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South Cibolan Witchcraft

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South Cibolan Witchcraft is a traditional collection of beliefs and practices, performed mostly by women in the south of Cibola, but it has adherents among all genders and on all continents. The tradition worships several goddesses, amongst which the Eternal Mistress is usually considered to be the greatest. South Cibolan Witchcraft is the de facto state religion of the Confoederatio Aemilia, as the state follows the practice of taking the auspices, observing the movements of birds to receive omens, according to the tradition, before making any significant executive or legislative decisions. The state does however not prescribe any rituals for citizens that do not hold a government position.

Witch hunts

Negative attitudes towards witchcraft affect the practitioners of South Cibolan witchcraft as well, especially when they try to follow their traditions in other continents than Cibola. These attitudes do not usually stem from the practice of the witch, but from prejudice. Claims that witches place evil spells on their enemies or try to ruin the harvest of their home country are part of witch hunts intended to find a scapegoat for problems that don't have a clear origin. These claims are usually made by representatives of fringe Nazarene sects, or misogynistic populists and without foundation, as witchcraft is seen as something that empowers women, and thus threatens these men's fragile perception of power.