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Decree appointing the Lord of Delfinenstrand

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The Decree appointing the Lord of Delfinenstrand (1688:001-M), issued by Regent Áþamé Issèla Mari Vāstra, was the first decree of Whales since the coming to force of the Constitution of Whales. The decree appointed Iñigo al-Osman Primo de Aguilar to Lord of Delfinenstrand, and appointed his parents, Jaime Augustin Joaquin Primo de Aguilar and Esmeralda al-Osman, to guardians over the lordship until their son attains legal age.



Appointed to Herr von Delfinenstrand (Irukahama-no-kō), His Imperial Highness Iñigo Lorenzo Aloysius Shahnaz al-Osman, Primo de Aguilar. His parents shall be guardians over the lordship until he attains the legal age.

Done at the Court of the Whales, this eighth day of Friedeber in the year 1688.

/s/ A. I. M. V.