Burgeria (song)

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Single by Dittatura del Burgir
Released 18 June 2024
Genre Ballata
Length 3:18
Dittatura del Burgir singles chronology
"Mr. Franco"
"C'ho l'Ansia Nord"

Burgeria is a Ballata song by Dittatura del Burgir. It is a song written by the whole group and is intended as the medieval anthem of an invented kingdom called Burgeria, a clear reference to the name of the group. The song is written and sung in Vegnian.

The group experiments with the Ballata genre, which is not very widespread and used, but which has actually aroused great interest in the public.

The song tells and describes a medieval kingdom where the riches of the land, weapons and commercial relations with neighboring kingdoms were the main way of sustenance and life. The true meaning of the song lies in highlighting the values ​​of the past: joy, virtue, honor, hospitality, in clear contrast with the modern world which seems to have forgotten what the true values ​​of life are.



La Nascita di Burgeria
Nel tempo antico e remoto,
Giunse Sir Merdus, valoroso e devoto.
In una valle di verde e splendore,
Fondò Burgeria, regno d'onore.

Le Ricchezze della Terra
Grano d'oro e pascoli verdi,
Doni della terra, perenni e fervidi.
In ogni piatto, la nostra maestria,
Siamo l'orgoglio, siamo Burgeria.

Burgeria, terra di gloria,
Fulgida stella nella storia.
Con coraggio e con virtù,
Burgeria, la nostra gioventù.

Cultura e le Tradizioni
Feste e tornei, gioia e onore,
Insieme celebriamo, con fervore.
Ospitalità e spirito comunitario,
Sono il nostro tesoro, il nostro scenario.

Accordi e alleanze, la nostra via,
Difendiamo la pace, con maestria.
Ma se Gristonia minaccia il nostro bene,
Le nostre spade risplendono, pronte e serene.

Burgeria, terra di gloria,
Fulgida stella nella storia.
Con coraggio e con virtù,
Burgeria, la nostra gioventù.

La Crisi del Re Edmund III
Re Edmund giace, la sorte incerta,
Il Consiglio guida, la via aperta.
Tra tensioni e scelte dure,
Cerchiamo la luce, cerchiamo l'arsura.

Burgeria, terra di gloria,
Fulgida stella nella storia.
Con coraggio e con virtù,
Burgeria, la nostra gioventù.
Burgeria, la nostra gioventù.
Burgeria, la nostra gioventù.


The Birth of Burgeria
In ancient and remote times,
Sir Merdus came, valiant and devoted.
In a valley of green and splendor,
He founded Burgeria, kingdom of honor.

The Riches of the Earth
Golden wheat and green pastures,
Gifts of the earth, perennial and fervent.
In every dish, our mastery,
We are pride, we are Burgeria.

Burgeria, land of glory,
Shining star in history.
With courage and virtue,
Burgeria, our youth.

Culture and Traditions
Festivals and tournaments, joy and honor,
Together we celebrate, with fervor.
Hospitality and community spirit,
They are our treasure, our scenery.

Agreements and alliances, our way,
We defend peace, with mastery.
But if Gristonia threatens our good,
Our swords shine, ready and serene.

Burgeria, land of glory,
Shining star in history.
With courage and virtue,
Burgeria, our youth.

The Crisis of King Edmund III
King Edmund lies, his fate uncertain,
The Council leads, the way is open.
Between tensions and hard choices,
We seek the light, we seek the heat.

Burgeria, land of glory,
Shining star in history.
With courage and virtue,
Burgeria, our youth.
Burgeria, our youth.
Burgeria, our youth.