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Constitution of Los Liberados

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The PEOPLE of the Republic of Los Liberados, having thrown of the shackles of oppression, united as one in their eternal struggle for justice, liberty and solidarity, stand resolved in in their desire to carry forward the legacy triumphant liberación. Building on the heroic deeds of their ancestors, a nation, a light to the world, a symbol for the freedom of man from the exploitation of slavery, servitude, corruption and anti-humanism. We declare that these will be the fundamental laws of the Republic, and adopt by popular decision, this CONSTITUTION.

CHAPTER I. The Foundations of the State


The Republic of Los Liberados, is an independent and sovereign nation. Organised by all and for the good of all, as a unitary and democratic Republic, for the enjoyment of political freedom, social justice, individual and collective welfare, and human solidarity.


The official name of the State is the Republic of Los Liberados; its capital is Puerto Arcadio; its official languages are Common and Martino


All sovereignty resides with the people, building from their struggle for independence culminating in the liberación, executed through popular decision in the People's Councils, the Asamblea Naciónal and the Vanguard of the liberación, the Junta del Liberación Naciónal.


The National Symbols of the Republic are reflecting our heritage and struggle, and are: the flag of the Republic; the Estrellas de la Libertad; the national anthem: Libre.


The Junta del Liberación Naciónal is the executive organ of the revolutionary liberation of the People, and shall serve as the executive organ of the Republic in this capacity, safeguarding the liberty, dignity, solidarity and unity of the state and its people.


The Republic recognised the special beneficial role of the Iron Company in the creation of wealth and prosperity of the Republic, and shall cooperate and protect its partnership.


The People of the Republic are encouraged to participate in the mass and social organizations which have risen from the historic process of the struggles of ourpeople, which encompass different sectors of the population, representing their specific interests and incorporating them into the tasks of the edification, consolidation, and defense of our free society.


The State recognizes, respects, and guarantees religious freedom. The historic significance of the Catologian Church places it at the centre of our national identity.


The State shall maintain and defend the integrity and the sovereignty of the country; guarantee the liberty and the full dignity of man, the enjoyment of his rights, the exercise and fulfillment of his duties and the integral development of his personality.


The State shall safeguard the peaceful coexistnce of its people and establish and defend a society free from the exploitation of man by man; protect the creative work of the people and the property and riches of our free nation.


The State assures the educational, scientific, technical and cultural progress of the country.


The State guarantees that there will be no sick person who will not have medical care; that there will be no child who will not have school, food and clothing; that there will be no young person who will not have the opportunity to study; that there will be no person who will not have access to study, culture and sports or works to achieve that there will be no family which will not have a comfortable home.


All the organs of the State, their leaders, functionaries, and employees, act within the limits of their respective competences and are under the obligation to strictly observe the legality and to see to the respect for it in the life of the entire society.


The State exercises its sovereignty: a) over all the national territory, [which] consists of the islands of Los Liberados, as well as the 100-mile nautical protection zone as established in the Treaty of the Norfolk Isles. b) over the environment and the natural resources of the country.


The Republic of Los Liberados adopts anti-imperialist and internationalist principles, and a) ratifies its aspiration for a worthy, true, and valid peace for all States, large and small, weak and powerful, based on the respect for the independence and sovereignty of peoples and the right to self-determination; b) bases its international relations on the principles of equality of rights, free determination of peoples, territorial integrity, independence of States, international cooperation for mutual and equitable benefit and interest, peaceful settlement of controversies, marked by equality and respect, and the other principles proclaimed in the Charter of the Micras Treaty Organisation. c) reaffirms its desire for integration and collaboration with the nations with a shared Batavian heritage, and shall be a comitted member to the Batavian Confederation. d) shall maintain a stance of principled hostility to those nations who threaten the Intermicronational order by seeking to monopolise international trade, occupying the land of free peoples and countering the ideas of liberty. It shall therefore not establish any relations of friendship with nations alligned to the USSO block. e) maintains relations of friendship with the countries which, having a different political, social and economic regime, respect its sovereignty, observe the norms of coexistence among the States, abide by the principles of mutual conveniences, and adopt a reciprocal attitude with our country.


The Republic of Los Liberados grants asylum to those persecuted for their ideals or struggles for democratic rights, against imperialism, colonialism and neocolonialism; against discrimination and racism; for national liberation; for the rights and demands of the workers, peasants, and students; for their progressive political, scientific, artistic, and literary activities; and for socialism and peace.


The personal ownership of earnings and savings derived from one's own work, of the dwelling which one possesses with legal title of property and of the other goods and objects which serve to satisfy the material and cultural needs of the person, is guaranteed.

CHAPTER II. Citizenship


Liberadosan citizenship is acquired by birth or by naturalization.


Liberadosan citizens by birth are: a) those born in the national territory, with the exception of the children of foreigners who are in the service of their government or of international organisms. The law establishes the requirements and formalities for the case of children of foreigners who are not permanent residents of the country; b) those born abroad, of a Liberadosan father or mother who are carrying out an official mission; c) those born abroad, of a Liberadosan father or mother, with prior compliance with the formalities that the law specifies; d) those born outside the national territory, of a father or mother, natives of the Republic of Los Liberados who have lost this nationality, as long as they claim it in the form that the law specifies. e) foreigners who by exceptional merits won in the struggles for the liberation of Los Liberados.


Liberadosan citizens by naturalization are: a) those foreigners who acquire citizenship in accordance with established provisions; b) those who had served in the liberación; c) those who, having been arbitrarily deprived of their citizenship of origin obtain citizenship by an express accord of the Council of State.


Neither marriage nor its dissolution affects the citizenship of the spouses or their children.


Liberadosans cannot be deprived of their citizenship except for legally established causes. Nor can they be deprived of the right to change it. Dual citizenship will not be admitted, except in the case of nations belonging to the Batavian Confederacy. Consequently, when a foreign citizenship is acquired, the Liberadosan citizenship is lost.


Citizenship can be recovered in those cases and in the form that the law prescribes.


Foreigners residing in the territory of the Republic are considered equal to Liberadosans:

  • in the protection of their persons and assets;
  • in the enjoyment of rights and the fulfillment of duties recognized in this Constitution, under the conditions and with the limitations that the law establishes;
  • in the obligation to observe the Constitution and the law; in the obligation to contribute to public expenditures in the manner and amount that the law establishes;
  • in submission to the jurisdiction and resolutions of the tribunals of justice and authorities of the Republic.



The State protects the family, motherhood and matrimony. The State recognizes in the family the fundamental cell of the society, and attributes to it responsibilities and functions essential for the education and training of the new generations.


Marriage is the voluntarily concerted union of a man and a woman with legal capacity to it, with the purpose to make a life together. It is based on the absolute equality of rights and duties of the spouses who must attend to the maintenance of the home and the integral education of the children through common effort, in a way that is compatible with the development of the social activities of both. The law regulates the formalization, recognition and dissolution of marriage and the rights and obligations deriving from such acts.


All children have equal rights, both born in or out of marriage.


The parents have the duty to provide food for their children and to help them to defend their legitimate interests and in the realization of their just aspirations; as well as to contribute actively to their education and integral development as useful and prepared citizens for life in a free society. The children, in turn, are obligated to respect and help their parents.

CHAPTER IV, Fundamental Rights, Duties and Guarantees


The State Guarantees the opportunity to work for all its citizens. By means of the system of social security, the State guarantees adequate protection to every worker disabled by his age, disability or illness. In case of the death of the worker it guarantees similar protection to his family.


The State protects, by means of social assistance, the elderly lacking resources or protection and any person not fit to work who has no relatives who are able to help him.


Everyone has the right to have his health attended to and protected.


Everyone has the right to education. This right is guaranteed by the extensive and free system of schools, semi-boarding and boarding schools and scholarships in all types and levels of education, and by free school material[s], which provide all children and young people, whatever the economic situation of their family is, with the opportunity to study in accordance with their aptitude, the social demands and the necessities of socioeconomic development.


Freedom of speech and press is recognized for the citizens in conformity with the objectives of the liberation of the people.


Every Liberadosan citizen shall have the rights of assembly, demonstration and association.


The State, which recognizes, respects and guarantees freedom of conscience and religion, recognizes, respects, and guarantees, at the same time, the freedom of every citizen to change religious creeds, or not to have any; and to profess, with respect for the law, the religious worship of their choice.


The State guarantees the inviolability of the Body; the domicile; the correspondence of its people. No one can be detained, except in the cases, in the form and with the guarantees. The detainee or prisoner is inviolable in his personal integrity.


No one can be tried or sentenced except by the competent tribunal


None of the freedoms recognized for the citizens can be exercised against what is established in the Constitution and the laws, or against the existence and objectives of the state, or against the decision of the Liberadosan people and its representative to uphold the principles of the liberación.


The defense of the homeland is the greatest honor and the supreme duty of every Liberadosan. All Liberadosans shall serve their country by means of conscription for a minimum period of 12 months, between the ages of 18 and 24.


Treason against the homeland is the most grave of crimes; one who commits it is subject to the most severe penalties.

CHAPTER V, The Executive


The Executive power of the Republic of Los Liberados resides with the Junta de Liberación Nacional, vanguard of the liberation of the people.


The Head of State of the Republic is the President of the Junta de Liberación Nacional.


The first President of the Junta de Liberación Nacional is Jacobo Castrigo Álvarez, hero of the liberación. The President appoints its own successor. In the case of a Presidential vacancy, through death, incapacitation or otherwise, the Junta de Liberación Nacional elects from among its members a new President by two-third majority.


The President appoints, and dismisses, the members of the Junta de Liberación Nacional.


The President may delegate any task or capacity to individual members of the Junta de Liberación Nacional.


The President may be removed from office by unanimous consent of the Junta de Liberación Nacional.

Chapter VI, The Legislative


The Republic of Los Liberados recognises three types of law:

  • Declaracións
  • Derechos Civil
  • Treaties


The President of the Junta de Liberación Nacional may issue Declaracións, and signs Treaties


The President may delegate to individual members of the Junta de Liberación Nacional the power to issue Declaracións in certified policy areas.


The Asamblea Nacional de la República is the primary legislative body of the Republic. It reflects the will of the people. All its decisions shall be made by simple majority.


The Asamblea Nacional de la República is composed of 125 members, all of which are elected by the people. 65 of its seats are elected using proportional representation with a 5% treshold. 60 seats are allocated using single-member constituency voting and the first-past-the-post method in 60 electoral districts.


The members of the Asamblea Nacional de la República serve a term of no longer than five Norton years. After this period, elections are called. Earlier elections may be called.


The Asamblea Nacional de la República has the power to legislate on:

  • Derechos Civil
  • The ratification of Treaties


Legislation of the Asamblea Nacional de la República enters into force only upon Promulgation by the President of the Junta de Liberación Nacional.


The Asamblea Nacional de la República elects, from its own members, a President of Assembly.

CHAPTER VII, Further stipulations


This Constitution can only be reformed by the will of the people, expressed through a referendum. Minor additions may be made through the vanguard of popular power, the Junta de Liberación Nacional.