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Fenriz Ghul, a powerful Taityr warlord in Vizia of whom has been one of the main combatants against the Cerulean military in re-civilizing that region of the Green.

The Western Frontier of Vizia, (Cerulean: Западная граница Визия) is a region of the The Green around the northern shores of Lake Caledonia and Lake Tulsa patrolled by the Cerulean People's Army and the Border Guard divisions of the Commissariat for State Security. Considered a wildland territory that has never accepted the rule of law brought by the Cerulean Communist Party. Routine incursions into Vizia to quell the barbarous inhabitants by the military. Much of this frontier region contains the ethnic groups of the Taityrs, of whom the majority have re-tribalized following the collapse of civilization in the region. As such, the majority of the largest tribes have yet to accept the civilization of the region by the USSRC in order to bring law and order to the Green. Many tribes possess semi-modern military equipment left over from the times of the Nordic Union, all the while still engaging in the nomadic lifestyle now practiced.