Ashkenatzi Democratic Party

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Ashkenatzi Democratic Party Logo

The Ashkenatzi Democratic Party is a centre-left social democratic political party operating in the Republic of Ashkenatza. It is currently one of the largest political interest groups in the nation, claiming several previous Nohsim - including Chaim Wajnstein and Szhmuel Astopov. Commonly known as the ADP, with it's members called "Democrats", the party has rapidly developed into the modern alternative to the Bund, which has controlled both the Knesset and Ruzhin Palace throughout most of Ashkenatzi history.


The ADP was founded on June 1, 2009, by MK Chaim Wajnstein. It was granted operating space by then-allied Bund soon after. On June 5, the party's first manifesto was released. It very briefly outlined the party's goals for Ashkenatza. Chief among these was the protection of the nation's young democracy. [1] The manifesto also advocated for an interventionist foreign policy.

Although originally allied with the Bund, the fledgling party soon took on it's own identity. In May of 2010, the Wajnstein Manifesto was released. [2] In it, Wajnstein proclaimed the party's support for social efforts involving education, health care, and the economy. Additionally, it was the first time a major political party had proclaimed support for a Tellian Autonomous Region.