An abridged record of the discussions and decisions of the Dolmen of the Republic of Inner Benecia. The Dolmen regularly meets after the new moon, but may be summoned by the Saduc in times of emergency.
3rd month of Elior Ben Oni
Regular Meeting, third day after the sighting of the new Crescent
The Saduc announces that the mission to the Shirerithian border was successful, and that the shipment of concrete would be arriving in Bagegeniśort by tomorrow, and that this one will include instructions on how to mix it.
- Delegate from Товарищество Mолота stood to propose sending an envoy to Kalgachia to settle and secure the border.
- Delegate from Palmati stood to agree. The delegate then recounted a story about a Tee-al the Kalgachi killed that was "this big". The delegate then held his hands up with a space of three cubits between them.
- A vote on whether the Delegate from Palmati should sit if he knows what's coming to him passed.
- Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood to declare that he would sooner cut his own hands off than vote for such a measure, and that his heart will not be at peace with the heathens on their mountain.
- Delegate from Luinali rose to ask for a demonstration on how to cut one's own hands.
- Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood firm and proposed throwing a spear over the border into Kalgachia so that the mountain heathens would know to tread carefully upon their land.
- Sasos Elior stood.
- A vote on the envoy to Kalgachia to settle the border passed.
- A vote on throwing a spear into Kalgachia passed.
- Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood to issue curses.
- A vote on whether the Delegate from קוסט וואַך should refrain from issuing curses failed.
- Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood to propose that funds be issued to extend the road from Bagegeniśort to Laviche.
- Delegate from Tăźśăcaquha rose to ask whether the extension would be pounded dirt or gravel, like the stretch of road from Bagegeniśort to Məyequăpă.
- Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood firm and indicated that gravel was preferred.
- Sasos Elior stood.
- A vote on funds to extend the road to Laviche with a gravel surface failed.
- Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood to propose a dirt road and to widen the existing part of the road.
- Sasos Elior stood.
- A vote on funds to extend the road to Laviche with pounded dirt and widen the existing portion failed.
- Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood to propose extending the road by a portion.
- Delegate from Tăźśăcaquha rose to ask for five parasangs.
- Delegate from קוסט וואַך stood firm and indicated a preference for 10 parasangs.
- Delegate from Tăźśăcaquha rose to ask for seven parasangs.
- Sasos Elior stood.
- A vote on funds to extend the road to Laviche with pounded dirt by seven parasangs passed.
- Sasos Elior stood and asked for more matters for the Dolmen.
- A vote to close the session and eat passes.
- An envoy shall be sent to Kalgachia to negotiate a border agreement.
- An envoy shall be sent to the Kalgachi border to throw a spear.
- Funds shall be issued to extend the Laviche Road with pounded dirt by seven parasangs.