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Banco Nacional Aguilar

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Banco Nacional Aguilar (BNA)
Type National Bank
Industry Banking and Financial Services
Area served Nationwide
Key people
  • Retail banking
  • Corporate banking
  • Wealth management
  • Investment banking
Revenue CON$ 15 billion (1724 AN)
Total assets CON$ 200 billion (1724 AN)
Employees 12,000 (1724 AN)

Banco Nacional Aguilar (BNA) was a prominent financial institution in Constancia, founded in 1650 AN. Headquartered in Astérapolis, BNA played a crucial role in the nation's economic development for 75 years. Known for its robust retail and corporate banking services, BNA also expanded into wealth management and investment banking, making it a cornerstone of Constancian finance.


BNA was established in 1650 AN, during a period of rapid economic expansion in Constancia. Initially a regional bank, it quickly grew to become a national entity, aiding in the development of key industries and infrastructure projects throughout the country. Over the years, BNA was instrumental in financing major public works and fostering entrepreneurial ventures, contributing significantly to the nation's economic growth.


BNA offered a wide range of financial services, including but not limited to:

  • Retail banking, providing everyday financial services to individuals and small businesses.
  • Corporate banking, catering to the needs of large businesses and organizations.
  • Wealth management, offering investment and savings solutions.
  • Investment banking, involving in underwriting, mergers and acquisitions, and advisory services.


In 1725 AN, BNA faced severe liquidity issues due to a confluence of factors, including the general economic downturn, the impact of a nationwide drought on agricultural loans, and the widespread financial instability resulting from the general strike. These challenges, coupled with a loss of consumer confidence and a run on the bank, led to its eventual collapse, marking a significant turning point in the financial history of Constancia. The failure of BNA was a critical factor in the 1725 financial crisis, profoundly impacting the national economy and necessitating intervention by international financial institutions.

After its placement under receivership, under the supervision of the Basileusan Bank, a new coalition of investors presented themselves, ready to completely guarantee depositors. Comprising the Osman-Aguilar Holdings Corporation, Kamator Corporation, the Imperial & Emirati Bank of Alalehzamin and Constancia and Kerularios & Company, regulatory approvals were soon secured, and BNA was officially turned over to their ownership on 2.X.1726, with guarantees that BNA would resume consumer operations by first or second quarter of 1727.


Despite its collapse, the legacy of Banco Nacional Aguilar remains embedded in the economic history of Constancia. Its role in the nation's financial development and the subsequent crisis has been a subject of study in economic circles, offering lessons in risk management and financial regulation.