assets which they require for the purposes laid down in their rules. The land held by collective farms is secured to them for their free use in perpetuity. The state promotes development of collective farm-and-co-operative property and its approximation to state property. Collective farms, like other land users, are obliged to make effective use of the land and to increase its abilities.
Article 13. Earned income forms the basis of the personal property of Graecian citizens. The personal property of citizens of Graecia may include utilities of everyday use, personal consumption and convenience, the implements and other objects of a small-holding, a house, and earned savings. The personal property of citizens and the right to inherit it are protected by the state. Citizens may be granted the use of plots of land for a subsidiary small-holding (including the keeping of livestock), for fruit and vegetable growing or for building an individual dwelling. Citizens are required to make rational use of the land allotted to them. The state, and collective farms provide assistance to citizens in working their small-holdings. Property owned or used by citizens shall not serve as a means of deriving unearned income or be employed to the detriment of the interests of society.
Article 14. The source of the growth of social wealth and of the well-being of the people, and of each individual, is the labour, free from exploitation, of the people. The state shall exercise control over the measure of labour and of consumption in accordance with the principle of socialism: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his work". It fixes the rate of taxation on taxable income. Socially useful work and its results determine a person's status in society. By combining material and moral incentives and encouraging innovation and a creative attitude to work, the state helps transform labour into the prime vital need of every citizen.
Article 15. The supreme goal of social production under socialism is the fullest possible satisfaction of the people's growing material, and cultural and intellectual requirements. Relying on the creative initiative of the working people, socialist emulation, and scientific and technological progress, and by improving the forms and methods of economic management, the state ensures growth of the productivity of labour, raising of the efficiency of production and of the quality of work, and dynamic, planned, proportionate development of the economy.
Article 16. The economy of Graecia shall be an integral economic complex comprising all the elements of social production, distribution, and exchange on its territory. The economy is managed on the basis of state plans for economic and social development, with due account of the sectoral and territorial principles, and by combining centralised direction with the managerial independence and initiative of individual and amalgamated enterprises and other organisations, for which active use is made of management accounting, profit, cost, and other economic levers and incentives.
Article 17. The law shall permit individual labour in handicrafts, farming, the provision of services for the public, and other forms of activity based exclusively on the personal work of individual citizens and members of their families. The state makes regulations for such work to ensure that it serves both the interest of the individual that works individually and of society.
Article 18. In the interests of the present and future generations, the necessary steps are taken in Graecia to protect and make scientific, rational use of the land and its mineral and water resources, and the plant and animal kingdoms, to preserve the purity of air and water, ensure reproduction of natural wealth, and improve the human environment.
Chapter 3. Social Development and Culture
Article 19. The basis of the Graecian society is the unbreakable alliance of the workers, peasants, and intelligentsia. The state helps enhance the social homogeneity of society, namely the elimination of class differences and of the essential distinctions between town and country and between mental and physical labour, and the all-round development and drawing together of all the nations and nationalities of Graecia.
Article 20. In accordance with the communist ideal The free development of each is the condition of the free development of all the state pursues the aim of giving citizens more and more real opportunities to apply their creative energies, abilities, and talents, and to develop their personalities in every way.
Article 21. The state concerns itself with improving working conditions, safety and labour protection and the scientific organisation of work, and with reducing and ultimately eliminating all inappropriate physical labour through comprehensive mechanisation and automation of production processes in all branches of the economy.
Article 22. State initiatives shall be consistently implemented in Graecia to convert agricultural work into a variety of industrial work, to extend the network of educational, cultural, and medical institutions, and of trade, public catering, service and public utility facilities in rural localities, and transform hamlets and villages into well-planned and well-appointed settlements.
Article 23. The state pursues a steady policy of raising people's pay levels and real incomes through increase in productivity. In order to satisfy the needs of Graecian people, funds for the ones that are unable to work shall be distributed. The state, with the broad participation of public organisations and work collectives, ensures the growth and just distribution of these funds.
Article 24. In Graecia, state systems of health protection, social security, trade and public catering, communal services and amenities, and public utilities, operate and are being extended. The state encourages co-operatives and other public organisations to provide all types of services for the population. It encourages the development of mass physical culture and sport.
Article 25. In Graecia, there shall be a uniform system of public education, which shall be constantly improved, that shall provide general education and vocational training for citizens, serve the communist education and intellectual and physical development of the youth, and train them for work and social activity.
Article 26. In accordance with society's needs, the state provides for planned development of science and the training of scientific personnel and organises introduction of the results of research in the economy and other spheres of life. The state also supports the participation of every one that wants so, so that the Graecian people can benefit in the maximum level.
Article 27. The state concerns itself with protecting, augmenting and making extensive use of society's cultural wealth for the moral and aesthetic education of the Graecian people. In Graecia, development of all kinds of constructive arts is encouraged in every way.
Chapter 4. Foreign Policy
Article 28. Graecia shall steadfastly pursue a Communist policy of peace and stand for strengthening of the security of nations and broad international co-operation. The foreign policy of Graecia is aimed at ensuring international conditions favourable for maintaining it's communist ideals, safeguarding the state interests, consolidating the positions of world socialism, supporting the struggle of peoples for national liberation and social progress, preventing wars of aggression, achieving universal and complete disarmament, and consistently implementing the principle of the peaceful coexistence of states with different social systems.
Article 29. Graecia's relations with other states are based on observance of the following principles: sovereign equality; mutual renunciation of the use or threat of force; inviolability of frontiers; territorial integrity of states; peaceful settlement of disputes; non-intervention in internal affairs; respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; the equal rights of peoples and their right to decide their own destiny; co-operation among states; and fulfillment in good faith of obligations arising from the generally recognised principles and rules of international law, and from the international treaties signed by Graecia.
Article 30. Graecia, as part of the world system of socialism and of the socialist community, shall promote and strengthen friendship, co-operation, and comradely mutual assistance with other socialist countries on the basis of the principle of socialist internationalism, and take an active part in socialist economic integration and the socialist international division of labour.
Chapter 5. Defence and Security of the Socialist Homeland
Article 31. The Defence and Security of the Socialist Homeland is one of the most important functions of the state, and is the concern of the whole people. In order to defend the gains of socialism, the peaceful labour of the people, and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, the state shall maintain armed forces and institute universal military service. The duty of the Armed Forces of Graecia is to provide reliable defence of the socialist Homeland and to be in constant combat readiness, guaranteeing that any aggressor is instantly repulsed.
Article 32. The state ensures the security and defence capability of the country, and supplies the Armed Forces of Graecia with everything necessary for that purpose. The duties of state bodies, public organisations, officials, and citizens in regard to safeguarding the country's security and strengthening its defence capacity are defined by official legislation.
Chapter 6. Citizenship / Equality of Citizens' Rights
Article 33. Citizenship in the People's Republic of Graecia is defined as a series of rights that anyone possess if he is mentioned in the Graecian Catalogue of Citizens. The grounds and procedure for acquiring or forfeiting citizenship are defined by the Law on Graecian Citizenship. When abroad, Graecian citizens enjoy the protection and assistance of the state.
Article 34. Citizens shall be equal before the law, without distinction of origin, social or property status, race or nationality, sex, education, language, attitude to religion, type and nature of occupation, domicile, or other status. The equal rights of citizens are guaranteed in all fields of economic, political, social, and cultural life.
Article 35. Women and men have equal rights in Graecia. The inequality between the two genders has no place in the state; as both of them provide the same development for it. There shall care for lawful mothers, including paid leaves and other benefits , and a small reduction of working time for mothers with small children.
Article 36. Citizens of Graecia of different races and nationalities have equal rights. Exercise of these rights is ensured by a policy of all-round development and drawing together of all the nations and nationalities inhabiting the territories of the State, by educating citizens in the spirit of Graecian patriotism and socialist internationalism. Any direct or indirect limitation of the rights of citizens or establishment of direct or indirect privileges on grounds of race or nationality, and any advocacy of racial or national exclusiveness, hostility, or contempt, are punishable by law.
Article 37. Citizens of other countries and stateless persons entering Graecian lands are guaranteed the rights and freedoms provided by law, including the right to apply to a court and other state bodies for the protection of their personal property, family, and other rights. Citizens of other countries and stateless persons, when in Graecian lands, are obliged to respect the Constitution and the laws of Graecia.
Article 38. The state grants the right of asylum to foreigners unjustly persecuted, especially that ones that fought for defending the interests of the working people and the cause of peace, or for participation in the revolutionary and national-liberation movement, or for progressive social and political, scientific, or other creative activity.
Chapter 7. Basic Rights, Freedoms, and Duties of Graecian Citizens
Article 39. Graecian Citizens enjoy in full the social, economic, political and personal rights and freedoms proclaimed and guaranteed by the Graecian Constitution and laws. The socialist system ensures enlargement of the rights and freedoms of citizens and continuous improvement of their living standards as social, economic, and cultural development programmes are fulfilled. Enjoyment by citizens of their rights and freedoms must not be to the detriment of the interests of society or the state, or infringe the rights of other citizens.
Article 40. Citizens have the right, and obligation, to work (that is, to guaranteed employment and pay in accordance with the quantity and quality of their work, and not below the state-established minimum), including the right to choose their trade or profession, type of job and work in accordance with their inclinations, abilities, training and education, with due account of the needs of society. This right is ensured by the socialist economic system, steady growth of the productive forces, free vocational and professional training, improvement of skills, training in new trades or professions, and development of the systems of vocational guidance and job placement.
Article 41. Citizens of Graecia have the right to rest and leisure. This right is ensured by the establishment of a working week not exceeding 41 hours and 30 minutes, for workers and other employees, a shorter working day in a number of trades and industries, and shorter hours for night work; by the provision of paid annual holidays, weekly days of rest, extension of the network of cultural, educational, and health-building institutions, and the development on a mass scale of sport, physical culture, and camping and tourism; by the provision of neighborhood recreational facilities, and of other opportunities for constructive use of free time. The length of collective farmers' working and leisure time is established by their collective farms.
Article 42. Citizens of Graecia have the right to health protection. This right is ensured by free, qualified medical care provided by state health institutions; by extension of the network of therapeutic and health-building institutions; by the development and improvement of safety and hygiene in industry; by carrying out broad prophylactic measures; by measures to improve the environment; by special care for the health of the rising generation, including prohibition of child labour, excluding the work done by children as part of the school curriculum; and by developing research to prevent and reduce the incidence of disease and ensure citizens a long and active life.
Article 43. Citizens of Graecia have the right to maintenance in old age and in sickness. The right is guaranteed by social insurance of workers and other employees and collective farmers; by allowances for temporary disability; by the provision by the state or by collective farms of retirement pensions and disability pensions; by providing employment for the partially disabled; by care for the elderly and the disabled; and by other forms of social security.
Article 44. Citizens of Graecia have the rights to housing. This right is ensured by the development and upkeep of state and socially-owned housing; by assistance for co-operative and individual house building; by fair distribution, under public control, of the housing that becomes available through fulfilment of the programme of building well-appointed dwellings, and by low rents and low charges for utility services. Citizens shall take good care of the housing allocated to them.
Article 45. Citizens of Graecia have the right to education. This right is ensured by free provision of all forms of education, by the institution of universal, compulsory secondary education, and broad development of vocational, specialised secondary, and higher education, in which instruction is oriented toward practical activity and production; by the development of extramural, correspondence and evening courses, by the provision of state scholarships and grants and privileges for students; by the free issue of school textbooks; by the opportunity to attend a school where teaching is in the native language; and by the provision of facilities for self-education.
Article 46. Citizens of Graecia have the right to enjoy cultural benefits. This rights is ensured by broad access to the cultural treasures of their own land and of the world that are preserved in state and other public collections; by the development and fair distribution of cultural and educational institutions throughout the country; by developing television and radio broadcasting and the publishing of books, newspapers and periodicals, and by extending the free library service; and by expanding cultural exchanges with other countries.
Article 47. Citizens of Graecia, in accordance with the aims of building communism, are guaranteed freedom of scientific, technical, and artistic work. This freedom is ensured by broadening scientific research, encouraging invention and innovation, and developing literature and the arts. The state provides the necessary material conditions for this and support for voluntary societies and unions of workers in the arts, organises introduction of inventions and innovations in production and other spheres of activity. The rights of authors, inventors and innovators are protected by the state.
Article 48. Citizens of Graecia have the right to take part in the management and administration of state and public affairs and in the discussion and adoption of laws and measures of significance. This right is ensured by the opportunity to discuss in the Regional People's Councils, to take part in nationwide discussions and referendums, in people's control, in the work of state bodies, public organisations, and local community groups, and in meetings at places of work or residence.
Article 49. Every Graeciann has the right to submit proposals to state bodies and public organisations for improving their activity, and to criticise shortcomings in their work. Officials are obliged, within established time-limits, to examine citizens' proposals and requests, to reply to them, and to take appropriate action, when needed and guaranteed by law. Persecution for criticism is prohibited. Persons guilty of such persecution shall be punished.
Article 50. In accordance with the interests of the people and in order to strengthen and develop the socialist system, citizens are guaranteed freedom of speech, of the press, and of assembly, meetings, and demonstrations. Exercise of these political freedoms is ensured by putting public buildings, streets and squares at the disposal of the working people and their organisations, by broad dissemination of information, and by the opportunity to use the press, television, and radio.
Article 51. In accordance with the aims of building communism, citizens of Graecia have the right to associate in public organisations that promote their political activity and initiative and satisfaction of their various interests. Public organisations are guaranteed conditions for successfully performing the functions defined in their rules.
Article 52. Citizens of Graecia are guaranteed freedom of conscience, that is, the right to profess or not to profess any religion, and to conduct religious worship or atheism, provided the religion does not contradict the interest of the people and the laws. In Graecia, the church is separated from the state, and the school from the church.
Article 53. The family enjoys the protection of the state. Marriage is based on the free consent of the woman and the man; the spouses are completely equal in their family relations. The state helps the family by providing and developing a broad system of childcare institutions, by organising and improving communal services and public catering, by paying grants on the birth of a child, by providing children's allowances and benefits for large families, and other forms of family allowances and assistance.
Article 54. Citizens of Graecia are guaranteed inviolability of the person. No one may be arrested except by a court decision or on the warrant of a procurator.
Article 55. Citizens of Graecia are guaranteed inviolability of residence. No one may, without lawful grounds, enter a home against the will of those residing in it.
Article 56. The privacy of citizens, and of their correspondence and communications is protected by law.
Article 57. Citizens of Graecia have the right to protection by the courts against encroachments on their honour and reputation, life and health, and personal freedom and property. Respect for the individual and protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens are the duty of all state bodies, public organisations, and officials.
Article 58. Citizens of Graecia have the right to lodge a complaint against the actions of officials, state bodies and public bodies. Complaints shall be examined according to the procedure and within the time-limit established by law. Actions by officials that contravene the law or exceed their powers, and infringe the rights of citizens, may be appealed against in a court in the manner prescribed by law. Citizens of Graecia have the right to compensation for damage resulting from unlawful actions by state organisations and public organisations, or by officials in the performance of their duties.
Article 59. Citizens' exercise of their rights and freedoms is inseparable from the performance of their duties and obligations. Citizens of Graecia are obliged to observe the Constitution and laws, comply with the standards of socialist conduct, and uphold the honour and dignity of Graecian citizenship.
Article 60. It is the duty of, and matter of honour for, every able-bodied citizen of Graecia to work conscientiously in his chosen, socially useful occupation, and strictly to observe labour discipline. Evasion of socially useful work is incompatible with the principles of socialist society.
Article 61. Citizens of Graecia are obliged to preserve and protect socialist property. It is the duty of a citizen to combat misappropriation and squandering of state and socially-owned property and to make thrifty use of the people's wealth. Persons encroaching in any way on socialist property shall be punished according to the law.
Article 62. Citizens of Graecia are obliged to safeguard the interests of the state, and to enhance its power and prestige. Defence of the Socialist Homeland is the sacred duty of every Graecian. Betrayal of the Homeland is the gravest of crimes against the people.
Article 63. Military service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Graecia is an honorable duty of Graecian citizens.
Article 64. It is the duty of every citizen of Graecia to respect the national dignity of other citizens, and to strengthen friendship of the nations and nationalities of the multinational Graecian state.
Article 65. A Graecian citizen is obliged to respect the rights and lawful interests of other persons, to be uncompromising toward anti-social behaviour, and to help maintain public order.
Article 66. Citizens of Graecia are obliged to concern themselves with the upbringing of children, to train them for socially useful work, and to raise them as worthy members of socialist society. Children are obliged to care for their parents and help them.
Article 67. Citizens of Graecia are obliged to protect nature and conserve its riches.
Article 68. Concern for the preservation of historical monuments and other cultural values is a duty and obligation of every citizen.
Article 69. It is the internationalist duty of Graecians to promote friendship and co-operation with peoples of other lands and help maintain and strengthen world peace.
Chapter 8. The Basic structure of the state.
Article 70. The People's Republic of Graecia is an unitary, multinational state formed on the principle of the socialist and communist ideal of social equality. The State embodies the unity of the people and draws all its nations and nationalities together for the purpose of jointly building communism.
Article 71. Graecia, as a unitary state, shall no have any integral subdivision, other than the range of the Regional People's Councils. However, the State may organize Autonomous People's Republics.
'Article 72. An autonomous People's Republic is to be considered an autonomous government, that it's land of juristriction is located in such a place, where it's direct administration by the central government of Graecia would be unfeasible. The Autonomous People's Republics shall have their own separate laws, insignia and military forces, and may, in certain cases, enter in diplomatic relations with other states. However, the citizenship of their inhabitants shall be Graecian, and they have no sovereignty. Moreover, Graecian Laws also have effect in the Autonomous People's Republics. Currently, one Autonomous People's Republic excsists, the Dervenian Autonomous People's Republic.
Article 73. Each Autonomous People's Republic shall retain the right freely to secede from Graecia.
Article 74. In the event of a discrepancy between an Autonomous People's Republic law and an Graecian law, the Graecian one shall prevail.
Article 75. The Graecian Government has the right to make amendments on Autonomous People's Republics' laws, their government, their insignia and their territories as it pleases. Moreover, it has also the right to dissolute and create them.
Chapter 9. The System of the Regional People's Councils and the Principles of their Work
Article 76. The Regional People's Councils are the councils that are formed by the people of the major cities to discuss about national matters. They shall constitute a system of state authority, controlling both the Acting and the Judicial state branches.
Article 77. Participation in The Regional People's Councils shall be mandatory for all people over 18. Excemptions on this can be discussed, case-by-case.
Article 78. The most important matters within the jurisdiction of the Regional People's Councils shall be considered and settled at their sessions. Article 79. The Regional People's Councils shall form people's control bodies combining state control with control by the working people at enterprises, collective farms, institutions, and organisations. People's control bodies shall check on the fulfilment of state plans and assignments, combat breaches of state discipline, localist tendencies, narrow departmental attitudes, mismanagement, extravagance and waste, red tape and bureaucracy, and help improve the working of the state machinery.
Article 80. The Regional People's Councils shall advice all sectors of state economic, and social and cultural development, take decisions and ensure their execution, and verify their implementation.
Article 81. The Regional People's Councils shall function publicly on the basis of collective, free, constructive discussion and decision-making, of systematic reporting back to them and the people by their executive-administrative and other bodies, and of involving citizens on a broad scale in their work.
Chapter 10. The Premier of the People's Republic of Graecia.
Article 82. The higher position in the state is the Premier of the People's Republic of Graecia.
Article 83. The Premier, having the Acting governmental branch, shall act as the symbol of the state, as a protector of it's unity and it's laws, and as the Head of Goverment in the state, creating laws and overseeing all procedures. The Premier is the higher authority on the state.
Article 84. The actions of the premier, and his performance overall, shall be tightly checked by the Regional People's Councils; the people have the right to reverse a decision of him.
Article 85. The Premier shall be of good mental condition, to be born in Graecian territory (not excluding the People's Republics), to have completed all levels of education, and to not have a criminal record. The Premier shall be of male gender, but his spouse may be given high advisory roles, and, in certain cases, to act on his behalf.
Article 86. Other titles previously held by a premier shall not be removed; instead, the position of Premier is an adition to them. However, some certain roles (eg, Supreme Judge of the Supreme Court of Graecia) must be removed.
Article 87. A new Premier shall immedietly appoint his sucessor; the succesor may be changed for valid reasons. If, for some reason, the current premier loses the Premiership, the sucessor may take his position, provided he is approved by the Regional People's Councils.
Article 88. If an appointed successor fails to get the confidence of the Regional People's Councils, active members of theese councils may nominiate themselves for premiership, untill someone gets the confidence of all Regional People's Councils.
Article 89. A current Premier, if found guilty of violating the current constitution, other Graecian laws, the laid above standards, or a combination thereof, shall be removed by the Supreme Court and executed for high treason against the state.
Article 90. The Premier may represent the nation in international meetings, on international organisations, or in any other case that it would be reqired.
Article 91. The Premier may, if deemed necessary, create other subordinate roles, which they may be temporary or permament, to be given on certain people. Theese roles may be neede for various tasks, and they shall always be under the control of the Premier. They are normally asigned, modified or removed by the Premier, but, in some cases (eg misconduct), they may be also altered by the Supreme Court, after a request from the Regional People's Councils.
Chapter 11. The Supreme Governor of an Autonomous People's Republic.
Article 92. The Supreme Governor of an Autonomous People's Republic shall be the paramount authority of an Autonomous People's Republic.
Article 93. The Supreme Governor shall act as the symbol of unity between his Autonomous People's Republic and the Graecian state and to act as the Head of Goverment, creating and overseeing all procedures. Even as the supreme authority of a Autonomous People's Republic, he cannot intefere with matters not in the scope of the respective republic (especially the governance of the main Graecian State).
Article 93. The codes of conduct, appointment of sucessor, and internationl representation shall be identical with the ones conserning the Premier.
Article 94. If a Supreme Governor is found abusing his powers, he may be removed from office either from the Supreme Court of the respective Republic or directly by the Premier.
Chapter 12. Courts and Arbitration
Article 95. In Graecia, justice is administered only by the courts. There are the following courts: the Supreme Court of the People's Republic of Graecia, the Supreme Courts of the Autonomous People's Republics, city courts, and military tribunals in the Armed Forces.
Article 96. All courts in Graecia shall be formed on the principle of the electiveness of judges and people's assessors. All civilian judges shall be elected for a term of five years by the citizens through the Regional People's Councils. The judges of military tribunals shall be elected for a term of five years by the secret ballot of officers ranking above the rank of Lieutenant. All Judges shall be responsible and accountable to their electors or the bodies that elected them, shall report to them, and may be recalled by them in the manner prescribed by law.
Article 97. The Supreme Court of the People's Republic of Graecia is the highest judicial body in the state and has three functions; supervising the administration of justice by the lesser courts within the limits established by law, checking the high-ranking officials of the Goverment for treasonous offences, and serving as a court of last appeal. The Judicial governmental branch is vested on it. The Supreme Court shall consist of a Supreme Judge, a Assistant Supreme Judge, and members. The Supreme Judges of the Supreme Court of the Autonomous People's Republics are ex officio members of the Supreme Court of the People's Republic of Graecia. The organisation and procedures of the Supreme Court of the People's Republic of Graecia are defined in the corresponding law.
Article 98. The hearing of civil and criminal cases in all courts is collegial. The Head judge of a case may appoint further judges to assist him, who may have the same powers a s him.
Article 99. The Judges shall be independent and subject only to the law.
Article 100. Justice shall be administered on the principle of the equality of citizens before the law and the court.
Article 101. Proceedings in all courts shall be open to the public. Hearings in camera are only allowed in cases provided for by law, with observance of all the rule of judicial procedure.
Article 102. A defendant in a criminal action is guaranteed the right to legal assistance.
Article 103. Judicial proceedings shall be conducted in the language spoken by the majority of the local population near the court. Persons participating in court proceedings, who do not know the language in which they are being conducted, shall be ensured the right to become fully acquainted with the materials in the case; the services of an interpreter during the proceedings; and the right to address the court in their own language.
Article 104. No one may be adjudged guilty of a crime and subjected to punishment as a criminal except by the sentence of a court and in conformity with the law.
Article 105. Colleges of advocates are available to give legal assistance to citizens and organisations. In cases provided for by legislation citizens shall be given legal assistance free of charge. The organisation and procedure of the bar are determined by the respective legislation of the State or an Autonomous People's Republic.
Article 106. Representatives of public organisations and of work collectives may take part in civil and criminal proceedings.
Article 107. The State Emblem of the People's Republic of Graecia is described as this: A circle created by leafs, having a set of red ribbons on it, that contains a red background with a Yellow Hammer and Sircle and the rising sun.
Article 108. The State Flag of the People's Republic of Graecia is described as this: In a red background, a star is located in the upper-left corner. Next, there is a cartpet pattern, which is, in turn, followed by a gold hammer and sickle. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 2:3
Article 109. A National anthem may be created to enhance the belief of the People to the state.
Article 110. The Capital of the People's Republic of Graecia is the city of Salonigrad.
Article 111. The present Constitution shall have supreme legal force. All laws and other acts of state bodies shall be promulgated on the basis of and in conformity with it.
Article 112. The Constitution may be amended by a decision of the Premier of the People's Republic of Graecia, provided that it is accepted by the Supreme Court and supported by the Regional People's Councils.