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Calbain arian

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Calbain arian
Code CAR
 1⁄100 Hanner
Symbol α
Banknotes 10α, 25α, 50α, 100α, 250α, 500α
Coins 10h, 25h, 50h, 1α, 2.5α, 5α, 10α
User(s) Calbion Calbion

The Arian is the official currency of Calbion. It was derived from the gold pieces coined by the early Calbain tribes. In its modern incarnation, it was first established in the 1610s, when it replaced the Southbatavian Kruys which till that time had been the generally used currency. The first arian were minted in pure gold, bur following the Calbain revolt, the coins have been made of other metals. The arian is divided into the hanner.

in 1736, following years of political unrest, the Arian became subject to mass inflation.