Category:Document Archive (Gotzborg)

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The Public Records Office Archival Library

The Public Records Office uses an integrated file management system through which all archived Royal Government files are generally retrievable by the public.

Each entity of the Royal Government is required to deposit all official documents, correspondence, image files, etc, with the Public Records Office. Private entities may also voluntarily deposit such items with the Office in the interests of maintaining a comprehensive community archive. Each archived file is assigned a File Control Number for indexing purposes, an example of which is below.

File Control Number Example: File No. WO-006-04 corresponds with a file archived by the War Office, being the sixth ("006") file submitted during the calendar year 2004 ("04").

To access all publicly available archived files for a specific entity, click on the link below that is associated to it.

As of September 10, 2016, the archival library is in the process of being moved to this Wiki from the former Wordpress site. Files will be listed as they become available. Thank you for your patience.