Kalgachi Orders of Council/The 180s: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 22:03, 19 April 2019

Date Decree Title Text
Thanksday Summerfall 20th, 189 AL Operation Caput Mortuum II

WHEREAS one Mondo Etzeterra, indeterminate custodian of Fort Ermingander and lord of Northbloom, has suffered a lamentable loss of function emperilling his rightful dominion over the aforesaid territory in the face of the present continental circumstances, to the extent that the bodily integrity and dignity of himself and his subjects can no longer be autonomously guaranteed,

1. THE COUNCIL OF PERFECTI by This Order authorises Operation Caput Mortuum II, the occupation of the Greater Highbloom Pocket by the armed forces and humanitarian elements of the Garden of Kalgachia. The operation shall proceed in the manner prepared and led by the Kalgachi Defence Force, as follows:

a) Mobilisation of local partisans in accordance with their previous training and material incentivisation by units of the KDF Special Purpose Regiment.

b) Shutdown of the regional electromagnetic spectrum with spurious radio noise, excepting sensor and communication channels migrating within limited peacetime parameters.

c) The occupation of the Highbloom Pocket by the following elements, with the following objectives:

i) The 1st Oktavyan Division KDF, assisted by the 1st and 2nd Kossar Regiments to make directly for Fort Ermingander, establish a military cordon about its walls and attempt contact with its occupant(s). The fort shall not be entered under any circumstances without direct invitation by those within.

ii) The 1st Jollity Division KDF, assisted by the 6th Katarsis Surface Brigade to establish a contact line along the Shirerithian frontier extending between its divergence from the Lieutenancy of Katarsis and Fort Ermingander.

iii) the 2nd Abrek Division KDF, assisted by the 1st Cossack Regiment to establish a contact line along the Shirerithian frontier extending between its divergence from the Lieutenancy of Schlepogora to Fort Ermingander.

iv) 68 Frontier Patrol Units of the Prefects' Border Guard Service assisted with foraged provisioning, reconnaissance and security by the 2nd Cossack Regiment KDF, to sweep outwards from the axis of 1st Oktavyan Division's advance for the identification and delineation of agreeable populations and safe transit routes, assisted by friendly partisans.

d) The airmobile pooling of the operation's eight brigade air defence complexes about the approximate centre of the occupation zone, three of which shall be active at any one time with the remaining five on standby or repositioning in a strict zero-emissions state.

e) Tasking of Whirdlebirb gunships to be evenly divided between close air support and electronic activity, with general purpose Whirdlebirbs allotted entirely to the airmobile ferrying of infantry and materiel.

f) The rotating sortie of DTW air assets into the airspace of Kalgachia proper or the operational area, to relay real-time reconnaissance of targets within and beyond that area.

g) The assumption of full alert status by the KDF Fortress Corps missile force.

h) The general mobilisation to garrison of all KDF forces not otherwise committed by This Order, where they shall await dispersal orders.

i) The immediate self-survey of all Church Partisan formations with regard to health, training level and provisioning for the appraisal of the KDF General Staff, to be completed within one week of This Order's promulgation.

2. Exclusive Kalgachi dominion of the ungoverned territory known as the Highbloom Pocket is hereby asserted under the auspices of the Northbloom Protectorate. All forces and agents of non-native, non Kalgachi entities residing therein shall be instructed to absent themselves presently.

3. His Excellency Peter Nikolaevich Skuryov, Chief Emissary of the Garden, is by This Order relieved of that office with honour and appointed Lord Protector of Northbloom with immediate effect, tasked with the overall administration of the Northbloom Protectorate on behalf of, and the representation of the Northbloom population before, the Council of Perfecti. The Lord Protector's administration shall give the fullest practicable assistance to such native elements as are seen fit to wield a competent hand in the administration of their own affairs.

a) One Mothbert Dolornot Twiddle of the DTW Emissary Allotment Pool is by This Order appointed to succeed Lord Skuryov as Chief Emissary of the Garden of Kalgachia to the Tumultous Wastes.

4. The right of Lord Mondo Etzeterra to exert his dominion upon the territory of the Northbloom Protectorate is considered extant and inalienable. The Lord Protector and all elements of Kalgachi administration shall defer to the will of Mondo, should it be forthcoming, with regard to the present governance or future sovereignty of the Protectorate.

5. The Church of Kalgachia shall restrict its proselytisation in the Northbloom Protectorate to the provision of chaplaincy for military forces involved in Operation Caput Mortuum II, and under no circumstances attempt to displace the spiritual practices of the Protectorate's native population.

6. The Directorate of Labour and Economic Planning shall open lines of credit for the population of the Northbloom Protectorate with regard to the purchase of Kalgachi consumer goods, escalating in correlation with the subject's co-operation with Protectorate authorities. Emissaries of the DLEP Labour Corps shall go among the native population of the Northbloom Protectorate with product samples and illustrated brochures, to take orders for delivery of such goods to suitably well-behaved persons.

7. Every effort shall be made to deconflict Operation Caput Mortuum II and the establishment of the Northbloom Protectorate with Kalgachia's regional partners through the Sxiro-Kalgachi Military Coordination Council, without prejudice to the fulfilment of the objectives contained in This Order.

Thanksday Summerfall 5th, 187 AL On the Return of a Salvator

WHEREAS it has been confirmed that the Garden's blessed Salvator and Benefactor, He who is Lord Toastypops the Jolly Reaper, has since this Byeday past sallied forth once more from the Ketheric Host to walk among Kalgachia's peaks in truimphant jollity, verily conferring the grace and favour of the Greatest Garden upon this worldly nation, AND WHEREAS this is cause for much rejoicing, AND WHEREAS it is the resolute and joyful obligation of the Kalgachi government to confirm Our Lord Salvator in his ancient rights and dignities upon the land,

1. 1. THE COUNCIL OF PERFECTI declares the coming Byeday to be a day of National Thanksgiving and Celebratory Libation, obliging upon the vendors and employers of Kalgachia the same conditions conferred upon them by the Order of Council dated Springhigh 24th, 177 AL.

2. Lord Toastypops is invited and directed to assume his rightful post as Lord Lieutenant of Jollity. The Executive Committee of the Jollity Lieutenancy-in-Trust which has exercised the functions of that role in sure and certain hope of its rightful Lord's return since the birth of our nation, is dissolved with gratitude but shall be retained within the Lieutenency bureaucracy in roles determined by the Lord Lieutenant.

3. In light of the unprecedented implications of the present circumstances upon the history of the Kalgachi nation, there shall be convened at the earliest oppurtunity an Extraordinary Grand Council upon the matter of Lord Toastypops' return, consisting of the Council of Perfecti, the Lord Lieutenants' Council inclusive of Lord Toastypops himself, and the Holy Synod of the Church of Kalgachia. Therein Lord Toastypops shall be invited to give a formal account of his intentions, to deliver such jolly anecdotes, historical insight and advice as he sees fit, and to acquaint himself with the wider Kalgachi executive whose collective deliberations shall inform the Perfecti's subsequent actions.


Pleaseday Summerhigh 9th, 185 AL Diplomatic Recalls and Expulsions

WHEREAS the histrionic petulance of the present Shirerithian Minister of the Exterior, the Lady Li Naomiai of Sentratera, has accelerated to levels which preclude all civil discourse with the Garden of Kalgachia for the duration of her tenure, AND WHEREAS Sxiro-Kalgachi relations are, for this period, best relegated to rudimentary matters of military deconfliction in order to quarantine the acute neurosis presently afflicting the Shirerithian diplomatic corps,

1. THE COUNCIL OF PERFECTI by This Order recalls the entirety of the Directorate of the Tumultous Wastes' Residency in Shirekeep with the exception of its Military Attaché, Brigadier Z. Adagoe of the Kalgachi Defence Force.

2. All Shirerithian diplomatic staff in the Garden of Kalgachia, excepting one Sentinel Tribune A. Hoek of the Oktavyan Mission and delegates of the Sxiro-Kalgachi Military Coordination Council in Slavegate, are instructed to absent themselves from Kalgachi territory no later than forty-eight hours from the issuance of This Order. Their diplomatic visas shall be revoked upon exit.

Helloday Summerise 29th, 183 AL Diplomatic Corps Reshuffle

WHEREAS His Excellency the Chief Emissary of the Garden, one Bitt Perkian Knotty, has for the period of five years absented himself from those duties of his diplomatic office not immediately concerned with his entertainment by an entity of indeterminate composition in the far reaches of the Highbloom Pocket, AND WHEREAS this compels a certain reassignment of roles at the Directorate of the Tumultuous Wastes in order to restore it to proper function and avert a regressive Minarborianisation of the bureaucracy,

1. THE COUNCIL OF PERFECTI by This Order relieves Bitt Perkian Knotty from the office of Chief Emissary of the Garden and appoints him to the office of Extraordinary Envoy to Fort Ermingander, conditional upon the confirmation of his life status.

2. Baron Peter Nikolaevich Skuryov of Highbloom is relieved from the office of Chief Resident in Shirekeep and appointed to the office of Chief Emissary of the Garden. He is recalled to Oktavyan with immediate effect.

3. One Ephraim Lymiron, Shirekeep Station Chief of the DTW Field Research Office, is relieved of that position and appointed to the office of Chief Resident in Shirekeep, tasked in the immediate term with the appointment of his replacement in the former role who shall compile and present, for the edification of the Council of Perfecti, a prompt and comprehensive report on the current progress of the Livian Counterrevolution with regard to the imminence of Imperial Recapture.

Thanksday Summerise 27th, 183 AL The Batavergesp Railway

WHEREAS certain foreign circumstances necessitating Stress Test '83 are, in the case of those arising from the partition of Greater Batavia, within the gift of the Garden of Kalgachia to remedy, AND WHEREAS the Garden is resolved not to stand idle whilst current geographical conditions present an affront to the ancient dignity and unity of the Batavian peoples, the recovery of which is ultimately instrumental to the restoration of true multipolarity on the Benacian continent thus averting the Euran fate of hegemony, stagnation and apocalypse for which our archonic tormentors and their worldly agents so viscerally yearn, AND WHEREAS the proven generosity of Greater Batavia's sons in affording the Garden access to realms beyond Benacia through the Sterklucht Agreement, whilst repaid materially, compels a grateful repayment in spirit, AND WHEREAS there have recently come to the attention of the Kalgachi government certain individuals of sufficient experience and motivation to administer a Kalgachi hand in the solution,

1. THE COUNCIL OF PERFECTI instructs the Directorate of Public Works to commence the enactment of Filed Infrastructure Development Proposal #176-037 (Revision #183-122) 'Batavergesp', for a railway linking the Kasterburgish Inner Benacian Military Zone to the Transbatavian frontier at Southern Bosdaal, in accordance with the Schedule to This Order.

2. For the protection of the Batavergesp Railway construction against errant Tee-als and the full-spectrum monitoring of the frontier with Occupied Nackolom, The 4th (Jollity) Division of the Kalgachi Defence Force, including the 1st and 2nd Kossar Regiments supporting, shall redeploy from their present positions at the Bagegeniśort frontier to Western Lepidopterum in support of the 8th (Lepidopterum) Division and the Prefects' Border Guard Service.

3. The enactment of the DPW's construction plans for the Batavergesp Railway shall be the responsibility of the Labour Corps of the Directorate of Labour and Economic Planning. Leadership of the Corps workforce and the delivery of its assigned objectives for the Batavergesp Project is invested in one Alik Shakbert along with such meritorious individuals as he sees fit to pursue the project to an expeditious and qualitative conclusion.

4. The nature of the Batavergesp Railway's usage upon completion shall be as follows:

a) Use of the railway shall be entirely exclusive to trains emergent from, and bound directly for, sovereign ethnic-Batavian territories.

b) Trains not alighting persons or goods during their transit through Kalgachi territory shall be free of all customs and immigration controls.

c) The Prefects shall reserve the right to suspend the passage of trains through the Batavergasp Railway for reasons of national security, after the conveyance and expiry of 24 hours' notice to those jurisdictions on each end of it.

d) Notwithstanding those trains making use of it, the Batavergesp railway remains the fully sovereign territory of the Garden of Kalgachia, subject exclusively and in full to the requirements and protections of Kalgachi law and administrative precedent.


Schedule 1 - The Batavergesp Railway.

Pleaseday Summerise 20th, 183 AL National Inoculatory Action "Stress Test '83"

WHEREAS in recent years the Garden's neighbouring states have approached a condition of moribund fragility, AND WHEREAS their collapse and/or weakened coercion by malevolent parties has existential implications for Kalgachia's independent foreign travel and trade activity, AND WHEREAS it has become prudent to assess the capability of the Garden to withstand future disruptions in its land and air transit links with foreign territories, upto and including the systematic implementation of a full blockade against Kalgachia in perpetuity, AND WHEREAS the assessment, enhancement and proof of Kalgachia's ability to exist in a state of protracted isolation is the concern of the entire Kalgachi state and society, AND WHEREAS the aforesaid must be performed in a manner unprejudicial to the confidence of the Garden's foreign investors,

1. THE COUNCIL OF PERFECTI instructs the Directorate of Labour and Economic Planning to impound all imported goods upon arrival in Kalgachia and suspend their delivery to their designated recipents until the conclusion of the present year Libertatis.

2. The Prefects are instructed to suspend the issuance of all non-diplomatic exit visas to Kalgachi citizens for the remainder of the present year Libertatis, and under no circumstances permit Kalgachi citizens without diplomatic clearance to leave Kalgachia during this period.

3. Under the auspices of Stress Test '83, all organs of Kalgachi governance are to conduct internal and external resilience reviews during the course of the year, as follows:

a) The Troglodyti shall analyse, for the meditation of its adepts and dissemination through those vectors of national enlightenment within their care, all effects of the memetic vacuum in the collective and individual consciousness left by the cessation of imported goods and foreign travel, the nature of those psychical forms and entities prevailing to fill it and the long-term effects of these processes upon the national egregore.

b) The Church of Kalgachia shall (i) emphasise to its congregations the purpose of Stress Test '83 as an inoculatory exercise against the projected temptations, provocations and general incursions of our false celestial overlords and/or their corrupted wordly agents prevailing upon the collapse and/or realignment of Kalgachia's neighbouring societies. (ii) Furthermore the Church shall provide appropriate recompense to those of its subject businesses adversely affected by the suspension of Kalgachia's imports. The provision, nature and extent of any Church assistance to privately-owned businesses shall be at the discretion of individual Parishes. (iii) Sufficient partisans of each Parish shall be briefed and kept at readiness to counter the metastasization of civil discontent arising from shortages of popular imported goods.

c) The Kalgachi Defence Force shall (i) utilise Stress Test '83 to redouble its compliance with KDF Procurement Standard 155-09B concerning the purgation of all foreign-manufactured fuels and lubricants, spare parts and or any other expendables from the KDF supply chain. (ii) One battalion per KDF regiment shall be kept at readiness for the duration of Stress Test '83 to assist if necessary in countering the metastasization of civil discontent arising from shortages of popular imported goods, resorting in the first instance to the deployment of military chaplains for sympathetic dissemination of those Church reassurances detailed in 3.b.i.

d) The Prefects shall (i) complement the work of the Troglodyti in monitoring and assessing the general contentment and expressed behaviour of the population during Stress Test '83, and (ii) deploy additional agents among those segments of the population most susceptible to manifest discontent in the absence of imported goods or foreign travel oppurtunities. (iii) All maintenance of public order during Stress Test '83 shall be the ultimate responsibility of the Prefects, entrusted with the overall command and coordination of those Church and KDF units assigned to such duties in citation of This Order.

e) The Directorate of Public Works shall (i) identify all imported goods utilised in its operations and draft contingencies for their replacement by the nearest possible natively-sourced equivalents, both during and subsequent to Stress Test '83. (ii) The DPW shall enforce to the fullest extent of its remit the prevention of all non-diplomatic egress from Kalgachi territory by Kalgachi citizens, by any means of transport whatsoever, for the duration of Stress Test '83.

f) The Directorate of Labour and Economic Planning shall (i) make adequate provision for the secure storage of impounded imports during Stress Test '83. (ii) The DLEP shall make available sufficient funds to compensate selected foreign entities, based upon an average of the previous year's revenue from Kalgachi sources, for the loss of said revenue during the coming year. (iii) The DLEP shall also provide full compensation to the relevant Kalgachi parties for the spoilage of perishable imports impounded as part of Stress Test '83.

g) The Directorate of Education and Outreach shall prepare and disseminate, through national media organs, (i) comprehensive and positive explanations of Stress Test '83's purpose and implementation with an emphasis on showcasing the initiative and fortitude of ordinary citizens in adapting to a life of national isolation, as well as the temporary nature of the Test and its potential as a source of fun and novelty to the national youth. (ii) The perils of national complacency in permitting, through an existential level of dependence on foreign connections in the face of a future monopolisation of the Kalgachi frontier by hostile parties, a means of geopolitical leverage against the Kalgachi people are to be outlined simply and repeatedly.

h) The Directorate of Health and Public Welfare shall assess the relative admittance rate of mentally peturbed individuals to its care during Stress Test '83, measured against the previous year's rate. Epidemiological note is to be taken of the different concerns related to Stress Test '83 raised by such patients and their relative proportions.

i) The Directorate of the Tumultuous Wastes is to bring the attention of Kalgachia's foreign investors to the compensatory provisions contained in This Order and the limited duration of Stress Test '83, emphasising the willingness of the Kalgachi government to bear all costs incurred and the consequent absence of ill effects upon the pecuniary health of foreign trade partners or the future investment potential of the Kalgachi market.

4. Each organ of Kalgachi governance shall, upon the conclusion of Stress Test '83, compile and submit a full and comprehensive report on its respective findings, complete with lessons learned and proposed reform recommendations, for referral to its representative on the Council of Perfecti, and such internal offices as may benefit from the information, no later than the close of 184 Anno Libertatis.

Thanksday Springfall 28th, 180 AL Reciprocation of Caputian Policy Adjustments

WHEREAS Kalgachi commercial interests in concert with the Directorate of the Tumultuous Wastes have secured certain understandings with regard to a relaxation of the recent entry ban on Kalgachi citizens and trade by the Kingdom of the Union of Caputia, AND WHEREAS the Garden of Kalgachia is in a position to afford certain accomodations to Caputian state and commercial interests in reciprocation, AND WHEREAS these circumstances have brought forward the matter of the resolution of the Bovic Question in particular,

1. THE COUNCIL OF PEFRECTI instructs the Directorate of Labour and Economic Planning to produce and make available to the Octavian Import-Export Corporation sufficient engine components, actuators, structural components and physical flight controls for five hundred (500) Burdock surface-to-air missiles.

2. One Captain Kristina Delamode, Chief Designer of the Quartermaster General's Dress Optimisation Office of the Kalgachi Defence Force, is temporarily relieved of her Kalgachi duties and instructed to report without delay to the OIEC office at Gravelbottom Airport for a secondment in Nova England pending the approval of her Caputian visa application.

3. The Oktavyan Code is hereby amended to the Revision of Springfall 28th, 180 AL, striking all specific reference to the Bovic faith and thereby legalising its private practice by foreigners in Kalgachia whilst reducing the penalty for its practice by Kalgachi citizens to a period of remedial day education by the Church of Kalgachia.

4. Expenses claims by Kalgachi government officials travelling in Caputia, including all agents of autonomous businesses registered within the Church of Kalgachia, shall be approved only upon the presentation of, and entirely limited to the contents of, receipts provided by ESB Group Keltia or its subject businesses. Payments to ESB's commercial rivals in Caputia shall not be reimbursed.

5. For their initiative and competence in bringing about the above understandings the honour of Citation-in-Council, along with the award of one hundred Kalgarrand is granted to each of the following persons:

Zoryus Archonslayer
Director of Analytics, Oktavyan Import-Export Corporation
Clarence Snugg
Director of Hospitality and Incentives, Oktavyan Import-Export Corporation

6. The payment of salary to one Bitt P. Knotty, Chief Emissary to the Tumultuous Wastes, is hereby suspended until such time as he re-establishes contact with his Directorate to provide an update on his assignment to Fort Ermingander and answer miscellaneous queries which have accrued during his absence.