Agenda Reform Act
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Passed by the Assembly with 8 votes in approval and 5 in opposition on Friday, 18 August 2006.
REPEALED by Acts of Assembly No.53, Committee Reform Act.
Act # 41
Part I: The Agenda
1. –
- (1) The Agenda will be divided into two sections.
- (a) Section one will be for those bills not yet considered by committees.
- (b) Section two will be for those bills that have been approved by committees.
- (2) All bills on part one of the agenda will be sent to committees for review before floor debate can occur.
- (a) Bills which are moved to immediate debate through 14.2 of the Assembly Operations Act skip committee review and pass directly to debate.
- (i) If there is no room in the full assembly for another bill, the bill is moved to first on the agenda in section two.
- (ii) If other bills have been moved in this fashion and are currently first on the agenda, then the first moved takes precedence and more recently moved bills will stack behind accordingly.
- (a) Bills which are moved to immediate debate through 14.2 of the Assembly Operations Act skip committee review and pass directly to debate.
Part II: Committee Creation and Powers
2. -
- (1) Three standing committees are created.
- (a) The Foreign Affairs Committee will oversee bills pertaining to foreign relations and international trade.
- (b) The Rules Committee will oversee only those bills which pertain to assembly procedure, the legal system, and fundamental laws.
- (c) The Internal Affairs Committee will oversee all bills pertaining to infrastructure, the economy, and appropriations.
- (2) The Speaker may create Supplemental Committees in addition to the three standing committees.
- (a) The procedure for selecting members and chairs of Supplemental Committees will be the same as the procedures for Standing Committees.
- (b) One individual citizen may not be on more than one Standing Committee; however, an individual citizen may be on any number of Supplemental Committees.
- (c) A Supplemental Committee may only be abolished with a 2/3 vote of the members of that committee, and with the support of the Speaker.
- (3) During each election for Speaker, the members of each Committee will select a member of that committee to serve as Chair.
- (a) In order to be elected Chair, one must be nominated by another member of the committee.
- (b) Members of the committee will vote for all nominees.
- (c) In the event of a tie, the Chair will be selected by the Speaker among the tied candidates.
- (d) Members of a committee may hold a vote of no-confidence in a committee chair. Such a vote requires a majority within the committee to pass, and will result in the immediate removal of the chair's powers.
- (e) If the chair of a committee is removed or resigns, a new election using the aforementioned process will be held for the chairmanship of the committee.
- (f) The chair of a committee may temporarily delegate chairmenship authority to another member of the committee in the event of a leave of absence.
- (4) Standing committees shall have variable membership corresponding to roughly one third of the population each.
- (5) Committee assignment and reassignment will be determined at the beginning of each new Speaker’s term by a council of the committee chairs and the Speaker. Committee assignments for new citizens will be made by the Speaker.
- (a) Citizens may request which committee they be placed in, but such requests do not have to be adhered to. Individuals who are already in a committee and request to stay in that committee must be reassigned to that committee.
- (b) When this act first goes into effect, there are no committees in place to elect chairs and determine membership, therefore, initial committee membership will be determined by a council of the cabinet and the Speaker. Committees will then immediately elect their first chair to serve the remainder of the current Speaker's term.
3. -
- (1) Committees as per their oversight responsibility have the power to debate and edit bills.
- (2) A majority of a committee must approve a bill before it can be sent to the floor for full-session review.
- (a) If a bill fails in committee it is considered failed legislation.
- (3) Committees may set their own agendas, with procedure to be determined by the chairs.
- (4) Committee chairs are responsible for setting their own quorums and determining the maximum amount of bills that may be considered by a committee at a time as well as setting and enforcing any other rules of debate provided they are consistent with the laws of the Republic of Antica.
Part III: Procedure
4. –
- (1) The Speaker will assign bills to the various committees for consideration. All bills posted in the cloakroom must be assigned to a committee by the Speaker within 48 hours.
- (2) Chairs may request that certain legislation be given to their committee, but such requests do not need to be adhered to.
- (3) Committees will vote on whether to accept consideration on an assigned bill.
- (a) If a bill is rejected by a committee, the speaker may assign the bill to a different committee. If the speaker does not wish to do so, the bill rejected for consideration by committees are considered failed.
5. –
- (1) Passage of a bill by a committee is equivalent to a motion to move to immediate debate.
- (2) Bills passed by committees will follow the same rules for ordering bills moved to immediate debate as outlined in Section 1, Paragraph 2, Clause A and its subsections.
Part IV: Motions
6. –
- (1) The Speaker will now recognize the “Motion to Move to (position) on the Agenda”.
- (a) A motion to move to (position) on the agenda is only applicable to bills in section two of the agenda.
- (b) A motion to move to (position) on the agenda places the bill in question in the requested position on section two of the agenda.
- (c) This motion takes precedence over all previous motions and does not stack chronologically.
- (d) In order for this motion to succeed it requires the support of one third or above of the stated legislative quorum.
- (2) The Motion to Move to Immediate debate will only apply to Section one of the Agenda.
- (3) The Motion to Suspend the Agenda will only apply to Section two of the agenda.
- (4) Section 14, Paragraph 1, Clause A of Act of Assembly No.26, Assembly Operation Act shall now read "Requires the support of one third or above of the stated legislative quorum".
Part V: Enactment
7. -
- (1) This bill will go into effect immediately upon passage.