New Zimia Stock Fund
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The oldest company housed in Grand Duke National Mall, the New Zimia Stock Fund oversees the agricultural production of the region's unique herbs and spices.
Recent Production Reports
875 WG: Prices are High
-Eply Rabrev: 90 Tons / Share
-Fuy-Rabrev: 60 Tons / Share
-Nou-Oname: 10 Tons / Share
-Adraso-Oname: 20 Tons / Share
875 Employment Report
-Number of People Employed (% of all Employed): 302,467 (2.12%)
-Total Paid in Wages (% of all Wages): 5,638 Polis (1.6%)
-Average Wages / Employee: .02 Polis
-Value of Company (% of GDP): 26,553 Polis (2%)
Company is Underfunded.