Template:Infobox treaty

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Template documentation

This template is designed to create an infobox for treaties and agreements within the world of Micras. It is flexible and can accommodate various types of legal documents between multiple entities.


{{Infobox treaty
| name          = Name of the treaty or agreement
| image         = Filename of the image (e.g., Treaty.png)
| alt           = Alternative text for the image
| caption       = Caption for the image
| type          = Type of document (e.g., Peace treaty, Trade agreement)
| date_signed   = Date when the treaty was signed
| location      = Location where the treaty was signed
| date_effective= Date when the treaty comes into effect
| parties       = Parties involved in the treaty
| language      = Languages in which the treaty was written
| purpose       = Brief description of the treaty's purpose
| fulltextlink  = URL to the full text of the treaty


Treaty of Example
Type Peace Treaty
Signed January 1, 1700 AN
Location Example City, Example Nation
Effective January 1, 1701 AN
Parties Nation1, Nation2
Language(s) English, French
Purpose To end the war between Nation1 and Nation2