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Augusto Benavides

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Augusto de Corcovada y Benavides is an Alexandrian Diplomat, Military Officer, Statesman and Noble. His full title is "His Imperial Highness, Augusto, Prince of Corcovado, Archduke of Asunción, Duke of East Barria, Count of Revilla & Zapata, Grand Officer of the Most Ancient and Illustrious Imperial Military Order of Saint Louis the Protector, Grand Officier of the Legion of Honor, Grand Commander of the Most Honourable Imperial Legion of Honor, Grand Commander of the Honorable Imperial Order of Marie-Antoinette, Grand Master of the Order of the Rio Grande, Master of the Order of Santa Catalina".


Augusto Benavides' (once known as Carlos F. Hernandez), first micronational experience was on the SWIM'N (Swiss Imperial Navy) executive branch of the Greater Swiss Empire, a micronation based on universe domination but without a forum, later found the Kingdom of Morovia, where he was elected Representative and appointed National Security Adviser.


Mr. Augusto Benavides, O.E. (changed name from Carlos F. Hernandez in 2006)

Plumbley's Who's Who of Gotzborg
Augusto Benavides
Personal arms
Title Mr.
Full name Augusto Benavides
Immigrated January 19, 2005
Emigrated August 3, 2006
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Titles, Awards & Decorations

  1. Officer of The Most Honourable Order of the Eagle (O.E.) (July 19, 2005);
  2. Military Decoration 2nd Class (May 6, 2006);

Government Service

  1. Vice-Minister of State for the Foreign Office, Western Bureau (January 19, 2005 - May 8, 2006);

Military Service


  1. Lieutenant-Colonel (RA) (2005);
  2. Commander (RN) (July 11, 2005) (commission transferred from RA);
  3. Honourably Discharged (RN) (August 3, 2006);


  1. Diplomatic Guard (31st Royal Infantry Regiment) (RA) (January 19, 2005 - July 11, 2005);
  2. Officer Commanding, 8th Naval Marine Regiment (Ambassadorial Guard) (RN) (July 11, 2005 - August 3, 2006);

Police Service


No records available.


No records available.

Other Service

No records available.

Notable Contributions

No records available.

San Martin

Made first appearance on the micronatinal scene in the Republic of San Martin, where began Military career at Altamira's Military Academy, joined the San Martino armed forces and gained the rank of Colonel in the Air Force, later appointed Director of Intelligence and transferred commission to Colonel of the Marines.

When the coup in San Martin, joined the Imperial forces and maintained the recent appointment as Minister of National Defense, supporting the newly established monarchy.

Soon after pledging allegiance to the Emperor, got nominated as Plenipotentiary Ambassador to the late Germania (Cibolenland), and occupied the office for a short term before the hostages crisis and rupture of diplomatic ties between this nation and The Empire of San Martin, when got no other option but to be recalled to San Martin.

Rio Grande

After the conflict in Cibola and as a measure of the inminent fall of the Empire, declared independence for the colonies of Santa Gertrudis and Isla Gera, founding the Confederate States of Santa Gertrudis & Isla Gera, claiming to be a succesor state of San Martin. The Confederate States of Santa Gertrudis & Isla gera soon became target of the Grand Commonwealth, arguing instablity of the region where the State of Santa Gertrudis was located, this event caused a small crisis as the CSSG&IG received support from Attera to keep it's lands.

The Confederate States merged with the Great Republic of the Rio Grande to create "The Confederate States of the Rio Grande". General Benavides served as the first and only President of the Confederacy.

Treaty of Loredo

After a long period of inactivity in Rio Grande, negotiations began with other micronations to evaluate alternatives of survival ending with the "Treaty of Loredo", in which the Confederacy ceased to exist and became part of the Empire of the Alexandrians. In exchange obtained titles and an appointment in the alexandrian armed forces.

Alexandrian era

In Alexandria has served in numerous positions and has obtained appointments as Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Currently commissioned as Marshal of the Grand Imperial Army, and recently appointed as His Majesty's Minister of Defense.

Also holds a seat in the Imperial Parliament for the Overseas Territories.

Have been graced by many honours for his dedicated service to the Crown of Alexandria, as listed bellow:

Grand Cross of the National Order of Merit Imperial Medal of Valor Imperial Medal of Technical Merit Croix Imperiale de Saint Genevieve Croix Imperiale de Service Colonial Medal Grand Officer of the Most Ancient and Illustrious Imperial Military Order of Saint Louis the Protector Grand Officier of the Legion of Honor Grand Commander of the Most Honourable Imperial Legion of Honor Grand Commander of the Honorable Imperial Order of Marie-Antoinette The Parliamentary Medal of Honour Order of Saint Genevieve Grand Master of the Order of the Rio Grande Master of the Order of Santa Catalina

Due to this has changed names after receiving Letters Patent from His Catholic Majesty, Emperor Edgard II of Alexandria, to Archduke Augusto de Asunción y Benavides and in August 2006 honoured by Letters Patent and received the Title of Prince of Corcovado.

Other citizenships

In 2006 was granted honourary citizenship in the Viking Empire of Stormark, where served as Foreign Affairs Adviser, and later filled in as Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs in the abscence of Her Majesty, Empress Asa.

Currently holds citizenship in the United Empire of Landinberg-Schoninreich, where received the appointment as His Imperial and Royal Majesty's Personal Guard Director and honoured by the title of Duke of East Barria.

Preceded by:
Colonies of the Empire of San Martin.
President of the Confederate States of Santa Gertrudis & Isla Gera
April 2005–May 2005
Succeeded by
Micronation merged with The Great Republic of the Rio Grande.
Preceded by:
Micronation did not exist.
President of the Great Republic of the Rio Grande
March 2005–May 2005
Succeeded by
Micronation merged with The Confederate States of Santa Gertrudis & Isla Gera.
Preceded by:
Micronation did not exist.
President of the Confederate States of Rio Grande
May 2005–November 2005
Succeeded by
Micronation merged with Alexandria.
Preceded by:
Title was not created.
Archduke of Asunción
November 2005–Current
Succeeded by
Preceded by:
Province of Santa Gertrudis.
Prince of Corcovado
August 2006–Current
Succeeded by
Preceded by:
Prince Enrique.
National Intelligence Director
August 2006–Current
Succeeded by
Preceded by:
Position did not exist.
Director of the National Institute of Culture
September 2006–Current
Succeeded by
Preceded by:
Prince Enrique.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
July 2006–April 2007
Succeeded by
Prince Enrique.
Preceded by:
Prince Enrique.
Minister of Defense
April 2007–Current
Succeeded by
Preceded by:
Rusell DuBois.
February 2006–July 2006
Succeeded by
Jaques De Beaufort.