Field Notes of Orek bi Łestkin, Amateur Ethnographer

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These Field Notes on the life, events, and habits of the people of the western Benacian Green were compiled through the diligent work of one Orek bi Łestkin, a Montycriscan untitled noble and self-styled amateur ethnographer.


Traveller and Ethnographer, scholar, and a gentleman of a particular nature.

Orek bi Łestkin was introduced to the western Benacian Green while serving as a Draconary in the Imperial Army during Operation Way of Force, and the way in which the scattered peoples successfully clung to life in the wasteland.

Following the completion of his required military service in 1659 AN, Orek immediately set to work planning for an expedition into the Green. After demonstrating his combat skill with both sabre and pistol, Lach clansmen in the Mandate of Tellia decided he was sportly enough not to bother enslaving, and agreed to escort him across the frontier, which they did on 3.II.1660 AN.

First Cache

Reached encampment at "Banaash". Map indicates this is former Benacia Hamlet, former Benaciastadt. Outer parts of the city look intentionally leveled, left waist-high to human height, gaps between buildings filled, basements still in active use. Many young men and women armed with guns of questionable quality.
Banaash Center has standing structures. Most All roofs - tent material.
Main marketplace sells a wide variety of goods. Wooden booths and tent roofs. Tellian booth sells electronics
Sign: "Myłk°eć'ehe Mameblenemć'e". My guide can't read, I attempt to sound it out. Guide made faces, talks with traders:
"New assets from Mameblene" ?
Closer inspection, some looks militarygrade
Sales conducted in bullets, food, persons
Housing secured for me and my guide, extra because guide is not sworn to the "prince"?
says word also can mean "spear", also "father-in-law"
Consider replacing guide selling guide, buying someone literate
learn local language?
Need to find way to conserve resources. Erbs don't seem to carry with these people.
Guide needed to speak roughly and quickly with aggressive local.
One pistol round used to mean business.
Laughing merchant attempted to sell me pistol of questionable quality. Refused, and the man spat at my feet.
A drawing ... had the words "ROYAГORDNCЄ" stamped all over to mark safety ? joint for action along barrel &c
FieldNotes pistol.png
One pistol rounds traded for half an hour's use. Overpriced.
The adaptation to subterranean living seems to be a response to the aggressiveness of the Tee-Al. Habitation above-ground is limited to the old city center and leaders among the Black Brothers. Many areas have extensive tunnels to connect several basement homes together.
Saw Lachs dressed in black robes send off two donkey carts of goods along the western road. Guide objected to a closer look. Looked to be light artillery pieces and old rifles. Some of Imperial manufacture, others not. The Lachs escorting these carts armed themselves with quality goods, not the questionable pistols that the others carry on their belts.
Local Lach offered two slaves for my horses: one man looked mid-30s, one boy brutish. Guide suggested I demand seven slaves for my ride, including a delicate boy. I refused to bargain. Guide was not pleased, but relayed my message after I insisted that I did not wish to sell my horses. Local Lach spit at my feet and departed.
Locals will price high and expect heavy-handed haggling.
Met Prince/Spear/Father-in-Law of Banaash to discuss stolen horse. Angry that I'm questioning and insulting the locals. Demanded I leave before nightfall.
Acquired supplies, local attempted to sell local-made rifle. I declined. Local spat at my feet. My guide spoke to a cloud, so I bartered myself with the few words I've picked up. They haggle like they have leverage
Three rifle rounds bartered for goods. Declined meat.
Horses laid up to carry pack, walking on foot.
Western road has turned northwest.
Encountered farming community, uses an irrigated channel to redirect river water to their farm.
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Found rock wall partially buried in soil and vegetation. Style does not resemble Ashkenatzi or Minarborian, weathering suggests extraordinary age. Locals call it an Aashwadapk Guide says this means "Shield Wall"
the wall is located on the northern side of a ridge north of the community
Standing in the gateway. To my left, I can see the foothills clawing up towards the mountains of Kalgachia. They become shallower towards my center of view. In the distance, I can see a pair of mountains masked by haze. To my right, more hills, rolling, meager height.
This used to be White Litovina.
Far beyond the horizon should be Mishalan and the frontier patrols of the Imperial Army.
successfully bargained with the leader of the farming commune, calls himself "Yaatash" "Father's Brother" "Uncle". They live in the hills Tee-al protection?
had to share bed with adolescent boy with with aggressive look to him
Uncle agreed to house us if we used the horse to move some large stones to the irrigation channel and help shore up the walls. Stones are a short walk west.
I suspect that "Uncle" may be a euphemism
Stones are from another ancient stone wall, worse physical condition. Looks like the locals have been picking this one apart for years.
The Lachs seem to enjoy telling stories over their supper. Some are deeds of the Uncle. Some are stories about quarrels between the stars (zhwaarwa). One was a deed by the Uncle's greatgrandfather? when the Lachs entered the fallen Letwav? realm, made slaves of the people of the land and took their women. The Uncle laughed heartily at this story and elbowed one of the old women in the community.
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Quick Sketch of Old Woman
The Uncle dismissed the feast.
Sat out under the stars until the fires were put out. Waxing Quarter.
Small person wrapped in a yellow cloth is taken to the Uncle's door. My bedmate then comes to summon me. Something about a knife if I wake him.
Second night sharing bed with the aggressive boy. He keeps a knife by his side. Did not see previous night.
Uncle attempted to bargain for one of my horses. His offer was two children, one male one female. My guide told me to demand five pshaashas and the child in yellow, for they are fine horses that I depend on. He also told me to rest my hand on my pistol while he gave these words.
The Uncle says that we can bargain again later, once I have no need for the horses.
We departed northward from the farming community, back towards the road.

pshaasha means a young woman
yellow linen body wraps are worn by wedzhekwa ?