Articles of Union
The Articles of Union is an agreement among the six attendees of the Conference of Apollo, in which the Great Apollonian Empire was founded. The Articles act as a constitutional basis until a constitution is adopted by the Union Assembly.
Articles of Union
Articles of Union between the states of Alrig, Bulqan, Dalmacija, Dazijin, Gong, Hartidesh, Haigong, Heliu, Hondon, Jabal al-Mada', Jingqyzyl, Jinkeai, Korhalistan, Mengtian, Nuristan, Liao, Poorajangal, Qaoshan, Sri Pashana, Sylfystan, Xianxia, Xianbei, Zhaoqin, Zhongji.
The states of Dalmacija and Xianbei in absentia represented by the Heavenly Court.
Article 1
The stile of this Union shall be "Great Apollonian Empire", shortened to "Great Apollonia".
Article 2
Each state holds the autonomy, freedom and power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Union expressly delegated to this union, in current and future Assembly assembled.
Article 3
The said States hereby severally enter into a firm league of friendship with each other, for their common defense, the security of their liberties, and their mutual and general welfare, binding themselves to assist each other.
Article 4
a. Citizenship within said States shall grant its owner citizenship to the union and free access, within the restrictions of state and imperial law.
b. Full faith and credit shall be given in each of these States to the records, acts, and judicial proceedings of the courts and magistrates of every other State.
Article 5
a. A first constitutional assembly, the Union Assembly, shall represent the interests of each State. For each 300,000 citizens, a State shall receive one delegate whom represents his constituency. Those shall be elected from each state or electoral district.
b. The First Union Assembly shall convene in Xiacheng (Apollonium) to draft a constitution for this union of states. A two third majority is needed to pass the proposal.
c. The First Union Assembly shall be presided by the Emperor of Great Apollonia.
d. The members of the Union Assembly are elected for a period of six Norton years.
Article 6
a. Each state shall delegate three Seanadors. The procedure is chosen by each State individually.
b. The Seanad shall vote on the draft constitution. A two third majority is needed to pass the proposal.
c. To assure the stability in politics, the members of the Seanad each two Norton years, one third of its delegates will be replaced. In the first Seanad election one third shall be appointed for two years, one third will be appointed for four years and one third will be appointed for six years.
Article 7
a. Abu Çakar, known as Akbar, Sultan of Çakaristan, is appointed as head of state of the Great Apollonian Empire. He will hold the regal name of Tobu Emperor, and hold the title of "Emperor of Apollonia".
b. The federal government shall be headed by the Imperial Chancellor. This title shall be handed upon Zhang San, until a replacement is found by the Union Assembly.
Article 8
A referendum shall be held among the citizens of the states to accept these Articles of Union, whereafter elections for the First Union Assembly will be held.