USSO Common Market

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Established in 35.31 PSSC, the USSO Common Market was the first major initiative, spearheaded by Passio-Corum, to create a common marketplace for the nations of the USSO. Beginning in the 38.40s the Common Market was phased out and replaced with the more modern and efficiently organized international market known as the TBD.

A list of nations who participate in the USSO Common Market may be found at the Bank of the USSO.

An up-to-date list of transactions within the Common Market can be found at the USSO Marketplace.

List of Companies Housed in the USSO Common Market

Company Logo Company Name Nation Represented Price / Share Shares Offered (% Remaining)
Psi.png Pallisican Standard International 4 Credits 750,000 (49.5%)
Jingdaoese Common Market.png Jingdaoese Common Market 6 Credits 450,000 (-.014%)
NETC.png Nova English Trading Company 3 Credits 400,000 (33.2%)
Portvaeringheim.png Port of Vaeringheim Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa 3 Credits 450,000 (96.1%)
Ussomicrasgames.png Micras Games 2018 - USSO Bidding Brokerage USSO Command Enterprise 3.55 Credits 200,000 (75%)